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Super Floats

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by MrWhite, Mar 20, 2002.

  1. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    <font color=white> 4 types of floats </font color=white> : normal, crouch float, major counter float and super ( call it whatever you want ) floats. Super floats occur when you MC an opp. in a midflight maneuver and they end up floating physically higher than your head or at the same level. Sort of like putting them into a TFT mode.
    As these occur rarely most people are prone to improvisation for their combos. I think its important to capitalise on the opportunity to inflict substantial damage aswell as being able to link moves that do not regularly connect into a combo. I've figured out a few combos that are reliable for 2 characters ( also, theirs Lau's "sidekick(MC/LW/MW-super float)-elbow-palm-superknife hand-knife hand-p-p-p-d+k" which all Lau users must've done at some point. Notably a combo that takes off a good chunk of your lifebar and your ego ) :

    <font color=white>Wolf</font color=white> :

    - mid-shldr (b,f+P+K) ( MC/LW-superfloat ), P[G], charge shoulder ram (b,f+P~hold P), m-sledgehammer (d/f,d/f,f+P-Must be executed as you hear/see impact of the charged shoulder ram)
    [ b,f+P+K,P[G],b,f+P[hold P],d/f,d/f,f+P ].

    - mid-shldr (b,f+P+K)(MC/LW, SF), P[G], P[G], shoulder ram (b,f+P) [* Also a wall combo (MC float) with a wall hit after the first P[G] ].

    - mid-shldr (MC/LW, SF), reverse back kick (d/f+K+G), P[G], P, P, f+P [ havent landed the ending b+P slam which would result in a pickup..which would be nice..].

    <font color=white>Akira</font color=white> :

    - shrm ( or b,f+P+K is flashy aswell ) (MC/LW, SF), yoho, 2/3rd DLC ( the dragon lance wont connect but the elbow will), m-dblpalm [ D,f+P+K, d/f,d/f+P, d/f+K+G, f+P, d/b, d/b, b, f+P . I've mentioned a variation of this combo before in another thread but did not specify the requirements of a super float or LW for that matter ].

    - shrm ( same as above )(MC/LW, SF), yoho, P[G], m-shrm, d+P, dblpalm [ D,f+P+K, d/f,d/f+P, P[G], d/f,d/f,f+P+K, d+P, b, f+P ].
    [ wall combo variation : Yoho/knee/shrm ( MC/LW, MC float not SF ), P[G], m-shrm, wall hit, *P[G], m-dblpalm (add a bodycheck if your quick enough). This one takes off nasty damage ~120 points/60%. * You can replace "P[G], m-dblpalm" with DJK ].

    * Akira's sidekick into a standing palm is also a good SF starter. DJK is a good SF finisher aswell.

    Kage has shite super float starters ( as in "doesnt have priority over the opps. air maneuver in order to MC super float" ) except maybe for his sidekick so I havent figured anything more reliable other than helix-sidekick, Px sequences and variations off his TFT combos.
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    for nailing ppl out of the air, nothing's more satisfying than lau's d/f+P+K. Land four of them if you're really feeling dull, or try something like d/f+P+K --> b,f+P --> sidekick-P-palm ---> low kick ---> sweep.
    That's a hypothetical combo, you may need a wall to keep them close to you, or you might not.
  3. Robyrt

    Robyrt Well-Known Member

    Well, for super floats, Sarah's DC immediately comes to mind... it should allow you to connect chop-kick, chop-kick, FL flipkick for starters.
  4. Tetra

    Tetra Well-Known Member

    it's not possible unless it's a wall combo. i tried...

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