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Tekken 6 @ WCG 2010

Discussion in 'General' started by Xzyx987X, Jul 7, 2010.

  1. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    I guess this is a thread for discussing the progression of the Tekken 6 WCG tournament. Actually though, I wanted to point out something I found interesting/depressing.

    First of all, compare the turnouts in each qualifier round.

    Round #1:
    Virtua Fighter 5
    <a href="http://qualify.us.wcg.com/?page=stem_schedule&stageid=3189
    " rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Tekken 6</a>

    Round #2:
    <a href="http://qualify.us.wcg.com/?page=stem_schedule&stageid=2610
    " rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Virtua Fighter 5</a>
    <a href="http://qualify.us.wcg.com/?page=stem_schedule&stageid=3232
    " rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Tekken 6</a>

    Round #3:
    <a href="http://qualify.us.wcg.com/?page=stem_schedule&stageid=2650
    " rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Virtua Fighter 5</a>
    <a href="http://qualify.us.wcg.com/?page=stem_schedule&stageid=3270
    " rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Tekken 6</a>

    Anyone else notice a pattern here? I really thought WCG would do well by picking Tekken, as it is a popular game with a large community. But this game is, honest to god, generating less than half the turnout VF5 did. Well, in the US at least. I know it's huge in Korea, which is probably all the main branch of WCG cares about.

    But what the hell happened with the US Tekken community? Are they all bark and no bite? Did they just completely fail to promote awareness that WCG was even happening? Anyone who frequents any Tekken communities care to elaborate?
  2. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    I think the two biggest reasons for lower turnouts for WCG in Tekken would be

    A) Any decent to good player realizes how awful Tekken is online, therefore choosing to avoid official competition via online or just online all together.

    And B) The money (And props/recognition) isn't in WCG for Tekken, MLG takes that cake. Shoot, even EVO or Devastation this year does the same. With MLG's prizes of large cash payouts coupled with cabinets and trips to Japan, WCG isn't competing in this area.

    Compare offline tournament attendance of Tekken to VF and things will seem natural again. Devastation had larger numbers in Tekken than VF last had in EVO : \
  3. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    Ah yes, I guess that makes sense. The fact a fighting game community would even have the luxury of ignoring something like WCG was just not connecting with me. [​IMG]
  4. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    I think the cause is that the majority of Tekken players play on PS3 where WCG qualifiers are Xbox only.

    Besides they have plenty of offline tourneys to keep themselves occupied. Ex: MLG, Evo, Devastation
  5. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Can't they just turn up at the offline qualifiers anyway?
  6. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    This is without a doubt one of the bigger issues. Tekken has been a playstation game for long, and only the latest version arrived on xbox. This means that many (and I mean most) oldtimer tekkenists, ie. the good players, are playstation owners. They wont buy xbox just to partake on WCG. They will continue playing the latest version on PS3.

    This is true even in a small country like Finland here. In here however the community is so small that we dont need online qualifiers and top players can loan modded sticks to each other (those who dont have xbox stick) for the tournaments.
  7. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    <=== Hates playing Tekken on anything other than PS3.

    And it's true, no one in the Tekken community likes playing T6 online, myself included. We like to travel to offline tournaments throughout the US.

    So far, the largest Tekken tournament I had been to was Final Round earlier this year in March which had 178 participants for T6. And from what I heard, EVO is supposed to have over 200 people, though no one has officially confirmed the number for EVO yet.

    BLACKLAC Well-Known Member

    I notice a few DOA players in those Tekken brackets
  9. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Whats with the Tekken related threads at VFDC lately?
  10. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Sometimes a legitimate VF player, is called upon to silence a Tekken, DOA, or SC player [​IMG] So it makes sense that these games R discussed on this forum from time to time.

    Also there R many in-the-closet-Tekken-players who frequent VFDC
    that enjoy our level of fighting game and fighting community analysis, so they fein to be VFers with questions about Tekken [​IMG] Of course we know who they R. We condone their cheap charades because we know that in some instances these in-the-closet-Tekken-players actually convert to true VF players. [​IMG]

    Finally, although I realize your post was rhetorical, I'm obligated to point out that regardless to what other fighter games we talk about on this forum and no matter what we say about them, it always leads to the same inevitable conclusion:

    That is, Virtua Fighter is the best fighting system on the planet and is superior in virtually[/size] every category.

    So, no worries mate [​IMG]
  11. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Actually of late my approach has been "Stop bashing tekken for no reason". We're on a Message board for VF, of course people will think VF is better. It's not quite an impartial crowd. And that's fine, we all love VF here, but what's the point in bringing down other games? Insecurities?
  12. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    Don't get me wrong, I'm a long time Tekken player as well as SC
    player. Long time... I think it is appropriate to discuss the pros and cons and comparisons between all these games. Also I think it is appropriate to do so on VFDC. If not here, where?

    But... I don't think its bashing Tekken,DOA, SC,etc, because I state that VF is superior. Those games are all high quality fighters. Anyone who masters anyone of those games, deserves his/her props. I have met very skilled and knowledgeable people, who are Tekken devotees.

    On the other hand, this is not a matter of beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One of these games is the best when compared as a complete combat system and one of them is second best, and one is third, etc

    After comparing them for over a decade, after being involved in
    thousands of matches in each of these games, it is my expert opinion that VF is the superior fighting system. That does not mean that Tekken, SC, and DOA are not exceptional fighting systems in their own right. It just means VF is superior. Its not bashing Tekken, its just giving VF its props.

    If I thought Tekken were trash, I wouldn't own every version from Tekken 1, I wouldn't waste my time or money. The same goes with SC and DOA. They are reeally good fighters, its just VF is better. And if it weren't for the fact Sega does such a poor job in marketing, and a poor job with Fan support,
    VF's superiority would be as obvious as the fact that a Mercedes Benz is a higher quality car than a Ford Taurus.

    Cuz is not a matter of bias, its a matter of objectively listing the attributes, features, and components of a computer based combat system and then diligently comparing each fighting game in each category, giving them ,a fair score in each area, and then adding up the numbers at the end.

    I don't say VF is superior because I'm biased. I say its superior because it is. I was a Tekken player long before I knew what VF was. I'm probably a better Tekken player than I am a VF player. It would be easy for me to say that its all a matter of opinion, I think Tekken is the best, you think VF is the best, etc. But I would be fooling myself. Virtua Fighter is the best fighting system on the planet. That's not an opinion, that's a fact.

    We can show Tekken,etc respect on this board, but we don't want to delude anybody [​IMG] My current Ranking

    #1 VF
    #2 SC
    #3 Tekken
    #4 DOA

    As THQ's UFC and EA's MMA fighters mature, they are going to give all of the above serious competition for market share. Who knows, in 5 or 6 years it might be VF who? Tekken what? [​IMG]
  13. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Po and Cuz, word up on those posts!!!

    We go about this like Monk Assassins vs the Missionary priests and kill anyone who talks about any other fg other than VF... I feel people's bias turns into hatred and thus it builds and turns into this wall that keeps us close minded. Prime example- the SRK network thread. It was simply a "what do you think about it?" thread and it turned into an "SRK/VFDC merge = EA/BioWare merge" thread when it didn't have nothing to do with merging or anything like that. We're no better than Sega in some aspect. Instead of being open-minded about 'x' game or just fighting games in general, it sounds like a bar fight in a sense, in where you just smash the shit outta something other than yourself... Granted, most of the clutter is just simply opinions, but there are people who are out there for the kill.

    The fg community overall is making some attempt to band together and stop all the beef (well maybe not the Marvel players :)). To see MB in Evo is actually a great thing. I remember people used to bash that game way back when, but then once they saw it in action, cats were wowwed (kinda, but just enough to make a point)... Same thing for Smash Bros. It got the people's attention, and people were calling it Marvel Jr. because of all the things that make the game good. If someone here threw up a sidebar thread talking about Breakers Revenge, Senko no Ronde DUO or Destrega, I won't be the first to cast stones. Infact, I'd be all over that, 'cause I respect those games, (whether there's things in it I hate or if I hate the whole game) which in turn will allow me to respect the players/fans of the series... Stating one's opinion is fine, but opinion isn't ostracizing... When you've got other sites labeling you as elitists, somethings wrong...

    Man, I'm alittle biased, I'm not gonna lie. But that shit gets pushed aside alot of times because I realize those games I like more than others have flaws that bring it down. I can't count how many times I want hitboxes fixed in VF. If I do a [6][K] with Jeffry, and let's say Lion does a sweep (pick any sweep he has), if I'm already in the air and he does the sweep I shouldn't be hit still. My feet are clearly in the air, graphically missing the sweep altogether.

    I wish the SC characters were balanced a little bit more. I play Algol, Hilde, Yoshi, and Zas and I wish Algol and Hilde weren't so 'broken'.

    Tekken needs to redo every hitbox for everything. I do ff+2:1 with Paul and I get random results. Sometimes if the elbow hits, the punch might or might not hit. Sometimes if someone sidesteps me, even if they're behind me, I end up with a 'Guile Effect' in where I'm still able to hit you with my move even if the opponent is behind me (no homo). Let's not talk about those combos and Mortal Kombat flavors that were added in.

    DOA... Well, tone those ninjas way the fuck down, and beef some low tier cats up a bit... Throw in the 3.1 sidesteps and make backdash a bit faster.

    I might not like 'x' game or whatever the hell, but I do try to show some respect for it and the players. There aren't awhole lot of fighting games I don't like or won't play. Infact, if someone challenged me in Eternal Champions, best believe I'ma whoop that ass with Larcen or Rax... I'll crush cats in some damn Shaq Fu if anybody let me... That doesn't mean I don't have beef with the games. It doesn't mean that I don't like 'x' game more than the next game. It just means that I'm not that biased that it turns into some form of prejudice, thus growing and turning into hatred or something far worse. Besides, it's a fuckin' game!!! Get over it...
  14. tex

    tex Well-Known Member

    It is my fault.
  15. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Nah, Tekken talk/bash started way before you came on the scene... It might have escalated a bit, but don't beat yourself up over it...
  16. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

  17. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Can anyone tell me why they were playing with the handicap set to 110%? Is that the normal way to play or something?
  18. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    WCG rules.
  19. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Is that usually done in Tekken Tournies or is it just a WCG quirk?
  20. Blackula

    Blackula Well-Known Member

    Definitely not done at Tekken tournaments. Must be a WCG thing.

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