Vanessa Combo Video- "Battlefield"

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by ApocryphicV, Jul 27, 2012.

  1. ApocryphicV

    ApocryphicV Active Member


    Exploring the combo potential of Vanessa Lewis in VF: Final Showdown.

    Oki set-ups, guaranteed throw opportunities and some wall juice as well as combos against all weight classes.

    Comments, critiques are always welcomed.
  2. tmd02

    tmd02 Well-Known Member

    As I mentioned before on YT: OMFG!

    Fantastic use of track for the video, and I love titles for combo videos relating to the character, battlefield was a good choice!

    It's been a great day today, I wish for a Vanessa vid and I get one on the same day!!

    My smartest move on this site was witnessing your amazing combo abilities of this game, good job bro and cheers for the shout out! I'll have to repay you at a higher scale now if you know what I mean :p
  3. ApocryphicV

    ApocryphicV Active Member

    Thanks TMD. I must admit I think the track made my video even better then I hope, its that epic LOL.

    Also, I'm happy VFDC helped exposed me to you guys as well, now we are collaborating, sky is the limit. Also Zerochan tweeted about my vid too, which is really awesome.

    Related: write-up, transcript and behind the scenes. I explain my custom choices, combo in depth and even point out where I failed hah.
  4. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Dam dude. Crazy. That music track was good too. I just happen to be listening to a bunch of songs like that on YouTube titled "greatest battle songs of all times". So it was kinda wild to hear something similar on your video hahah.

    Again man, awesome stuff. I don't use Vanessa, but I can appreciate what was done here. Thanks for making these.
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Fantastic work, once again AV! Loved the effects on Cammy Ultra 2, too! [​IMG]
  6. ApocryphicV

    ApocryphicV Active Member

    Thanks for the feedback guys. I must admit the VFDC community has been very kind to me and that plus TMD02 videos keep pushing me to put out more and more quality content.

    Myke: Happy someone peeped that. LOL I was going to make it a bit more obvious and actually put footage of said Ultra into the video but I felt it disturbed the flow too much.

    Tha_FeauchA: Thanks for the feedback, yeah that track is epic to say the least. I'm using this as my new work-out/ combo video discovery music hah.

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