VF Circuit Divisions and Prizes

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Aug 24, 2012.

By akai on Aug 24, 2012 at 10:56 PM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    So far, a total of four events in VFDC's Online League, the VF Circuit, have been completed. Two additional round robin events have been announced: the 360 League Round Robin #3 on August 27th and the PS3 League Round Robin #3 on September 10th. As stated before the Circuit began, divisions and prizes will be determined based on the number of participants before the first Major Event (September 15-16). Some of these prizes are mentioned below.

    Based on the current number of participants, there will be a total of 7 Divisions - 4 in PS3 (Japan / Europe / Eastern North America / Western North America) and 3 in 360 (Europe / Eastern North America / Western North America). The top 3 players in points per division will received the Mad Catz Prize at the end of the season!

    Mad Catz Prize
    First Place – Mad Catz SFXTK Arcade FightStick V.S. and TRITTON Detonator Headset ($280 total value)
    Second Place - Mad Catz SFXTK Arcade FightStick PRO and TRITTON Detonator Headset ($240 total value)
    Third Place - Team Mad Catz shirt and TRITTON Detonator Headset ($100 value)


    One of the goals of the Circuit is to promote the growth of the VF community and also players' participation in organized events. Based on player's participation in the Circuit, certain players will received the SEGA Prize.

    SEGA Prize
    The SEGA Prize consists of Virtua FIghter 5 Final Showdown T-shirts and Posters.

    Details and Sign-Up for the first Major Event will be posted soon. Thanks goes to the sponsors for providing prize support to the first season of the VF Circuit! Additional prizes/awards will be announced in the future.

    Disclaimer: The sponsors of the VF Circuit are not the ones running these events and are not responsible for anything that happens during these events.


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Aug 24, 2012.

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