They need to make online for VF5 just like DOA2HC

Discussion in 'Console' started by Choup, Nov 9, 2007.

  1. Choup

    Choup New Member

    Hi all, this is my first post here. Let me just say you have a great website and I've alrady benefitted from the character guides!

    Next, I just wanna ask this: What's the chances of the online setup being changed to mirror something like they had in DOA2:Hardcore? IMO that game had the BEST online setup. You had up to 8 ppl in a gaming room where two people fought it out and everyone else watched and conversed. It really was like being at a virtual arcade where two people were fighting it out with others huddled around the machine making comments and admiring the fight.

    This kind of setup should be mandatory for all fighters! Lets send a petition to SEGA or something!
  2. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    See, what we don't know though is, if this bare bones approach they have taken with VF5 was done in order to reduce lag, or if it was just a lack of options. If they were able to do it that way, that would be great. But not at the risk of decreasing the quality of the questions.
  3. Duckguin

    Duckguin Active Member

    Watching the match is cool and all, but I'd be fine with just putting the Quest Mode interface online and having real people there instead of AI. Then again, that idea is so obvious that AM2 probably has some very good reasons for not doing something along those lines. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif

    It'd be a lot nicer is all I'm sayin'.
  4. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    Ya, I think it was to reduce lag.

    I wouldn't mind having a VF.TV Theatre room of sorts. Save your awesome replay files online and have a theatre room so that people can view and discuss it. You can probably have way more players watching that way too.

    What would also be badass is if the replay uploads automatically to the theatre room right after the match is over (when matches are played, and tournaments are held, theatre rooms are created as those matches are created so players can sit and wait in the theatre room until the match is over and the replay uploaded), and the players from the match can jump right into the room to watch and discuss (aka trash talk). So 2 spots would always be reserved for them.
  5. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    Re: They need to make online for VF5 just like DOA

    That would be...freaking sweet. Much nicer than just plain menus. The arcades would be based on ranks. Entering an arcade would be like entering a lobby so everyone can speak to each other or something. The whole goal would be to become king of the arcade. The most feared player. Would be awesome. =P
  6. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Re: They need to make online for VF5 just like DOA

    Considering the actual ingame performance of the netcode is much better then any we've seen in any other 3D fighter, I say Sega's approach is fine the way it is.

    A lobby or some sort of community function would be fun though (although I guess XBL itself can be seen as that function).
  7. Choup

    Choup New Member

    Re: They need to make online for VF5 just like DOA

    I just hope they can make it happen - even though in the back of my mind I'm pretty sure it'll never happen. I mean, this game is great and all, but it infuriates me that I'm stuck with just the one person to fight and then we have to go out of our room then back in for selecting characters or what not. By nature Fighting Games (in their prime in the arcades) were social mechanisms - There was nothing more satisfying then playing against someone and having a bunch of other people huddled around the two of you watching you guys go at it. You didn't really know eachother half the time but at the same time there was socializing going on as well as a mutual respect for fighting skills.

    The great online setup is what kept me playing DOA2:HC for so damn long.

    Hell, half the time I had just as much fun watching as playing the game! I know DOA is a much different beast but for the most part for me the lag was never really an issue. VF is very frame dependent but there's gotta be a way to make something like this work.

    That IMO, would make this game absolutely perfect /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  8. hawpi

    hawpi Member

    Re: They need to make online for VF5 just like DOA

    To simulate the arcade experience throw up quarters on the bottom lip of your T.V. when you lose. Also shows your shame visually. Fun for all
  9. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: They need to make online for VF5 just like DOA

    Ability to save online replays would be cool. Ability to follow online matches would be cool. Lobby would be interesting.

    However, if lack of these options reduces lag then its good as is. From what Ive been hearing VF5 has the least lag of all online fighters.
  10. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Re: They need to make online for VF5 just like DOA

    Being able to record your online matches would be a nice addition.

    I've had a sudden death draw that was just to funny.

    And I can't re-live the madness.
  11. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: They need to make online for VF5 just like DOA

    Yeah, I think it should be possible to have a online match record feature without it causing lag cause it should all be on player end, no additional information over the net transmitted. So heres hoping we see it in the future.
  12. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    Re: They need to make online for VF5 just like DOA

    Isn't Sega's Netcode P2P? So I don't see how recording replays and uploading them to a server to watch in a theatre room and chatting in a lobby would cause lag. =/

    Can't you just choose "select new characters" at the end of an online match? Like you can offline?
  13. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: They need to make online for VF5 just like DOA

    No, the private online match UI is screwed up. You need to create a new session and invite friend to it each time you want to swap characters.
  14. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    Re: They need to make online for VF5 just like DOA

    I wonder how they fucked that up. o_0 Hopefully it's fixed in a patch because that, I would imagine, can get fucking annoying.
  15. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Re: They need to make online for VF5 just like DOA

    Hmm, if they'd added a replay function for online, how would that function work when a match is laggy? Since replay files only saves inputs, it means that when viewing a replay the match would go at flawless 60 fps which would potentially make the match be different then it actually was.
  16. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: They need to make online for VF5 just like DOA

    You might have something there....
  17. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    Re: They need to make online for VF5 just like DOA

    Hmmm...maybe not. I mean, if it saves the inputs as they're coming into the host's machine, and the host saves the replay, then it would simply give the match from his perspective, right? Sorta get what I'm saying? >.<

    I mean, in an online match, the only thing that's getting transferred between the two machines is the input, so lag would affect the time it takes the inputs to reach their destination. Saving the inputs to the replay as they're outputted to the TV or something would ensure the most accurate replay possible...I think. >.>

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Re: They need to make online for VF5 just like DOA

    and that would be a problem because?
  19. Choup

    Choup New Member

    Re: They need to make online for VF5 just like DOA

    Halo3 saves entire replays of matches - So it's totally possible if something like 16 players and a huge map can be saved as a replay as opposed to an arena with two combatants.

    And online lobbys dammit... like DOA2:HC :p
  20. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Re: They need to make online for VF5 just like DOA

    First of all... replays were never accurate, even in offline play. I used to save VF4 replays all the time, especially when anything "weird" would happen in a fight. I remember one of the best was a kage v. lei-fei match where the fighters ended up on the very edge of a no wall ring, and proceeded to evade and lunge going for a ring out for like 20 secs. In the saved replay, the evades get screwed up somehow, and both characters just run off in opposite directions whiffing the air after the first couple secs, eventually they stop moving when the "real" ring out occured... and then the replay just times out, really weird to watch.

    And regarding the no character selection issue. I've been told it's not a just a "screwed up UI" issue, but rather a design constraint caused by the way sega built character data saving/loading to deal with memory cards in VF4 (and they just kept the system for VF5). So, to fix that, they'd supposedly have to completely rewrite the way the game interacts with character data... there's no quick fix.

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