Utah Players

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Lau_Zedong, Jan 27, 2003.

  1. Lau_Zedong

    Lau_Zedong Member

    I hear that there is an evo machine at the Crossroads mall (the mall across from the temple in Salt Lake City). Assuming this is true is there anyone out there that would like to get together sometime and play? Maybe eventually get a tourney together.
  2. beyourown

    beyourown Active Member

    I would love to play. I work fulltime and am a full time student, so my schedule is chaotic. I'd still love to play. let me know details. Is there anyone else out there????
  3. beyourown

    beyourown Active Member

    A few years ago there were a group of4 or 5 of usthat would get together and play VF3. I know that there has to be other players out there living in or around Salt Lake. WHERE ARE YOU????
  4. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    looking for some people to get together and play, i'm from ogden, i suck but love it
  5. beyourown

    beyourown Active Member

    OK now there are three of us. At least three of us that are known. I live in Salt Lake and would love to play. Any idea on when you might come down.
  6. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    i'm down to play anytime, full time student and i work part time, but i'll try to make the time! schadevf4@hotmail.com
  7. beyourown

    beyourown Active Member

    I'm also a student and work fulltime. Sunday may be teh best day if for no other reason we won't have to pay for parking which can be a bit much a Crossroads. I have a few papers coming up, so let me know if or when so I can budget what time I have.
  8. Lau_Zedong

    Lau_Zedong Member

    I am a student up at USU but I would be willing to drive down to play some weekend. I've never had real vs. competition so I am interested to see how bad I really am.
  9. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    well we should set up a time to get together, and do this, hey any of you guys gettin evo?? i want to but, if you don't know japanese i don't think quest or anything will be worth it, but it is fighting so whatever. peace, [G]+[P]+[K][4][3][G]+[P][8][P]
  10. Lau_Zedong

    Lau_Zedong Member

    Im not going to import or mod anything to play evo. If it comes out in the U.S. I will definitely buy it though.
  11. beyourown

    beyourown Active Member

    I'll buy it if it comes to the US however there is no way I can afford to import a PS2 right now, and I won't mod either. What about getting together this sunday. Any one interested???
  12. beyourown

    beyourown Active Member

    I am going to play Sunday at 2PM. Hope to see some of you there. Let me know if your interested.
  13. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    I'd love to but unfortunetly I have to work from 1 to 6 at night. Damn.
  14. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    So, how's the evo machine? did you try goh or brad?
    Hey, when you guys do play do you play against the computer or have some good buds who your competing with??
  15. beyourown

    beyourown Active Member

    I haven't played as Brad, but do OK with GOH. The machine is great. It's a 2 seat model. We should all play soon. When I get the chance I love to play human competion, how ever abot 75% of the time its just me practicing on the computer.
  16. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Hey, Spring Break is coming up for Weber State, I think it is from the 17th to the 24th or something like that, I think that would definetly be a good time to get together and play. Though I would really like to play before that. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    on a side note, do you guys use a stick or pad to play with at home, I just ordered the T4 stick from toysnjoys. I ordered it on the 26th with 2nd day air, and I still don't have it or a # to track it. I'm starting to get really pissed. /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif Well let me know what you think
  17. Junosynth

    Junosynth Well-Known Member

    Hey schadevf4, I ordered the T4 stick about a month ago from Toys N Joys with 2nd day air and ran into a little snag (They never processed the order for some reason). So I called them and they got it fixed. You prob. should call them and see if there is any problems. From my experience they don't respond to emails and they seem to let orders sit in till you call them to fix it.
  18. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Thanks, I will definetly call then, I have been debating because, like you said, they never respond to e-mails. Things you have to do to get your stick! thanks again /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  19. Junosynth

    Junosynth Well-Known Member

    The T4 stick is a really good stick BTW. I had to tighten it just a little and replaced the top plate with a 360' plate though. Becuase I really don't like corners. But my fav. stick so far for VF is my "CVS2" sitck from Ascii. Remember though, it's all a matter of your own preference.
  20. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I am really excited to finally have a stick to play with, I am relatively new to the whole VF series, I use to play every once in a while if it was at the arcade but nothin to serious. Now, I am freakin hooked, its the only game I have put in either of my systems, my life is definetly wrecked because of this, but who cares.
    Wish they would hurry!!!

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