Sunday Night R.A.W., Season #2 -- Weekly Ranking Battles

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by BLACKSTAR, Nov 15, 2015.


    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Welcome to Sunday Night R.A.W. - Season #2! This season, we're changing things up, and running it as a Ranking Battles/Danisen League! Be sure to check outwill occur on Sundays, from 7pm-until (EST), and will be streamed by me (@BLACKSTAR) at


    Next: Sunday Night R.A.W. #53!
    -- Week #2 of 12 --
    Sunday, November 29th, 2015 @ 9pm 8pm EST.

    R.A.W. RanBats is now


    For Season #2, Sunday Night R.A.W. is now known as: Sunday Night R.A.W. RanBats League!!


    What is a Ranking Battle/RanBats/Danisen League? It is a ladder-style system that divides players up in to Dan ranks. You see this system in the ranked mode of VF5FS; however, this structure for this season of R.A.W. was inspired by the world famous 3rd Strike Danisen Leagues of Japan that are still being held regularly and keeps a 17 year old game like 3s alive, exciting, and fun to watch.

    The R.A.W. RanBats ranking system is based on a slightly-modified version of the Game Versus Danisen league rules, which can be seen here and here.

    What is a Dan rank? It is a martial arts ranking system first introduced in 1883 by Kanou Jigorou, the founder of Judo. It consists of Kyu ranks(commonly represented in martial arts with colored belts) and Dan ranks(represent black belt levels).

    How do Dan ranks work? In R.A.W. RanBats, there is one starter level of Kyu rank and an unlimited amount of Dan ranks.

    After 3rd Dan is reached, the highest ranking player will receive a special title (Skylord). Each Dan rank after 10th Dan will receive special titles. The amount of Dan ranks available in R.A.W. RanBats will be determined by the number of players in the RanBats and their collective skill level.

    The more players and the better these players are as a whole, the higher Dan rank that the best players can reach! Let's grow as group!

    How do you rank up/down?
    There is a point system:
    • EVERY PLAYER STARTS AT 0 KYU RANK at 0 points.
    • Every new rank starts at 0 points (after rank up/down).
    • Win = +1 point. +3 points = Rank UP.
    • Loss = -1 point. -3 points = Rank DOWN.
    • There are only two exceptions.
      • 0 Kyu/Starter rank: +1 point = Rank UP. CANNOT rank DOWN (Kyu ranks can only have minimum of -2 points).
      • Skylord title-holder (more on that later): Can only earn maximum of 0 points. CANNOT rank UP.

    What is a Skylord? Adopted from the VF5FS ranking system, Skylord is the highest title you can earn in R.A.W. RanBats.

    This is the #1 Headband of R.A.W. RanBats!


    How can I become Skylord? You must fufill these requirements to earn the title of Skylord.
    • You must be AT LEAST 3rd Dan.
    • You must be highest ranking player.
    • You must be the ONLY one in your current rank.
    • Your rank must be at least as high or higher than the last Skylord title-holder.

    Note: RANKS AND TITLES ARE NOT PERMANENT! You MUST fight, if you want to keep your rank/title (except for starter rank)!​

    How long will this season last? Season #2 of Sunday Night R.A.W. will last for 12 weeks. Following those 12 weeks will be a 1 month break, before season #3 (tentative).

    How do we play? Each week's session of R.A.W. RanBats will go like this:​
    • Each Dan ranking group of players will be divided by system (Xbox360/PS3).
    • Each Dan ranking group of players will be divided randomly into groups of six.​
      • For example: if there are 18 players in 1st Dan rank for Xbox360, there will be three groups of six.​
    • Each group of will be invited to a Room Match, which will be streamed LIVE on R.A.W.!​
    • The room will be WINNER STAYS ON.​
    • The player on top of the room will play the player second from the top of the room in a set.​
    • EACH RAW SET WILL BE FT2 (Yes! FT2!).​
      • If you don't want to lose, you better know your matchups and punishments! Do your homework BEFORE playing in the RanBats!​
      • Skylord battles will be FT3.​
    • Loser of the set drops to the bottom of the room, winner plays the next highest player.​
    • The room will continue until someone Ranks UP; after which, the room will DISBAND, and the next group will play.​
      • If you want to keep playing, don't let the next some other guy level up before you!​

    Xbox360 or PS3? For the moment, we are going to try out having it on both systems. However Xbox360 is the more recommended system, due to less server and lag issues. However, if popularity for one system dips too low, we will focus purely on the other system. Also note that PS3 and 360 players obviously can't play each other at the same time.
    Due to lack of interest, R.A.W. RanBats is now XBL ONLY!

    What if I miss a week? Each week you miss counts as a LOSS(-1 pt). YES, you can rank down from missing a week! (Honestly, if you can take -1 point, its not a huge deal) Special exceptions can be made, if necessary.

    How do I sign up? Easy!​

    Can I do Sunday Night R.A.W. on [insert day that's not Sunday here]? No. Sundays only. Sorry for any inconvenience.

    Can I do commentary? ANYONE can do commentary. Just ask in the comments here and find me on Skype at my name -- blackstar2478. However, there are stipulations:​
    • Only ONE guest commentator (as in 'not blackstar').​
    • You MUST join the room, or you can't be a commentator.​
    • Be respectful of others or you will get kicked out of the Skype call!​

    What if my internet sucks/I use WiFi? You will be given a few chances, in case of random problems. However, if your matches are consistently problematic, because your internet is bad or you are using WiFi, you will be KICKED OUT of the room, given a LOSS, and will not be invited back until (at least) the next R.A.W. Get your internet connections straight or don't join! Sounds harsh, but please don't ruin the fun for everyone else.

    What if I am a new player/I suck? I'm scared! This is the perfect place for you to level up! Now you have a variety of opponents, character match-ups, and playstyles to test yourself against! Also, with rankings, you will now be able to play against players of your skill level more often, preventing less blowups. And now you don't have to depend on dead online lobbies to find opponents -- no more "I CANT FIND ANYONE TO PLAY, WAAAH" excuses!

    What if I'm better than all you losers? You scrubs all suck, I'm the best! Great! PROVE it here! Now you and all the other good players can battle it out for high rankings and titles, just like in the arcade! And, now you don't have to depend on dead online lobbies to find opponents -- no more "I CANT FIND ANYONE TO PLAY, WAAAH" excuses!

    Special shoutouts to Butterfree, the best western Melty Blood player and ATL native, for all his help with the Danisen rules (Check his twitch stream out here and his youtube page here. If you are interested in learning Melty Blood, go here.).​

    Last edited: Nov 29, 2015
    Rodnutz, DigitlSamurai, Kobi and 4 others like this.
  2. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I would consider it but time very important here for me I work sunday night and I might not have the time to fully cooperate if it starts at 8 or later and I have to rest before work too. Knowing that it is unlikely I can take part if I decide to do it unless it starts before 8 if not oh well I don't mind watching
    BLACKSTAR likes this.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    Sign me up for Sunday at 7pm. I will give it try.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Which Xbox360, PS3, or both? Which character?

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    Ps3 and is it character lock?
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  6. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    couldn't ask for a better birthday gift. RAW is back!
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  7. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Man this sounds awesome. I would love to join, but I fear that I will miss out on it for the same reason I never joined in on season 1. I just have too much to do on Sundays :(

    Still....looks and sounds awesome man...
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  8. Blitzball Champ

    Blitzball Champ Well-Known Member

    Sign me up for both and Wolf of course.
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  9. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    This sounds amazing. Since it's character lock, would you allow people to join multiple times and have separate ranks for each character?
    BLACKSTAR likes this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Yes. Each player can register up to 3 characters per system (thats up to 6 character entries total for both systems).

    So yeah, I can de-rank with my Aoi on XBL and be able to join and play again with the next round with my Sarah on XBL, and then play yet again with my Sarah on PSN. All on the same night.
  11. cruzlink2

    cruzlink2 Well-Known Member

    I am in there PSN/XBL Cruzlink 2 Akira and Pai.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    Psn and for the first round I will go with taka.
    Modelah and BLACKSTAR like this.
  13. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    One shall stand. One shall fall. PSN/XBL: adamYUKI

    Jeffry till I die.
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  14. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Akira til, I retire!
    BLACKSTAR and adamYUKI like this.
  15. DigitlSamurai

    DigitlSamurai Well-Known Member

    Sign me up for 360. Playing as Jacky.
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  16. BBountyHuntyr

    BBountyHuntyr Well-Known Member

    As always.

    Thinking I might re-buy a PS3 to open the door to more challenges for RAW.

    (Primarily) 360 - BBountyHuntyr
    PS3 - BBountyHunter

    Former leader of the YYY, and currently a wandering bounty hunter.

    BLACKSTAR and adamYUKI like this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Thank you to everyone that registered so far! You guys are a big help, and the reason RAW is back at all

    Let's see even more people sign up! The more people sign up, the better the RanBats will be for everyone!

    Just like how the character-locked, long sets of last season was designed to help train players to adapt to their opponent's changing playstyles over time, this season's method is somewhat the same. In this season, it is designed to have players a variety of opponents and characters in short-set settings. Because its short sets, there is more pressure! You better come with your homework done, or else you will lose a point or even de-rank! (In fact, I'm being nice by making RAW sets FT2....I might be evil and change RAW sets back to FT1, just like a real arcade danisen.....its brutal! :eek: Buuuut, not now, maybe later >: D )

    However, to make up for it, unlike season 1, this season players are invited play multiple times per RAW (using different characters/systems), so in case you do lose your set, now you have potentially more chances to play in a single RAW session! And if you DO lose/de-rank, you can replay a 10 minute video of your character's matches to see all of your mistakes you need to correct, rather than having to thumb through an hour-long session (please re-watch your RAW matches and correct your mistakes and missed punishes for next time. That's how the best players get better!).

    And now, because of ranks, players will now more likely matched up to play against players of their own skill level, which should prevent the constant boring blowouts that plagued last season. This will happen as players assume different ranks over time.

    Are you a vet? Sign-up for R.A.W. RanBats and fight other strong players for the highest rank and cool titles, just like in the arcade!

    Are you a new player or trying to improve? GREAT, now you have a place to go to to find a variety of opponents and character match-ups now! You don't have to depend only on dead and barren online ranked and room lobbies anymore!

    MORE PEOPLE MORE PEOPLE JOIN JOIN JOIN SIGN UP LETS GOOOOOOOOOOO GO GO GOG OG GOG GO!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:[DP]:confused::eek::eek::eek:
    ShinyBrentford, adamYUKI and Kruza like this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Also, there is a new rule for Skylord rank:

    • You MUST have AT LEAST one character registered for both Xbox360 and PS3 systems.
    After all, you can't call yourself the best if you can't play everyone! (No, there will NOT be a Skylord rank per system, so don't bother to ask for it! #1 Headband means #1 Headband!)
  19. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    I'll sign into XBL with Aoi.
    adamYUKI and BLACKSTAR like this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    new info on the OP. sign up spreadsheet updated.

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