VF 2 or VF 3TB tournaments anywhere???

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by BrEmerican, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. BrEmerican

    BrEmerican New Member

    I'm sorry if this isn't the proper category for this question,
    but i'm very curious as to if they still hold tournaments for Virtua Fighter 2 or Virtua Fighter 3 / 3TB.

    Do they only do tournaments for the current-latest entry of the Virtua Fighter series, or are they ANY other tournaments for ANY of the older Virtua Fighters??


    I'm new to this website, and i must say... I LOVE IT!!

    Thanks guys for making this exist!!

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    I play vf2 online on psn sometimes so if you want some matches then let me know. VF2 and 3 tournaments happen rarely and maybe only at someone's house or in Japan but not around here from what I know.

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