Should I choose Kage for Kumite mode?

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by lionrulz77, Sep 22, 2002.

  1. lionrulz77

    lionrulz77 Active Member

    Hi everybody it's me again,

    I just want to ask three questions, if anyone can answer them for me then that is great!
    So here are the questions

    1. I was thinking about playing as Kage on Kumite mode but I tried playing as him on arcade and I couldn't seem to get him to do any really good moves, just a couple of [P]unch and [K]ick combos (which were a bit cheesy by the way!) so does anybody know any simple but better combos for Kage?

    2. I keep getting those weird little "special items" for all of my characters on Kumite mode (like "old win pose" and "VF1 character") and I don't know what they are for, so can anybody please tell me what they are for / how to activate them?

    3. I am spoilt for choice over which character to play as next on Kumite, I have currently got Lion at 2nd dan, Pai, Aoi and Wolf at 1st dan, and I (as you already know) am probably going to play as Kage next, but which one should I play as after I have finished with him?

    Thanks everyone if you answer these question(s)

    Bye! /versus/images/icons/grin.gif

    P.S. sorry about that cheesy poll that I posted a while ago, that was when I was a beginner and didn't know many items, but now I know more!
  2. Elven

    Elven Member

    I used Kage as my first char in Kumite and hes 3rd Dan at the moment. He is really powerful if u know how to fight with him properly. Go to Training and the Command. Learn his moves and u will get better.
    To activate items go to Data Files then Edit File. Choose the char u want and the go to Edit Colour and Items i think it is. Then u can equip ur gained items to ur Head, Torso, arms.
  3. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Kage is a breeze for kumite mode... all you need if [9][K]+[G]. If it's blocked, immediately [2][P] - if it MCs, throw; if it's blocked (RARE situation), do another [2][P]. On the other hand, if [9][K]+[G] hits, continue with combo - [2][P] -> [6][2][3][P] works against everyone if you play vs. CPU (human Wolf/Jeffry can IR the DP).

    Throws: higher-ranked CPU escapes those often, just keep doing [4][P]+[G] (and combo), [3][P]+[G] (+ either pounce or DP for ura), and [4][2][P]+[G] (with [4][P] ura... just be careful if it's escaped!).

    Also check out Kage Basics thread for combos. For a very easy TFT one that works on everyone do knee -> [P][G] -> [2][P]+[K] -> [7][K]+[G].
  4. Ura_Bahn

    Ura_Bahn Well-Known Member

    If you have aquired the VF 1 Model special, to use it select your kumite charecter and then hold down [P] + [K] when the round is loading.

    Once you have the old victory pose 1 special hold [P] + [K] + [G] when you win the match.

    To use victory pose 2 hold [P] + [K]

    To change the background on the main menu, simply choose Options -> Settings -> Game, and press L and R to change the background.
  5. Two_Bit_Mage

    Two_Bit_Mage Well-Known Member

    If you are doing well with him now, by all means. whoever you seem to have a natural apathy for, thats who you should choose
  6. Choose Lei Fei. Even though he's slow, once you learn all his moves, he kick everybody's butt.

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