US VF4 Evo Fun Facts

Discussion in 'Console' started by Catch22, Aug 13, 2003.

  1. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    1) The packaging nor the manual makes mention of the 10th Anniversary Game.

    2) Still "jitters" pre-match (like the JP/ASN versions)

    3) The manual and cover underlay are exactly the same (sans laminated cover and color,) SOA just did translations.

    4) The 10th Anniversary game takes awhile to load. Plus, it's located under "Settings->Special"

    5) Funny that it was nearly out at the mall. Gamestop didn't have any copies, then Software Etc. didn't have any, my last stop at the mall was EB, and they only had 2 copies left, and I bought one of em. I don't know if they only carried a few copies and underestimated turnout. Interesting non-theless.

    6) Sometimes, some import saves from Dreamcast games were usable by their N/A counterparts. I don't nearly have the amount of import games I have for DC on the PS2, and I don't know if they ever been... but the JP/ASN saves are not compatible. Bummer.

    BTW, Quest is so much better to play now that I actually can read the missions. Thing is, I gotta go through everything again to get those items. I'm looking at serious time.

    BTW, buy the game and support AM2! Even if you have the import.
  2. hikarutilmitt

    hikarutilmitt Well-Known Member

    I noticed that, unless it was just a fluke, that going back to Evo from 10th An. mode, well, doesn't work. It never got back to loading Evo.

    They removed the timer from command training. /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  3. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    1) The packaging nor the manual makes mention of the 10th Anniversary Game.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    The web site does, and so do the reviews (most of them at least /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif) as far as acknowledging the presence of the 10th ann. (exclusive) on the disc.
    [ QUOTE ]
    2) Still "jitters" pre-match (like the JP/ASN versions)

    [/ QUOTE ]
    No progressive scan either.
    [ QUOTE ]
    5) Funny that it was nearly out at the mall. Gamestop didn't have any copies, then Software Etc. didn't have any, my last stop at the mall was EB, and they only had 2 copies left, and I bought one of em. I don't know if they only carried a few copies and underestimated turnout. Interesting non-theless.

    [/ QUOTE ]This is the worst part of VF Evo's release, the actual release...... The game was shipped late in alot of places, and many stores are getting late orders, and delayed orders. Most stores bought the absolute minimum amount of copies, and I asked why: "We usually don't stock up on RE-RELEASED GREATEST HIT(wtf??)." Pfft, the employee at EB though that Evo was an old Greatest Hits title.....Also VF:Evolution is getting throws straight to the bargain bin, right next to VF4(non-evo) in most cases.....
    - - - - -
    Even though Segs released PS2 joysticks, they still say the game is supposed to be used with Dualshock 2, like "VS mode requires another DualShock (tm/copyright /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gifetc.)2 controller and controller port 2."
    - - -
    Take a look at the back side of the manual, and notice how there is a collage of all the female characters. Now tell me which character only has one version (or costume) of her there *censor that dirty filth from my eyes please Sega /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif*
  4. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    It's funny that in the 10th anniversary version Vanessa's original outfit is still in there.

    Overall, I'm just glad I got the game now /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  5. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    akai said:
    It's funny that in the 10th anniversary version Vanessa's original outfit is still in there.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Even funnier is the fact that it is in VF4 (non-Evo), wtf Sega?
    - - - -
    Does anyone know why Vanessa needed to have her outfit removed? I mean, on the DOA3 box it is Teen, with a warning of something like, "contains mature sexual themes," but yet Sega feels the need to keep Vanessa in Arctic Gear.......

    DOA has the bouncing, uh, stuff, rated teen....
    VF has repectfully clothed females, for the most part (Sarah's outfits should have been censored by Sega's dumb ass standards IMO), and a non-red Shun, chest-covered Brad, etc., but it is still Teen. So wtf is Sega doing, I mean it's not like if they kept all those changes in, the game would be rated M..... /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
  6. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    EmpNovA said:

    DOA has the bouncing, uh, stuff, rated teen....
    VF has repectfully clothed females, for the most part (Sarah's outfits should have been censored by Sega's dumb ass standards IMO), and a non-red Shun, chest-covered Brad, etc., but it is still Teen. So wtf is Sega doing, I mean it's not like if they kept all those changes in, the game would be rated M..... /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Lets just say that there are alot of politics that go on in the background. When work is done on a game, there are alot of heads that work on the game, the packaging, the promotion,... etc, etc. Heck, even the CEO's could put in their 2 cents. Then you got the censors, media personnel...

    At any one of these points, someone, anyone could have put in the descision or planted the seeds. Whether they are uncessesary is irrelavent. Descisions were made for the "human good," and whether we understand that, won't make Sega a dime.

    Politics my friend, financial politics.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Small point, but the pre-match "jittering" isn't a bug. It's to do with the cached loading system they use to keep load times down.

    Basically, as the camera swoops around the stage the character geometry and animation data is still being streamed from the CD, which causes the game to drop a few frames - hence the jitter.

    Well there goes my boring fact of the day /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  8. Killbomb

    Killbomb Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Catch22 said:
    BTW, Quest is so much better to play now that I actually can read the missions. Thing is, I gotta go through everything again to get those items. I'm looking at serious time.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Come on now, all the guesswork was half the fun with the import. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  9. hikarutilmitt

    hikarutilmitt Well-Known Member

    Another thing I noticed today:

    They fixed the training mode bug with the "floating" characters. I can't do the goofy glitch anymore.
  10. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    It seems like Sega took out the conversation before and after matches.

    In the Japanese version, CPU say something before and after the matches that I heard is funny. Not that
    I understood those, but I hoped to see the translated version in English. I guess they might be in a hurry so they took the whole thing out instead of trying to translate it.
  11. solfizz

    solfizz Well-Known Member

    The manual contains each character's age. Shun is 90-something, and Aoi is no longer jail bait!! Even Sarah, a college student, is old enough to be an alumni. At least we know how old everyone is now...
  12. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    The manual contains each character's age. Shun is 90-something, and Aoi is no longer jail bait!! Even Sarah, a college student, is old enough to be an alumni. At least we know how old everyone is now.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Haven't we always known that? The birth dates were always available in character profiles you know /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif Character ages have never been too important in VF series anyway, you can't really see anyone aging, like in eg. Tekken. Don't be a fanboy /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  13. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    madagascar said:

    It seems like Sega took out the conversation before and after matches.

    In the Japanese version, CPU say something before and after the matches that I heard is funny. Not that
    I understood those, but I hoped to see the translated version in English. I guess they might be in a hurry so they took the whole thing out instead of trying to translate it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think those prefight "taunts" and post fight "sobs" were customizable in the JP/ASN version- meaning you could put in your own text. Never got the chance to do it though. The text you saw at the top were not written translations of what was being said. It was just a customizable text that you could put in. In fact, the prefight verbalized taunts are still in.
  14. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    actually, this birthday thing makes me feel better, as even though I'm an old man for a VF player, most of the characters in the game are even older than me!

    Akira's 34!
    Kege's 32, Jeffry in the 40s somewhere, Wolf in his late 30s, Lau in the 60s and Shun in the 90s... Jacky is over 30, and Sarah is clocking in at 28-29.

    It's funny they haven't made birthdays for the new characters, and the Japanese manual doesn't list the birthdays at all.

  15. martialfanatic

    martialfanatic Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    EmpNovA said:

    ...and a non-red Shun, chest-covered Brad....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wait a minute. Did they change his outift where he's wearing only kickboxing shorts and handwraps? I thought they were just changing his Hawaiian shirt costume.
  16. Chuplayer

    Chuplayer Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    hikarutilmitt said:

    I noticed that, unless it was just a fluke, that going back to Evo from 10th An. mode, well, doesn't work. It never got back to loading Evo.

    They removed the timer from command training. /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's funny. I have no problem going from Evo to 10th Anniversary and back to Evo. Maybe you have a bad disc, or a bad PS2.
  17. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Not wanting to sound stupid here, but what exactly IS 10th anniversary? Something U.S. only or something?
  18. solfizz

    solfizz Well-Known Member

    hehe I just meant to say how old everyone really is; it strikes me as sorta odd. Hell, would YOU think Shun is capable of being his ingame self at 91??? Ay, at least they're not suffering from the Simpsons' curse...

    Spotlite - Another fun fact you "forgot" to mention is that your name in the back of the manual under Credits. A big props for translating and overall contributing so much to the vf community /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  19. MrMojo

    MrMojo Well-Known Member

    Shun doesnt look THAT old. He's more of a 60 year old grandpa ;/

    Btw, anyone know of any kinky easter eggs for us ps2 evo?
  20. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Elite said:

    Not wanting to sound stupid here, but what exactly IS 10th anniversary? Something U.S. only or something?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ANSWER!!!!!!!! pretty please? /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

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