Tournament Info (if it works this time)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Auvii, May 2, 2006.

  1. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Well, due to my last post adding to an old post somewhere on these forums rather then creating a new one, i'm going to take another stab at this lol.

    I am looking for a list of pro and cons of any VF tourneys. I need in depth information ranging from things you might have hated most or things that you absolutly loved. Also a wish list would be great. Anything and everything haveing to do with a VF tournament i need it! Even if you have not been to one prior to this your ideas are welcome. From tournament prizes, location, enviroment, transportation, player turnout, controler/joystick choices, anything at all. Thanks again and hopefully it worked /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  2. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Some thoughts...

    Location: If you're talking about places in the USA, I recommend a city that has other attractions besides the tournament (Los Angeles, New York, Dallas, etc.). It isn't necessary but it may help draw players.

    Famous Player: Our SoCal West Coast [P]+[G] 4 event started as "Come Play VF with Yosuke in SoCal." It exploded into a huge event. Once it actually happened, it was awesome to have Yosuke there - but it would've been good without him, too. However I don't think the event would have gathered that much momentum had Yosuke not been on the bill fom the get-go.

    Organization, Venue and Features: Most people involved in the SoCal tournament set-up had prior experience. Made for smooth running. Our tournament venue had food, drink, seating, and restrooms readily available. You only needed to walk outside if you wanted to smoke.

    Equipment: Plan for twice the number of set-ups you think you'll need (chances are that won't be enough). Get a projector for the final matches if you can.

    Advance notice: Two months minimum for a national event.

    It's a lot of work. Get friends to help. I wish you good luck.

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