SOCAL VF universal character save/ AI stay or go

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Brisal73, Jan 31, 2007.

  1. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    SOCAL VF universal character save/ AI stay or go

    I was thinking...with the inability to transfer character profiles why don't we make sure that everyone from Socal is represented on everyone's PS3 system save by adding them to each others system/

    For example on my system I will create profiles for

    Brisal73 :Wolf
    EL_Brisal73 : El Blaze
    Plague - Akira
    Goatcheese - Sara
    Catherine - Pai
    Phoenix Dth: Lei Fei and Jacky
    Akira Love: Akira, Wolf
    Andy: Shun, Pai

    etc etc... it still sucks that we wont people to keep the same ranks but at least the profiles will be on each Socal PS3 no matter what system we play on during the gatherings.

    Then eventually when we get a complete all item opened save then we can share that one save between everyone and start to use the customize feature for the characters.

    I will start first:

    My characters will be El Blaze and Wolf

    whos next?
  2. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: SOCAL VF universal character save

    i have yet to decide what character i want to play in vf5

    The last time we tried this with evo it flopped. The closest thing we're gonna get to a universal save is the setup we might have at AI. If we dont get the kit, Tom and I are planning to convince the owner to buy a monitor and ps3 that he can store in the back room. We just need to pay a weekly rental fee to cover his PS3, monitor, game, and maybe joystick costs. Then we can take that save and distribute. We'll see how everything works out.
  3. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: SOCAL VF universal character save

    you should at least know your main character and you can add others. doesnt matter. Just thought it would be nice to play on any machine and have ur stats there for thats paticular system.

    Dont be so negative /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  4. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: SOCAL VF universal character save

    I REALLY still havent decided on a main. I dont think its easy to distribute the save file, because everyone logs in different time on their home version. Not being negative, just more realistic and I would like to continue to goto AI as well, as being probably the only arcade that supported FT near launch. I just like the enviroment there better at times and its a more convenient drive and place to hang out for most everyone.

    If anything if you want a name on someone else's system, people can just make it when they're there.
  5. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Re: SOCAL VF universal character save

    I agree the enviroment at AI can be good, but I would be surprised if a PS3 setup at AI would work. One setup multiple people there to play one game means crappy wait times like usual (which is the worst part about playing VF at AI). Honestly, I end up playing more of the other games than I actually would play VF on a busy night and that sucks

    Plus Im not sure I would want to pay a rental fee to play a PS3 at a location after I just spent $600 plus on my own setup and we can just have seperate gatherings with more setups and more play time at someones place.

    I guess Im being negative, but I see the VF scene dying at AI (ex VFEVO) rather quickly once Vf5 is out in the home.

    Just my 2 cents

    for everyone else. I would still be more than happy to add your player profiles to my ps3 just PM or reply to this thread and I'll add you

  6. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    Re: SOCAL VF universal character save

    the whole point of AI is meeting people, and I also do like playing the other games too, its all part of the experience for me. There is also a competitive edge when you try to maintain your seat on the machine, probably not every player enjoys that - but its an experience for me even an infinite house gatherings cannot compare to.
  7. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Re: SOCAL VF universal character save

    I do have to admit I would like to play AI more than a house gathering, not to say that plagues house gatherings are not great, their awesome. But something about Arcades really brings the best out of you.

    But the way Sega is just screwing foreign countries over by using the rental software for the arcade makes true VF5 arcade not possible. I do hope this PS3 set up is as good as it seems to be, I saw a picture from L_A_Akira and that looked real cool (minus the Happ sticks).

    Also, even though I don't always get alot of VF match time in when I go, I also enjoy playing the other games a AI like the occasional 3S, MBAC, Shooting games, and maybe a music game here and there.

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