The VA/NYC Connection Presents....

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Chief_Flash, Sep 8, 2007.

  1. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    The Ultimate American VF Challenge...

    This is an invitation to all VF players in America, and you know who you are. We all know that the VF scene in America is lacking. There are only a handful of players I can think of from each region of America. This is our chance to get up and do something about it...

    The idea behind this is to try to have as MANY VF players as possible to participate. AND WITH THIS POST, I AM CALLING OUT:

    New Jersey
    Seattle (Yosuke, you are welcomed too)

    This will determine who the strongest player in America is, and hopefully get the wheels spinning for our beloved community.

    Denkai and I (and im sure many of you as well) have been dreaming about this idea for quite some time now. Please help us make this possible.

    We are open to all SUGGESTIONS!!! I can't stress this enough...

    PRIZE: TBA (A few of us will contribute in ADDITION to the pot, so expect something huge)


  2. DarkGift

    DarkGift Well-Known Member

  3. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I sent you a PM with suggestions and info.
  4. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    I think this all depends on how people are willing to house others if this is NYC. Cause hotel expense in that city is insane, it's not like SoCal parties at all in that area. I would definately consider going if there was someone to house cause the plane ticket is cheaper than the housing costs.

    I think sometime in the winter is a good idea, gives us fall to plan for other things, and makes sure it doesn't fight with the usually spring events that SoCal does.

    The size of the venue is another thing, and mainly getting the rest of the east coast to get hyped about it. NorCal and SoCal both are active, and NorthWest travels (Chanchai+Yosuke). However the only one I know that travels from Boston is Ironzen, and Jerky moved to Dallas. It also be nice to see Florida guys like Ladon again :).

    PS: Colorado also seems strong (TXLion, Junosynth, DFG, whole crew there), then theres those dedicated few in Utah, Michigan, STL. Somebody revive Chicago and Ohio /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  5. Low_Sweep

    Low_Sweep Well-Known Member

    i would definitely come if this happens.

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    * this post may look rude.*

    I may be not impolite to say that, but I thought we have ALREADY determined it at evo world and the other evo.

    it can be quite interesting, but I am pretty sure that it is TOOOO early, and this is my opinion that there is no reason to have it in NYC since almost three times the number of players(I don'T know it exactly) live and play VF in CA.

    I think a lot of players come to Los(tails' house) is not to compite something. It looks like socal has had a VF competition party since last march. However, I don't think it is as a competition.
    what I want to say is that socal doesn't plan to have a tournamnet. it is an option.

    It will be ok, but it is too early. i would like to enjoy. I spent a lot of money for evo and here.... I should save some money for next march. I love to go NY, but I can not go just for the competition of the strongest player here. It will be determined the strongest east coast player.

    besides,I played evo east and west champion at evo world and played them without tournmanent. If I were accepted this one, it would have to be second chance, and I would be giving a time to prepare for them.

    I am so sorry to say, but just for me, this result(not only tournament result, but also from usual matches rate) is enough to determine that. some players think the tournament is not fair to determine who is the strongest, but two of stronger US players had some skills and LUCK at evo. I am certain that IF you guys are compite enough close strength, LUCK is the most important factor to win. I am not saying they won just because of the LUCK. I want to say LUCK is an importat factor. in fact, I could get one match against itazan. that was also related to LUCK of course.

    ...hmm...I guess AkiraLove will be right. it may not be fair to compite with Japanese. evo was for the world.

    I think this is vf community in the US.

    I don't want to argue. I am just saying that the timing to determine who is the strongest player is too early. I think it should be once a year because you buys are so close strength.

    I can see how you got so excited here hahaha this was a good one.
  7. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Well Yosuke, I think that the plan for this tournament by the East Coast players was to get a major tournament on the east coast. You are right that there are a lot of players here in California however it's pretty rough for everyone else living outside of California since they have to fly to Plagues house.

    I think they just want to have a big tournament near them for once and Itazan coming over I suppose is a good reason and it makes interest for other players outside of the eastcoast to travel to attend it. (example: west coast, midwest, south)

    Also, NYC might be a closer bite for perhaps European players that may want to play Americans or Itazan. (big long shot here but might as well try)After all, NYC is just an ocean away from Europe, California is a continent AND an ocean away! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    I think if the NYC players do this right it could end up being big which would be a nice thing. Right now we need to get the interest out and find new players in any region. I think a big tournament on the East Coast can really help.
  8. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    This event won't be mainly for the tournament. The main reason for this event is to gather as much VFers and just play as much. This isn't the first time NYC has hosted a gathering/tournament and most of the time we've had attendees from all over the U.S.

    Just the gathering itself will attract the hardcore players as it will be a chance for us to play more people outside of our respective scene. Ultimately the goal is to get better.

    The tournament is there mainly to attract other players who may not be attracted by just the chance to play others.
  9. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    If there are certain people you want to attend the gatherings, personal PMs or instant messaging may be a better approach to get instant replies.

    I do not plan on attending the event, but I will let the few people I know in OH about this. Best.
  10. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    I suggest ATL. No gaming area gets less real attention, yet has real legit skill than the Southeast. Plus it's a lot cheaper.

    However, I'm in Japan, atm... so hopefully you all won't be having it in the very near future.
  11. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    "If there are certain people you want to attend the gatherings, personal PMs or instant messaging may be a better approach to get instant replies."

    hhehehe, this brings memories when we tried that (sort of), lets say some people didnt like it AT ALL /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif hehe
  12. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Sort of = backwards. You guys got slammed for using PM's exclusively to keep other people from coming. (sort-of*) /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/blush.gif bwahahahaha

    *I know it was because you had limited space - just messin' with ya.
  13. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    My thoughts exactly.

    VF players had their best opportunity to face each other at EVO this year. The venue and prizes should have been incentive for all to compete.

    Adam and I thought we could whip up a tourney in 3-4 months last fall. We thought we could easily find a venue to host players within that time but it was a lot harder than we thought.

    We were able to get a locale just in time with the date we had announced but overall it was a flop because players didn't want to make travel plans until they had concrete information; I don't blame them at all. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    Adam has mentioned he can host a tourney/gathering at the outskirts of Long Island like in the past. The main problem with that location is there nothing much to do outside from VF. If people wanted to visit New York City it is roughly over 90 minutes away by car, close to 2 hours by train.

    Instead of starting up a new tourney from scratch I think VF players especially ones from the East Coast should focus on attending 2 upcoming tourneys: (D)(O)(A)(T)(E)(C) on 11/3 in Richmond and NEC8 on 12/1-12/2 in Philly. They have venues all setup with lodging.

    (D)(O)(A)(T)(E)(C) 2k7 almost 8 weeks away and giving away $1000 for first place.

    NEC8 Hotel rooms at NEC8 are only $60 a night and feature a plethora of other games.
  14. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Well if Adam ever decides to host another gathering at the hotel that's fine with me. That's an excellent venue for VF even if we are limited to just playing. It's a nice environment for folks to chill out and and binge on VF which is what we usually aim for anyway. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  15. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    The hotel is available for everyone: hotel rooms for next to nothing and a huge conference room to play & hang out all night.

    It really is awesome if all you guys want to do is VF & bug out. As Jerky stated, there is not much to do in terms of sightseeing (unless shopping and wineries are of interest to you), but the place is peaceful and fairly scenic.

    We can allot one day (or 2) for people to travel into Manhattan and sightsee.

    The logistics of all this will require serious cooperation, mainly on the part of NYC people. I am eager to help in any way that i can, but i need commitments from other NYC peeps.
  16. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    YAY!!!!! My first time in new york!!!
  17. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    adam, what should we make the official date to be? right now, november seems to be ideal. please send me the details on the venue, so i can the make things official on the first page. thanx! looking forward to meeting you...

  18. DarkGift

    DarkGift Well-Known Member

    Why dont we try for late october so that Itazan might still be in town. Not to take advantage of him but im sure that being able to play with Itazan will bring more people in and might make it a better learning experience for everyone
  19. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    the only problem is...

    even if its late october, i may be a little short of notice for others. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  20. Jaxel

    Jaxel Well-Known Member

    Hell yeah... I'll be there...

    It cant be late october because thats Halloween Havoc...
    It cant be early december because thats NEC08...

    Both tournaments have VF5 and both are majors! If you can get Itazan to show up to Halloween Havoc... then we'll have a good tournament right there! Housing really isn't an issue because there are always people in NJ/NY who are willing to offer housing to players of my events. I've been doing my best to get the wheels turning for VF5 in NJ and so far its been good... we got lots of new players...

    Bibulus (if he ever stops being a scrub)

    We're trying to get more players too.

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