Southtown Arcade VF5FS Tournament 1.2

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Mar 28, 2012.

By akai on Mar 28, 2012 at 11:27 AM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    [​IMG] The VF5FS pre-console tournament series at South Town Arcade (STA) continues! This is the second out of five scheduled tournaments at STA and will be streamed on Iplaywinner, March 30th, 2012. The tournament is expected to start around 7 PM PST.

    Can't make it to this tournament, but is interested in playing VF5FS before the console version is released? You still have three more times to play the game at STA! For additional information, please check the South Town Arcade VF5FS Tournament Series Thread.

    Update: Stream is over! Embedded is Part 2.

    [​IMG] Part 1 / Part 2


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Mar 28, 2012.

    1. L_A
      WHo am I going to get to hang out with up there on friday night? [​IMG]
    2. 001
      i'll be there.
    3. SDS_Overfiend1
    4. steelbaz
      Last stream was great, really fun matches, looking forward to this! Although it's making the wait for VF5FS a little more painful [​IMG]
    5. Dennis0201
      Why wouldn't you come the past weekend? NCR had 2 days play for free!!
    6. L_A
      Because I was on a really nasty deadline and stayed up for almost 2 days straight.
    7. Renzo
      Can't wait to see you Gerald! It's been too long!!
    8. akai
      Just announced by South Town Arcade Twitter:

      "BTW, @SEGA is awarding a VIP Ticket to the VF5:FS launch party in LA to the winner of our VF5:FS tournament on Friday!"

      Hope that is incentive to get the maximum 32 players to enter the tourney! Pres-register to guarantee yourself a spot in the tourney.

      Iplaywinner Story
    9. RadicalReactor
      I'm looking forward to trying some new things Friday! [​IMG]
    10. L_A
      Likewise, man. I'm looking forward to chillin friday and saturday with you and the norcal crew; [​IMG]
    11. siLEpai
      It's been ages, so count me in siLE! I might be late pending traffic =P
    12. cobratron
      ill be there early...cant wait to see FS in person.
    13. BlackGeneral
      Gonna be hype! I hope there'll be a big tournout.
    14. Kruza
      Good luck to everyone participating in the tourney tonight!

    15. akai
      Results: 1st LA Akira (SH) / 2nd Renzo (JN) / 3rd CrazyDrunk (SH)

      Congrats - and nice seeing the new and old faces from VFDC in the stream and on chat.


      Some of the interesting notes from Frank, the Sega Rep.

      1. Your customize character files will not be portable
      2. Knockout Trial modes from Arcade will not be in the console version.
      3. Xbox 360 - Achievements 400 points worth.
      4. Will there be upgrade patches after the game is release? That depends.
      5. After PAX east - there will be more tourney's Sega will be attending (did not state which ones though)
      6. Tecmo's had plans for VF guests for over a year now.
    16. Sudden_Death
      rep mentioned demo on xbox ONLY since they have a small team (i dont know if this was posted somewhere else)
    17. Dennis0201
      Does it make sense?
    18. L_A
      Hey man, it was nice meeting you and playing you today! [​IMG]
    19. Aion
      Really enjoyed watching the stream; congrats to the placers! Also, alot of good knowledge dropped from L_A, thank you for that.

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