VF Circuit - Round Robin #1 - 360 & PS3 League

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by akai, Jul 28, 2012.

  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    I will be updating this thread for this weekend's Circuit (note you should recieve a group PM with your bracket as I complete them).

    Format: Round Robin (1 match against each opponent) =

    For the round robin brackets results (only look at win-loss record, everything else is irrelevant for the Circuit):

    360 League: Round Robins #1
    Bracket 1
    Bracket 2 [​IMG] Matches (Feck)
    Bracket 3
    Bracket 4 [​IMG] Matches (Z3R0fun)
    Bracket 5
    Bracket 6
    Bracket 7
    Bracket 8

    PS3 League: Round Robins #1
    Bracket 1
    Bracket 2
    Bracket 3
    Bracket 4
    Bracket 5
    Bracket 6
    Bracket 7
    Bracket 8
    Bracket 9
  2. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I thought this was starting at 8pm in your given timezone. This would be 2 or 3pm for me right now eastern.
  3. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    The two brackets/countdown timer above are Europe's round robins. I am currently working on the North America's 360 league round robins.
  4. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    East coast brackets have been made and sent to everyone participating.
  5. wingchun_warrior

    wingchun_warrior Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    what bout the ps3 event when
  6. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    PS3 is tomorrow. For the 360 League, Europe brackets 1 and 2 are completed. The rest of the 360 brackets have been posted and set.

    Note that being on VFDC will help run the event more smoothly (if you have questions or problems). Also, follow the brackets. You should be able to edit the results of your own matches. Thanks.
  7. vmoney48

    vmoney48 Member

    i know i sign up and was ready for it. i guess i will have to wait for the next circuit to come up.
  8. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    I don't know where to report the results, so I'm gonna post them here for PS3 League Japan

    adversity: no show

    Reno vs Namflow: 0 - 1 for Namflow
    Reno vs Supergolden: 1 - 0 for Reno
    Namflow vs Supergolden: 0 - 1 for Supergolden

    So basically, a 3 way tie for first. :p
  9. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    GGs to Reno and Namflow.

    Reno> I saved the replay, need to study up vs Taka.

    Nammy> You got the combos down, but you should play more VF and less D3 :p

    I am in Tokyo, Reno is in Osaka and Namflow is in Ishikawa. Three green bars coast to coast across Honshu.

    Would be nice if some of the other VFDCers in Japan joined the fray!
  10. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Note: Due to the PSN issues, I am postponing the PS3 League Round Robin to next Sunday, August 5th.

    Hopefully, the issues with the network are fixed or more stable by then. Sorry for any inconveniences.

    Those who signed up for this Sunday and cannot make it for next Sunday's round robin will still get the point.

    Reno, Supergolden, and Namflow: I will record the results ^_^. If you guys want to do it again next Sunday (hopefully more from Japan or East Asia). We will see!


    vmoney - I only received registration information from you for the Circuit (the one that asks for IDs, location, and email). For each individual event within the circuit, there is a separate registration/confirmation to participate. People registered for the VF Circuit just have to PM, replied in a thread, or email me saying they will be able to participate.

    360 League Round Robins Feedback
    Thanks again for everyone that participated. We had some hiccups and kinks during the event, but I hope to work them out as the season continues. I will make a list of stuff that needs to be addressed to streamline these events.

    I appreciate everyone's patience and hope as a community we can make these events fun and competitive for everyone.

    At the conclusion of yesterday's Round Robins, 52 players out of 100 players in the Xbox League took part of the event in 8 different brackets in Europe and North America.

    If there is an error in the results (win-loss results), let me know. The "number" of rounds/points a person get and listed in the challonge bracket links are not relevant for the Circuit.



    As you can see from above, the Circuit is currently played by people in North America, Europe, and several people in Japan. If you want to play just signed in the Circuit and hopefully others in your area will follow your example!
  11. gl0ry

    gl0ry Well-Known Member

    I should be around for next week. For some reason I thought it said Sundays for 360, and I work on that day. But Saturdays should be ok.
  12. Namflow

    Namflow Well-Known Member

    GG Reno and Supergolden!

    Looking forward to the next event.

    Hopefully we can round up some more for the Japan league. I wonder where everyone is?

    (or maybe it's just Reno, Super and I are the only VFDCers who live in Asia...?)
  13. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member

    I live! I thought you moved back...where have you guys been???

    There are plenty of VFDCers across Asia, they probably just don't read threads like this.
  14. Namflow

    Namflow Well-Known Member

    Woo Shou!

    Super and I are still in Japan - he's in Tokyo and I'm still hanging around in Hokuriku. I've been out of the VF scene until VF5:FS hit for the home system. (Seeing my cards in the arcade with 1,000 loses and realizing that's over $1,000 cured my habbit pretty fast)

    Glad to hear the wannafight.us crew is still around. I check your YouTube channel and website from time to time hoping to see new vids of you kicking some ass but I don't think there's been a new YouTube vid from you guys in over a year :'(
  15. Z3R0fun

    Z3R0fun Member

    VF Circuit: season one Bracket #4 Xbox League


    Here is the First Event of the VFCircuit from Bracket #4. Sorry about the poor edit I need better software for editing(windows movie maker is buggy). Regardless can't wait until the next event!!!
  16. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Z3ROFUN - thanks for uploading. If people have captured videos from the round robins, please post it here, and I will update the front post.

    This coming weekend, there will not be a round robin for the xbox league (biweekly). This Sunday will be PS3 league that got delayed, which leads to another concern:

    Since the PS3 league round robin is starting on a different weekend from the Xbox league, do we want to keep it that way or go with the original plan?

    Original Plan:
    Week 1: Xbox / PS3 Biweekly Round Robins
    Week 2: -
    Week 3: Xbox / PS3 Biweekly Round Robins
    Week 4: -

    Alternative Plan:
    Week 1: Xbox Biweekly Round Robins
    Week 2: PS3 Biweekly Round Robins
    Week 3: Xbox Biweekly Round Robins
    Week 4: PS3 Biweekly Round Robins
  17. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member

    My FT match total was near the 9000 range so have a quick thought on how much was spent there lol

    I haven't actively played since FS originally came out in the arcade so I don't have any new videos and no one left here but me. Dave lives in NYC and the other Japanese players on my team quit when FS came out.

    Yesterday, I went to the arcade to play FS for the first time in forever and saw that I have around 500 matches on my card at Meijin. I trained a few times with the Kushin Generation team so might play on their team going forward.
  18. DarkRios3

    DarkRios3 Member

    I'd rather go with the alternative plan. That way we can do the round robins on Sunday nights if possible because even though it's just an hour or so, spending a Sunday evening playing VF5FS is way better than doing it on a Saturday night, but that's just my thoughts on it.
  19. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Since someone PMed me about it, the PS3 League Round Robins for Europe and North America will be happening this Sunday.

    Those that have signed up for last Sunday will automatically get a point even if you can't make it to this Sunday's event.

    Those in the Circuit that have signed up for last Sunday's event are automatically put in the brackets that will be sent out tomorrow. So you don't need to post to confirm attendance. Only need to contact me if you can't make it.

    Those in the Circuit that did not signed up for last Sunday's event but can and want to participate in the event this coming Sunday, can either PM me, post here, or email me.

    Those not in the Circuit, but would like to be part of it follow the registration instructions in the PDF found in the vfcircuit.blogspot.com
  20. Tocuh

    Tocuh Well-Known Member

    I prefer the alternative plan and I wanna participate in this sunday's event!

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