sunnyvale golfland showdowns

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by DigitalDrunk, Apr 22, 2002.

  1. DigitalDrunk

    DigitalDrunk Member

    I finally made the journey from modesto to sunnyvale's golfland to play and boy was it awesome!!! There were about 5 of us going toe to toe in some very intense matches this past sunday afternoon from about 2-5p. I dont know the people's names that were there or if they were anyone who logs onto here but if anyone wants to play the digital drunk ill be playing there again this coming sunday (probably about the same time). I use shun di *current fav* and a little lei fei and lion. You cant miss me lets just say i stand a bit taller than your average arcader (Im 6'6").. Looking forward to future battles. Oh and keep practicing cause ill be sittin at home eyes glued to the screen, arcade stick in hand practicing for any future sunnyvale showdowns..

    later and happy playing,

  2. tragic

    tragic Well-Known Member


    Hehe I went to SF today. Lemme know next time you head down.

  3. jackybrothas

    jackybrothas Well-Known Member

    sunday eh? hmmmm.. how about this coming friday??? we call it TGIVF, thank goodness it's virtuafri-ghter hehe a group of us go on friday late afternoon till closing to play/eat. well hope you can make it, if not then i'll see ya on a certain sunday (i can't this coming sunday)

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