SoCal VF5 party with Shin! Starts TOMORROW!

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Plague, Apr 25, 2007.

  1. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Just when you thought it was time to relax with some laid back VF5 play, those crazy SoCal VF'ers throw a party with almost no notice at all![/size] See, I just got this phone call from Srider[/size]... "Hey, me and Shin are coming to L.A. tomorrow and want to play some VF5. Oh, you're welcome to hype Shin all you want because he'll back up any claim you make about his playing."[/size]

    "Sweet!" - Ashton Kutcher

    That sounds like all the hype I need right there - so here goes...[/size]

    It's time to play at Plague's house!

    Pack up your PS3s, High Grades, and RAP3s. Bring your new-found VF5 skills and come to battle with the best SoCal, North America, and the world has to offer. Players from all over the globe are welcome to attend. I think it's definitely worth the effort.

    There's always something magical about these events and the universal thought from the people that miss them could actually be this.[/size]

    Event Date: Thursday, April 27th through some time into next week(!) 2007.

    Quick List of what's happening: Little(?) gathering Thursday (tomorrow) night, Big Party Friday night, and then you'll just have to watch this thread, 'cause, hey, I don't really know what's going on after that.[/size]

    Now for the details...

    Party Place: Plague's House - 8538 Wild Pony Drive, Riverside, CA 92509

    Party Time(s): Thursday: 7:00pm to midnight. Friday: 7:00pm till whenever, Saturday-Tuesday to be announced!

    If all this sounds good to you - here's where to stay and how to get here...

    Places to stay: My house or, if you want to use a Hotel/Motel, you can use the Motel 6 near Plague's house which is 2.3 miles from the house. If you wish to call my house your home during the party, here's a list of the soft places on which you can attempt to sleep: two couches and two recliners . I recommend you pack sleeping bags and pillows just in case. These soft places are not reserved for anyone. If you need to sleep, you use whatever spot you can find - it's likely to be amongst other people still awake and playing VF. A shower is available. I ask that it be used at what should be the quieter times of day - specifically 9am to around 1pm when people tend to be asleep and not needing to use the restroom.

    I'm gonna leave the flying instructions in just because it's so effening cool that people fly here just for VF, ya know?

    Flying in to SoCal: Please schedule arrivals and departures from ONT airport (Ontario, California). If you're an intercontinental traveler, I believe you must land in LAX. I can provide housing and transportation from the morning of Thursday the 29th through the morning of Monday the 2nd. Please post or PM your itinerary to confirm your visit. It builds excitement and momentum - it's the stuff that gets more and more people to say "You know? I'm gonna buy my plane tickets and go to this thing!"

    Driving directions from Los Angeles:

    60 East, pass the 57 and 15 freeways
    Exit Pedley (3rd exit after you pass the 15)
    Right turn on Pedley
    Left turn on Mission (first traffic light)
    Right turn on Agate (first right, no stop sign)
    Left turn on Wild Pony Drive (first left)

    Driving directions from San Diego:

    15 North, pass the 91, take the 60 East
    Exit Pedley
    Right turn on Pedley
    Left turn on Mission (first traffic light)
    Right turn on Agate (first right, no stop sign)
    Left turn on Wild Pony Drive (first left)

    Address numbers on house and mailbox post. Silver Honda Odyssey in driveway.

    PM for phone numbers if you need them.

    Will you hit traffic? Yah, it's Southern California - you bet there will be traffic. Don't let that sway you! This trip is worth every minute of it.

    What we provide: 32" SDTV (480i), US PS3 with VF5, two Virtua High-Grade sticks, four 20" widescreen Dell Monitors with HDMI to DVI cables + audio, two 25" (or so) SDTVs, air conditioning, fridge full of soda, various chips, pretzels, and what-not, places to sit, room for five or six (maybe seven?) VF setups.

    What you all need to bring:[/size] PS3s, your standard composite cables (the ones that came with your PS3), sticks, and VF5 discs. Please make the effort to bring these things - your contribution will add so much to this event. Besides the 32" SDTV, we have six ready-to-use displays (two SDTVs and four HDTV monitors). We need your gaming set-ups.[/size]

    What about food? Everyone usually chips in for food. Lots of fast food in the area. Good sit-down restaurants, too. Plus, there are pizza places that deliver.

    Who's gonna be there? Well, in the past we've had some of the best that Southern California, the West Coast, the East Coast, and the world has to offer - any one of them could make a return visit: akiralove, andy, Myke, Srider, Joey (GY_beta), mukatsuku_shun, YOSUKE, ice-9, bearcrusher, kurita, Namflow, Rocket Pai, adamYUKI, kazu, Shag, Konjou_Akira, Denkai84, maddy, thebradSHow, s_aki, Ladon, DRE, Chanchai, HowBoutSum, GodEater, MADrox, Kaminari_Oyaji, stompoutloud, Jerky, SiYkO, Pushku, IronJUNKIE, Shang, Shou, Zero-chan, Fishie, growcian, afroconnexion, EL_Brisal73, L_A_Akira, Team Tokyo Mafia (PhoenixDth, Sean, GoatCheeseBlues), Ken__I, Exile, SillyWilly, KTallguy, Unsafe_Dan, CaliJared, Lion-2P, KoD, Renzokuken, Raoul, THE_WALL, snapz, sirphobos, Lawrence, Paolo, Tierzo, Riona, FatalRose, Matt_K, Type Tenchi, Banes, Mindscan, Whoa_its_Eric, Mike90210, vf5akira, Gribbly and Team Pandemic (Austin, Forrester, Jimmy), sgtsmurf, Joon, Weslyzm, 2012, firstpressing, Rikyu, Adam, Amir, Chris, Chris II, Adrian, Peter, Mike, Jacob, Collette,[/size] and many more!

    Sometimes 24 people (yes, 24, really) at once with five set ups running!

    Maybe this time we'll get six setups going! Maybe even seven!

    What's gonna happen? Lots of VF5. Major good times.

    Remember this: During a SoCal VF Event - Sleeping is not important. School is not important. Work is not important, either - that's what every other day of the year is for![/size]

    Please post your intent to show up right here on this thread - it generates excitement and results in larger attendance.

    OMG! SoCal VF5 rocks!
  2. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    YEEAAAHHH!! Sweet, I'll be there. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  3. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Man!! I promised myself that I will go to the next Socal event, but this is too soon =P Anyways have fun guys. Make sure to bring lubrication for the rapings /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  4. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    What?! One day notice not enough for you?! HAHAHAHAH!
  5. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    I have already ordered the body bags and cleanup crew after the tsunami hits there tomorrow. Also, I have sent out 4-5 psychologists to counsel the survivors remaining.

    Goodluck everyone and most importantly have fun!< I forget this alot, lol...
    <u>"It's like your moving in slow motion!"</u>

  6. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Fuck! I'm guessing there is no get together in NorCal this weekend. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    I was hoping to increase the ratio:
    Shin 12 Me 1 (total fucking fluke)
  7. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    It would of been nice if Shin were at the last gathering..well make sure you save a bunch of replays
  8. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Have a blast you guys! Wish I could be there (I would so be there if I could!).

    Well, we all know what the most anticipated replays for the next few weeks will be!

  9. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

  10. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    who is shin?
  11. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Another future Willy fan /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  12. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    that's so funny.
  13. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    First, there was Yotaku. Then (maybe) Shintaku!
  14. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    LOL, there definitely will be Shintaku!

    Willy's AWESOME! You've got your stand up comedians, your stage/skit comedians... and here comes Silly Willy who should make his living being an "Escort Comedian." It's a unique talent and you sometimes wonder if he's insane in all the right ways. Awesome for out of town VFers. But I bet he could make a fortune turning his services to the ladies!

    Yes, Willy... Even the white chicks would completely dig it!

    (But don't forget us VFers when we come to town.)

  15. CaliJared

    CaliJared Well-Known Member

    Wish I could make it guys. =/
  16. Krafty Matt

    Krafty Matt Well-Known Member

    Sorry I couldn't make it. Last minute crisis with the kids. The joys (and sometimes anguish) of being a parent.
  17. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    cant make it on both days, too much stuff to finish before the weekend
  18. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Shin hax, wtf.

    lol, I think everyone left around midnight at least me. There was Willy, Ken. I, Me, Srider, Shin, and Plague. It was pretty nice. We need to get ranking battles started cause I've been DYING for VF action, not owning a PS3 is gay.
  19. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Awesome night. Thank you all for showing up and here's to more VF5 madness tonight! (Insert Hurrah! Party! icon here)

    Extra thanks to Shin and Srider for making the trip all the way out to the house.
  20. djtortilla

    djtortilla Well-Known Member

    i would like to make it to one of these.

    too bad the drive from orange county to riverside sucks, especially on a friday night.

    maybe next time

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