Shadowloo Players comments on VF5FS

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, May 14, 2012.

By akai on May 14, 2012 at 3:40 PM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    [​IMG]At the recent Shadowloo Showdown 2012 event, Australia Gamespot's Zorine Te asked a couple of pro players and regular VFDC members their impressions on Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown and the Virtua Fighter series in general.

    This includes Ryan Hart (Prodigal Son), Keita Ai (Fuudo), Daniel Chlebowczyk (Berzerk), and Mike Abdow (Myke).

    The players went through a wide range of topics with an emphasis on the latest version of the game's balance and difficulty.

    Check out Gamespot's Pro Gamers on Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown News Story to read the entire story.


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, May 14, 2012.

    1. nou
      I can see where Fuudo is coming from. This is as stripped down as SEGA should make VF. They are really taking it old school with certain aspects of the game. Hopefully it DOES draw in more people and we can see the return of some aspects in the next installment whenever it decides to hit.
    2. Tryston
      I hope the haters that read this will have a second thought...
    3. Kamais_Ookin
      No offense but the only person's opinion I care about is the one who has actually been playing FS and that's Fuudo. His words is what I agree with - FS is still a great game because it's pretty balanced but more dumbed down compare to previous VF games.
    4. Shidosha
      I don't agree with what fuudo said. I mean i respect his opinion as a top player in the game but he said it as if he isn't willing to share the gem with others.
      When you've reached a level of mastry in a complex system of course it's gonna feel worse when you dumb it down. The problem that VF had is that it so complex it found most players lost in translation while those that got it wound up being GREAT at it.

      Thats all good and well but do remember that this is a business. I feel that sega and AM2 made the strongest move without screwing the game up completely.
      And it's not like they added an easy mode, they just made execution changes so that nothing can get in the way of players using their maximum potential to learn each-other.
      And I'm okay with that!
    5. GodEater
      can someone please address the hat and cape?
    6. sibarraz
      He loves bison?
    7. Ash_Kaiser
      I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that since it was Shadowloo Showdown, the M.Bison hat and cape was either a prize for the winner of each tournament, or just a prop for photos.
    8. akai
      In bold [​IMG]
    9. Berzerk
      It was a good round of interviews, definitely tight on space, unfortunately didn't get to put across that I think VF is actually EASY to learn, so yes I also disagree with Fuudo on that count.

      He is amazing and his point of view on the game is truly valuable, but you have to remember his perspective is of a person who has been able to play the game in an environment where it is both more physically accessible and popular, so finding other players and building a community of players is less of an issue.

      I think our priority as VF players is to show how exciting it can be (look at the stream of those finals) and how easy it is too learn - to turn its "too difficult" reputation around.
    10. KiwE
      I really feel there's some sort of hush hush bs conspiracy coming from old school VF players right about now about how many don't like the changes between FS from R (in particular to the throw system) that I feel is immature. The changes have certainly not gotten this much positive light that I see now everywhere (if people even dare to talk about them) in the east. Doing a poll now it would feel that 95% are really glad about them and that they needed to be done which I feel isn't reflective of the truth of many peoples feelings. This certainly isn't reflective of how the discussion regarding them have been - even on this site.

      I can only explain it as some sort of fear that it will turn newcomers to the series away from it saying that "well yeah this new version we get now might be shitty" (while nodding silently soaking up all those 'highly technical' descriptions like a sponge) or a fear to displease Sega to the point of them never giving VF to the west again after all this whining or something. We'll damn you at the stake or try to explain every single thing you are displeased with in terms of you not understanding or being a scrub seems to be the general idea.

      Either way I don't like it.
    11. SDS_Overfiend1
      Seems like the simplified throw system is the major gripe about the game.... The pink elephant in the room is 95% of you don't break throws anyway.. Moving right along. Japanese don't give away secrets or protips very often depending on who it is your asking..They will enforce general knowledge and make everything seem like its by chance rather than skills (Like a top ranked players saying they only input 1 TE.)..I experience this first hand as a Preteen.
    12. Tha_FeauchA
      lol. That's what made it fun though. Guessing which couple/few of the 5 (plus neutral) directions to input. Plus it's a lot harder to break throws online since you have to input the throw escape earlier, like before you're even getting thrown/the throw animation starts. Where as offline, you can escape a throw as your being thrown/early in the animation of the throw. That's why you don't see lots of throw escapes online.

      Not sayin err body is hitting the right throw directions every time, or inputing throw escapes at the right moments. But that difference in delay makes a huge difference.

      And also movin on.

      It's not a game killer, but it did dumb THAT part of the game down almost all the way, in my opinion.

      I aint trippin on it. Honestly, it's a good idea for new comers of the game, since every other fighter i've personally played, you just input your basic throw ([6]+P/K, or LP+LK etc.) at the same time you think you're being thrown to escape it. Now they can come into VF and just pick one of the 2 directions or neutral to break a throw vs the pick a few of the 5 directions and/or neutral. So the guessing game isn't completely gone, but it's almost as close as it could get to being gone lol.

      It does suck getting thrown all the time and seemingly not being able to do anything about it. And breaking throws in VF look dope, and definently builds morale in the match and as a player. So this is a good way for new players to be able to attempt it ,and pull it off more often than the old throw system.

      But i'd like to see the old throw system return in the next VF if there is one. If it doesn't.. Hey *shrugs*, i'm still coppin it lol.

      That made me lmao.

      Player1: Ay man you inputing a bunch of throw escapes?
      Player2: Nah man, I just pick a random one, i'm just getting lucky.
    13. Berzerk
      The game really doesn't feel "dumbed down" with "easy" throw escapes. The choices are flattened/simplified but not to a degree of hurting the strategy of the game. It works really well and it DOES make the game feel more accessible. This is not a conspiracy, it's a smart design choice!

      You'll all see when you get to play it more.
    14. JackyB
      I'm looking forward to it. I would like to see MTE return in VF6 tho. 15 dollars!
    15. Shidosha
      i'm beginning to feel that japanese players only respect ppl that take the time to master the mechanics of a game rather than the people who take the time to master other people...
    16. sibarraz
      Isn't FS more popular than vainilla anyway? at least that's the feeling that I got

      And still, dumbing down the throw system isn't that bad imo, isn't like they gave each character a super attack when they had 20% of life with tons of invencibilty

      Btw, fuudo with the hat, cape and that pose, reminded me of the parody of darth vader in space balls
    17. Happy_Friend
      As I understand the changes (which may not be very well), they seem pretty good from my POV.

      DMPK needed to go. It added a total noobtard panic button element of randomness that never should have been put in the game in the first place. How anyone could win a round/match with dmpk without feeling like a chode is beyond me.

      And it is good that they got rid off evade cancelling (I think I remember reading that). Truth be told, there is an insane utility to evade 44 evade 44 evade 11... and just waiting for an opponent to whiff while you zigzag away backwards.

      At the very least the VF designers got rid of two design problems that were abusable from the low and high ends of technically motivated player spectrum. I will have to play the game a lot before I can have a more informed opinion on the changes...
    18. Tha_FeauchA
      I'm not sure if they got rid of evade canceling. I seen it done in a video or two, but that video was from a year ago. So, not sure if they changed it since then.

      But yea, i'm real happy to see dmpk gone too.
    19. Genesis
      I think I missed what exactly everyone's issue with that is.

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