The impact of the hits

Discussion in 'General' started by T_Kang, May 28, 2011.

  1. T_Kang

    T_Kang Member

    So, I've been reading complaints/insults/(insertnegativethinghere) about VF recently and it seems that the one complaint that comes up the most is:

    - The impact of the hits seems like s**t.

    And I think that it's due to the sound of it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but do you guys believe that giving new sound effects to hits would give a new dimension to the impact?

    Because I do. As it is right now, they sound like slaps. Everything sounds like a slap other than a few heavy hits (like moves that cause crumple and the likes, Akira has quite a few of them I believe?)

    How good would it be to switch them to heavier sounds?
  2. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    The game obv needs 7.1 surround sound and sfx done by a movie studio to be worth playing.

    People who bitch about tiny things in VF are just looking for excuses not to play. If they find the game dull or aesthetically ugly then you can't really do much about it.
  3. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    Honestly, complaining over a lousy sound effect? Not to sound offensive but if some is complaining over that then find some other game to play. VF5FS has a different SE but I bet they'll complain about that one too.
  4. T_Kang

    T_Kang Member

    Guys, I do understand your point. Not that I mind the sound effects, but my question is: Would it really make the hits seem heavier?

    I believe so, but I am still unsure. My point being, I want to start a VF scene over here in Montreal, but the whole FG community over here seems to favor SC and Tekken in terms of 3D fighters (guess it's only natural, it's so popular -_____-...)

    I, at first, was turned off by VF's stiffness and overrall lack of feel when it came to hits. It is truly an amazing game and I'm just asking whether or not that could really attract new people. I understand that it's dumb, just like how some games get underrated due to their graphics being overrall lower quality-wise but that's beside the point.

    So, again, would giving new SE bring out a new dimension to the hits?
  5. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    In my honest opinion I don't think it would. VF needs much more than just a new SE effect to reel in players. Sadly Sega isn't doing much towards that.
  6. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    They already changed a lot of the sound effects in R and FS [​IMG]
  7. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member

    I wish on counterhit they would give us a electric tekken effects but only on counter hit.
  8. T_Kang

    T_Kang Member

    I'll have to agree with you on that one. But although it DOES seem to strengthen the effect of it's weight, I believe that the slap could really be replaced.

    I doubt that they'd ever do that. VF was aimed towards realistic Martial Arts fighting, so putting lightning effects would go against what they are aiming for.

    You could very well be right. I haven't tried playing other sound effects over any VF5 videos, so possible it needs more than that to attract new players.
  9. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    So what about the current yellow and blue flashes then?
  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    He's referring to OTT effects seen in other games like explosions, supernovas, and the like, when something big and powerful connects. Seeing a yellow/blue/white light reflected off the opponent hardly adds to the impression of the physical impact of the hit, and is there as a functional queue.

    I agree with T_Kang in that VF5 vanilla could have used a lot of cosmetic visual/audio enhancements without going over-the-top. And, I think they've improved things a great deal with R and FS. In R, they introduced more unique hit sounds like the stabbing sfx from Lion's many finger poke attacks. Kicks have more of a thud than before too. In FS, they introduced the huge sweat splash effect on counter hits which I think looks great having seen/experienced it first hand.

    But still, even with these improvements, I still see some animations that I think look lame. For example, in R/FS Aoi has this throw where she kind of lays the opponent across her knee, looking as if to inflict something really painful and then... just lets them fall gently to the ground. WTF? I'm almost willing to bet they were going to have that lead into a multi throw because it just looks so unfinished, not to mention so lame. C'MON SON! While I'm venting, I want to say that I'm glad they finally got rid of the animation of VF5 vanilla Jacky's [6][6][P][+][G] too. That lame shit has hung around since VF3! You want to three punches to the face to look brutal, go no further than Jeffry's [1][6][P][+][G].

    There's no denying that improvements can still be made to audio/visual department while still staying true to VF's look and feel.
  11. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Yeah i hate that Aoi throw but i guess it ment to look gracefull and painful. As far as hard hits go i knew sega was on the right track when the Speed on jacky's neutral throw had a harder slam down effect in R. Same as Goh Leg toss throw.

    As Far as [6][6] throw goes.. I wish he had a more visceral combo sort of like Jann Lee's wall throw. (Think Bruce's Combo against Chuck at the end that led to the counter wrsit snap lol.)

    All in all Sega did a good job enhancing the sounds.. Lets see if they add some more. Can't hurt.
  12. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    You mean Aoi's new neutral [P]+[G] throw (I think)? That's an actual Aiki-Jujutsu technique, I've seen it plenty of times. The fall can really hurt when done correctly.
  13. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I'm not sure of the command. Can you link me to a video of the real thing, if one is available? I'd really like to see where the inspiration came from. Because honestly, I really can't see how being layed across someone's knee gently, then left to fall to the ground can hurt anyone apart from an old man with arthritis. [​IMG]

    @SDS, agree about Jacky's throws, they could have done so much better! But, I will say that I really like the new FS Jacky throw animations.
  14. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    Luckily I was able to find one on YT ^_^

    The "nage" preforms the technique twice at approximately 0:30 (Sorry, I don't know how to time stamp vids ^^').
  15. Azusabo

    Azusabo Well-Known Member

    Jacky's [6][6][P][+][G] was a clothesline in VF3 and VF4. It changed to the three punches from VF4Evo.

  16. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Tiripsem, thanks for the video! As an isolated and direct throw (in VF5 FS) it looks rather tame. At which point is any damage inflicted? It's pretty much a takedown and that's it? I think in FS it would probably look much better as a reversal takedown that allowed for some followup damage (ground hit/throw). Unless I'm missing something (which is possible) then I go back to what I said earlier in that it looks incomplete on its own.

    Andy, thanks for the correction! [​IMG] Either way, that animation way past its expiration date! [​IMG]
  17. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Neutral throw is spot on Myke.
    @Tiripsem Nice vid but the video version looks painful is done with force and the FS version really looks like it can be teched for no damage lol!!
  18. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    No problem [​IMG]. It does look better as a reversal especially since you can use the technique with your back turned. Like SDS said, in the video it's much more damaging (you can tell by the thud). It's supposed to be the force of gravity and the force of the push from the user that makes it work. However, Aoi doesn't look like she uses any force at all XD

    I'm amazed it counts as 40 dmg and not something less!
  19. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    In other words... Animation change in Version B Like many other moves in R.

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