
Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Myke, Mar 27, 2000.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    The following is a first draft. I'd appreciate knowing of any corrections, additions, whatever. Ultimately I'd like to have a detailed and thorough document about Ura accessible to anyone without the Mook, or with the Mook yet cannot read Japanese. A big thanks to my friend Kim who did the translations!

    translated from the character sections in Gamest Mook Act 3


    1. df+P+G -> qfx2 -> E to head
    2. df+P+G -> f,f,f+P -> E to head
    3. df+P+G -> df+K -> E to head

    Note: If successful, the screen view will reverse, so remember to
    input your commands opposite to the way you started for any followup.
    After Uramawari a suggested followup is a Bodycheck (b,f,f+P+K).


    1. P+K, K -> run -> E in direction of opponent's roll
    2. Sidethrow (P+G) -> Soccerball Kick (df+K) -> qf -> E-CD x 2 to head
    3. f+P,K -> run -> qf -> E in direction of opponent's roll


    1. opponent down -> qf x 3 -> E opposite direction of roll
    2. opponent down and far away -> qb (to realign) -> run -> E opposite to roll
    3. f+P,K -> f,f+K -> qf -> E

    Note: After Uramawari a suggested followup is: f,f+K -> db+K


    1. P+G -> qb (realign) -> run -> E to head
    2. P+G -> qf -> d+K -> E (won't work against a fwd/bk roll, timing is hard)
    3. df,df+P+G -> qfxa -> E to head
    4. opponent down after an attack -> qb (realign) -> run -> qf -> E to head


    1. uf+K is your friend :)
    2. P+G or f,f+P+G or High Punch/Kick Reversal (b+P+K) -> E to head x 2
    (optionally E-CD to head x 2 for better positioning)
    3. Knee Reversal (db+P+K against Knees) -> E-CD to head x 2


    1. Double Arm Suplex (db+P+K+G) -> qf -> E opposite to opponent's sideroll -> Short Shoulder (b,f+P+K)
    2. Giant Swing (hcf+P+G) or Wrist Lock Throw (hcb+P+G) -> run -> qf
    3. Side Suplex (d+P+K+G) -> qf -> E to head -> Short Shoulder (b,f+P+K)


    1. Powerslam (f+P+G) -> D+K -> E to head
    2. Front Back Breaker (b,f,f+P+G) -> qb (realign) -> run -> E to head
    3. Machine Gun Punch (db,f+P+G) -> run -> qf x a -> E to head
    4. Back Flip (P+G) -> sideroll toward the opponent and stand -> E to head

    Note: Won't work against forward or back rollers.


    1. TT-d+K -> df+P (only works against low rising attacks)
    2. df+P+G or b,d+P+G -> uf+K -> DP


    1. hcb+P+G -> run -> E to head (against sideroller)
    2. f,f+P+G -> qf x 2 -> f+P,P -> E to head (against sideroller)
    3. Back Throw -> run -> E to head (against sideroller)
    4. P+G -> E-CD to head -> uf+E (against fwd roll or inplace rising attack)
    5. P+G -> E to head -> f+P+E (against back roll)
    6. b,b+K,P+K -> b,b+K -> E-CD -> uf+E (against fwd roll or inplace rising attack)
    7. b,b+K,P+K -> CD -> uf+E (against fwd roll or inplace rising attack)
    8. b,b+K,P+K -> CD -> E to head -> f+P+E (against back roll)
    9. d+P+E -> E to head (against fwd roll or inplace rising attack)
    10. P,P,d+P -> E to head (against forward roll)
    11. Sidethrow -> wait -> f,f+K (to jump over) -> E (to turn around) (against forward roll)

    Notes: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 must be in closed stance.
    If 6 or 8 are in open stance, change uf+E to ub+E
    If against Taka, any stance is OK.


    1. uf+E is your friend. Enter the Jiji Cyclone! :)
    2. After a float -> df+K+G -> uf+E repeatedly to stick to the opponent. Works against forward or backward rollers. You can't avoid a delayed low rising attack.
    3. Stick to an opponent's sideroll -> qb (b+E) will avoid a low rising attack. (Not really Ura, but still).
    4. Chouwan (df,f+P) -> df+P,P+K -> d+PK,K,K -> uf+E x 3 (a sideroll will block you. This isn't very practical, depends a lot on the opponent's timing).
    5. Chouwan (df,f+P) -> (don't dash forward) uf+E a few times

    Note: For 5, if in open stance, the separation distance is greater, so dash
    forward first. In both cases, try to read the opponent. You won't always
    get behind.


    1. Opponent down -> qf x a -> when camera angle changes -> E to head (against forward roll)

    Suggested Uramawari followup: f+K,K -> qf -> f+K -> Ground Throw (df+P+G)
    Against Jeff, replace f+K with down attack
    Against Wolf, replace f+K with d+K+G

    and after all this, Opponent is down again. Go back to step 1 :)

    2. Low Throw (d+P+K+G) -> qf -> E-CD x 2 to head
    3. Ground Throw (df+P+G) -> wait -> f,f+E -> E
    4. P+G -> qf x a -> E
    5. d+K+G (in open stance) -> f+K,K (to jump over)


    1. After a throw -> f+P+K over prone opponent
    2. hcf+P+G -> run -> f+P+K,P (sideroll must be in the direction of Taka's front)3. db+P+G -> run -> f+P+K ->
    if sideroll toward your front, E to your back
    if sideroll (and high attack) toward your back, E to your front
    if sideroll (and low attack) toward your back, E to your back

    qf - quick foward, f+E
    qb - quick back, b+E
    qf x a - do a qf a few times

    m y k e
    how ya gonna win when ya ain't right within?
  2. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Loving it!

    Many thanks Myke - and to your translating friend. I'm sure this will start what many hope to become an Ura FAQ of sorts. Good show! ;)


    <font color=white> Llanfair the prized <font color=green>cabbage</font color=green></font color=white>
  3. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member


    3. f+P,K -> run -> qf -> E in direction of opponent's roll
    In open stance, do a quick back-dash (to open a distance) to run.


    1. Double Arm Suplex (db+P+K+G) -> qf -> E opposite to opponent's sideroll -> Short Shoulder (b,f+P+K)
    Shoulder-attack (b,f+P) instead of (b,f+P+K)

    3. Side Suplex (d+P+K+G) -> qf -> E to head -> Short Shoulder (b,f+P+K)
    Shoulder-attack (b,f+P) instead of (b,f+P+K)


    4. Back Flip (P+G) -> sideroll toward the opponent and stand -> E to head
    backroll instead of sideroll


    1. TT-d+K -> df+P (only works against low rising attacks)
    or d+K. Works reliably if the opponent does in-place low-rising attack. This sometimes works against high-rising attack or sideroll attacks but not too reliable.


    4. P+G -> E-CD to head -> uf+E (against fwd roll or inplace rising attack)
    against side-roller toward Lion or inplace rising attack.

    5. P+G -> E to head -> f+P+E (against back roll)
    against side-roller away from Lion

    6. b,b+K,P+K -> b,b+K -> E-CD -> uf+E (against fwd roll or inplace rising attack)
    against side-roller toward Lion or inplace rising attack

    7. b,b+K,P+K -> CD -> uf+E (against fwd roll or inplace rising attack)
    against side-roller toward Lion or inplace rising attack

    8. b,b+K,P+K -> CD -> E to head -> f+P+E (against back roll)

    b,b+K, P+K -> b,b+K -> E-CD (head) -> E (head) -> f+P+E (against sideroller away from Lion)

    9. d+P+E -> E to head (against fwd roll or inplace rising attack)
    d+P+E -> E-CD (head) -> u/f+E (against sideroller toward Lion or inplace rising attack)

    10. P,P,d+P -> E to head (against forward roll)
    against sideroller toward Lion

    11. Sidethrow -> wait -> f,f+K (to jump over) -> E (to turn around) (against forward roll)
    against sideroller toward Lion

    Notes: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 must be in closed stance.
    If 6 or 8 are in open stance, change uf+E to ub+E
    If against Taka, any stance is OK.

    4,6,8 must be in closed stance. If 4 or 6 is in open stance, chance uf+E to ub+E.
    5,7 also must be in closed stance. If against Taka, Taka can roll away or toward Lion, but Lion will still succeed going Ura. This does not work if in open stance.

    Shun, Aoi, Taka....I'll try later. Right now, I'm too drunk to read convoluted sentences in Gamest Mook. Much appreciation and respect go to Myke's friend, this is A LOT of work.
  4. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Thanks a ton Mike! Good stuff and just so happens to be around the time I'm experimenting with Uramuwari/images/icons/smile.gif Keep up the good work man!

  5. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    Re: Oops...found my own mistake


    b,b+K, P+K -> b,b+K -> E-CD (head) -> f+P+E (against sideroller away from Lion).This is a typo on Gamest's part.

    The correct one should be:
    b,b+K, P+K -> b,b+K -> E-CD (head) -> E (head) -> f+P+E (against sideroller away from Lion)

    So much for Gamest's typo, as I myself made a mistake.
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Very good work !!! I would like to know: are these tricks for DC only ???
  7. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    These "tricks" were in the Act 3 Gamest Mook for VF3tb, long before the Dreamcast was out. So to answer your question, they will work in the arcade, and should work, probably even better, on the DC.

    m y k e
    how ya gonna win when ya ain't right within?
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    where did you acquire all that?
    im a pai expert, well. the only one im good with is pai

    Annoying people, Talkitive people, but yet people that kick some serious Butt
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Cool ! Do you think these ura will work on pre-TB VF3 ???

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