Utah Players: 2 is bettter than 1

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by MechaShiva, Feb 5, 2007.

  1. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Anyone out there?

    With VF5 being released this month, wondering if there is anyone out there in the Salt Lake/Ogden hell Provo to Logan looking to get some games in.

    I have a PS3, pre-ordered the Asian VF5 and VSHG, and I would love to get something going. Gets lonely playing computer all the time, and my friends that are very, very casual about video games in general.

    I'd love to set some stuff up soon, so if you're out there show yourself dammit.
  2. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Really quick update. Today I recieved my copy of VF5 and the HRAP3 from play-asia. Bumping this up, there has to be some utahans out there that want to get in some VF.

    My schedule is hella flexible being I work nights and on 12 hour shifts so I have a lot of time to get some VF in.
  3. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Good News: The_Wall and I got in touch and got some games in on Friday night, and most likely will get together again on sunday evening and during the week.

    Bad News: That is still only 2 people, granted 2 is definetly better than 1, but there has to be more Utards out there. The glory that is VF5 is a perfect way to get a scene growing. Looking forward to the games this week Wall.

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    I'm here definately up for some games tommorrow and maybe even thursday. Looking foeward to learning some more about the game. I know that there are more people that play the game but they work at the game store and are kind of into every other game out there too. I don't think they are at our skill level either. I have only played one of them but he is average at best.
    I think the other problem is the people that play in the state don't register with vfdc. I played someone by the name of Ernie from what I hear he lives in Salt Lake City now he is the only other person that I know that plays at our level. He is registered on shoryuken.com, but I don't know what his internet nickname is. I think our best bet is to issue challenges to people who think that they are gamers to come learn from us and see if they can eventually be better than us!
  5. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Tonight is definetely on, thursday , I can play but it depends on the time most likely. I'm trying to get a few buddies to come over and play, but who knows if I can get them to play again and again.

    Are you still having the get together on Sat? Unfortunetly I have to work and can't get out of it, which sucks, but hopefully you get those game store guys to come play.

    Well hopefully with the release this week more utahns will pick it up, and we can slowly build a scene.

    See you tonight
  6. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Wow, cool to see the dedication. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Make sure to check out your game store managers and ask for "who bought VF5?". You might be able to track some dudes.

    Also try other fighting game communities as I'm sure there are other fighting gamers in Utah.
  7. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Thanks, any tips to build our community are always appreciated.

    Anyhoo, I had a lot of fun today Wall, some great games. Hopefully you can stop buy tomorrow for a bit, I may have a couple of buddies coming over to check it out as well.

    I was thinking that sometimes Gamecrazy does little in store tourneys of newer games, and that maybe we could see if they wanna throw together a VF5 one. I'm sure that could help us find a few more to add to the group.

    Let me know for thursday, and hopefully I can swing by on Saturday before work.


  8. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players


    Good to see you making the Utah scene!

    For all those that don't know - THE_WALL[/size] made the trip to SoCal last year. Sounds normal, right? EXCEPT... this man had no internet - no mapquest - he used a road atlas and just showed up at my house. It set the tone for the whole event. I knew right then and there - "Holy crap - this is gonna be something out-of-this-world."

    I hope you can make the trip again, sir. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
  9. Neobeast

    Neobeast Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    We've got people up here in Logan (specifically myself and Tony Stockseth, plus a few others we can pick up here and there), we've just been too busy lately to get anything organized. Probably also got a whole hell of a lot of rust to shake off, but hopefully we can get in on whatever you're putting together.

    Also, when I went to pick up my copy, I was one of two preorders at the Logan EB. Tony doesn't have a PS3, so there's at least one other player floating around Cache Valley somewhere.

    The most likely days for Logan VF would be Sunday and Monday. I'm recruiting at work and there's actually been quite a bit of interest, so let's rally the big troops and see how far we can take it. We could be an unlikely VF hotbed in the making.
  10. Neobeast

    Neobeast Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Ernie is great, he's been to a lot of my tournaments up here. Really fun guy to just chill with too (there's a tape somewhere of Ernie and I just playing random fighting games for like six hours one time when we were bored...maybe Tony has it...). I seem to remember the last time he posted on SRK, he was under the name "DUBZ C BRICKWEED" or something.

    Ask him about his boy Nate. Don't know how his VF game is, but he's pretty good at everything I've seen him play. Also, Samson Keonine should still be stationed at Hill, and I'm sure he's into VF when the opportunity comes up.

    We've also got a bunch of guys in SLC, but they're mostly Street Fighter only from what I remember...maybe they've changed their minds since though.

    Utah County...there's a Tekken guy by the name of Dana Torp, and I know he has a lot of love for Virtua Fighter as well...he may be too busy to play since he's got a kid now, but he'd probably at least be down for some casual play, and he's a decent stick builder when he finds the time. He also knows other players over there, so he could be a valuable resource guy.

    Hope this information helps.
  11. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Awesome, we have definetely got the ball rolling here. We need to see if we can put together something soon. Like I said earliier I have a setup and 2 sticks, and I know that wallace has the hori fighting stick as well.

    I work 12s at the moment, so my schedule changes weekly, but on my days off I have no problem coming up to logan, or you coming down here.

    Awesome to hear from ya

  12. Neobeast

    Neobeast Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Got my PS3 stick today. Going to order the other two eventually (hopefully next week) just to see how they all stack up. The HRAP3 doesn't need to convince me of anything because I know what it is already, if the Virtua Stick High Grade pans out post-recall, I'll have the HFS3 as a guest stick or something.

    Looks like we're all going to be well-equipped in short order. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  13. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Well, with your HFS, thats 4 sticks already we can pull together thru yourself, The_Wall, and me.

    The_Wall also has the HFS, and I have the HRAP3, and HFS. If you want to check mine out before you order thats gravy with me. Anyway, I'm thinking maybe we could tentatively schedule something for maybe Monday the 26th, or the following Sunday the 4th. Those are the days I have off, so, let me know if that works.


  14. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Brody I hope that I can come over on monday that would be cool. Got to see how my schedule pans out.
    Oh yeah Neobeast I'm throwing a party tommorrow it will be to show off the game to people. VF 5 will be the center peice. I don't know the skill level of the players but I will keep my eyes open for potential players. If you wan't to come send me a P.M. and I will give you directions and my number. The party will be from 6:00pm on. The only downside is that there might not be much play time because alot of people will be testing it out.

  15. Neobeast

    Neobeast Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Wall - I won't be able to travel anywhere myself until I get my license, but I have no idea when that will be.

    Brody - I'm off Monday, so if you want to make the trip, that'd be cool. You can see how bad I've gotten with all my time away from VF. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  16. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    I'd love to get some games in on Monday. Around what time would you want to play? For how long? etc. etc.

    Wall - If you were up for it, I'd have no problem driving us both up to Logan for some games with these guys.

    Lemme know whats going on with each of you schedule wise. Monday is pretty good for me, except that I will need to get some sleep, because I work sunday night, and get off at 7 am Monday morning.

    If Monday doesn't work, I can plan on Sunday following, or whenever.

    Get back to me.

  17. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    I think that if I were to come at about 6:00 p.m. and we drive out and play for about 2 hours and then go home it would be fine. The only problem that I have is that monday I am usually with my gf, so I will check with her first to see if that is ok and then let you know.


  18. Neobeast

    Neobeast Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    I'd be fine tomorrow night, too. Wall's idea works for me.
  19. MechaShiva

    MechaShiva Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    I might have an issue tomorrow, due to work, I'll either call you or post here early as I can to confirm my plans.
  20. Neobeast

    Neobeast Well-Known Member

    Re: Utah Players

    Alright, I'll check back. Next week might be better anyway (Tony might be ready to go by then).

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