Sega is Dead - Long Live Sega

Discussion in 'General' started by sixtwo, May 18, 2004.

  1. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

  2. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member


    Oh PLEASE.

    I am so fucking sick of hearing all these gloom and doom predictions for the Sammy/Sega thing. Everyone was so excitied about the potential merger a little over a year ago - and now they're all bitching and moaning. Get real.

    Unless you're listening to the idiots at Kikizo, or you think that is actually not a huge joke, you know that Sega has a kickass lineup for both homes and arcades, is actually making money again (and have been since they went third-party), and still have some of the coolest, most interesting development personalities in the industry.

    So stop your wanking. Sega's not SNK, and will not have their life sucked from them by the giant Sammy evil. Jumping to conclusions not only makes you worry over nothing, it makes you look ridiculous.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member


    Gosh aren’t we so rational and sorted in our opinions?

    Let people fret if they want, after all we’re talking about a company that’s brought allot of joy to thousands of hardcore gamers over the years and arguably HAD the biggest fan base of any hardware company.

    Profit and business considerations aside, there’s something sad in seeing the Sega brand replaced with the frankly shite and unwieldy “Sammy Sega Holdingsâ€Â. Also, you’d be equally naïve in assuming nothing definite will change at Sega after this merger (possibly to the detriment of Western gamers). Sammy has made it clear they’re chasing coins in the poverty stricken SE Asian and Indian subcontinents.

    I can’t see cutting-edge coin-ops like Outrun 2 going down well in Delhi can you? Not when one credit will cost a days wages for the average worker.

    Hopefully that won't happen and the focus will remain on pushing the envelope, but that remains to be seen.
  4. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    helpful english tip of the day!

    the phrase should be "(x) is dead, long live (y)". (y) is the successor to (x). in other words, "the king is dead, long live the king" means the previous king is dead, long live the new king (previously a prince or whoever). it is not, as you so often see, "(x) is dead, long live (x)" - this makes no sense.

    /imashroom mode OFF
  5. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member



    1. Fact: The company that was Sega is no more (the new company is now called Sega Sammy Holdings). Hence, my claim that Sega is dead is 100% true (or at least, it will be true come October), not "gloom and doom predictions."

    2. I am aware of Sega's current success, but again I don't think anywhere in my 13 word (including title) post did I editorialize about anything regarding the company's standing. I made an almost (almost) completely objective post.

    3. Back the fuck off and go flame someone else.
  6. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    Mr. Bungle -

    I appreciate the attempted correction, and yes I can completely see how this could be interpreted as, "(x) is dead, long live (x)," but in fact Sega's remaining stock purchase by Sammy will result in a new company known as Sega Sammy Holdings. So, as was my intention, the statement does read "(x) is dead, long live (y)."

    Again, I fully recognize this is a widely misused phrase, so I understand the urge to correct me.
  7. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member


    [ QUOTE ]
    1. Fact: The company that was Sega is no more (the new company is now called Sega Sammy Holdings). Hence, my claim that Sega is dead is 100% true (or at least, it will be true come October), not "gloom and doom predictions."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's like saying "Square is dead" or "Enix is dead" after their merger, which is absolutely ridiculous. We've still got our Final Fantasy and our Dragon Quest, don't we?

    [ QUOTE ]
    2. I am aware of Sega's current success, but again I don't think anywhere in my 13 word (including title) post did I editorialize about anything regarding the company's standing. I made an almost (almost) completely objective post.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Of course saying "Sega is dead" in the subject is COMPLETELY objective. Oh silly me!

    Truth is, it plays into the whole sentiment of "evil Sammy" that's so popular lately. Sega fanboys are some of the most reactionary, pissy, and whiny people out there, and that attitude makes me sick.
  8. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member


    [ QUOTE ]
    That's like saying "Square is dead" or "Enix is dead" after their merger, which is absolutely ridiculous.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Not quite. The Square Enix merger saw 1 Square share for every .85 Enix share. I think that's hardly comparable to the Sega Sammy deal, which sees Sega shareholders getting .28 share for each share they hold. One is a slightly lopsided merger. The other is an almost complete buyout.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Of course saying "Sega is dead" in the subject is COMPLETELY objective. Oh silly me!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You do seem a little silly, actually, seeing as how I made special effort to note that there was a slight bias in my post. Never did I say I was completely objective. I can certainly see how it helps your cause to make it seem like I said I was, though. The truth still stands, the company that is Sega (and in all fairness, the company that is Sammy) will cease to exist in October, and to a much larger extent, in 2007. Sega is, in fact, dead.

    The real truth is you saw an opportunity to get on your soapbox and scream "Woe is me, I hate all these Sega fanboys," when in reality there was little to nothing in my post that warrants such a reaction. You're completely entitled to your opinion, but using my post as a catalyst for your tyraid is far reaching at best.

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member


    It's worse than that. For some reason (the maths of which escapes me), Sammy have 92% ownership of the parent company, Sega Sammy Holdings, and the buyout has enabled the head of Sammy to assume immediate presidency over Sega.

    So in reality it's a competative buyout, not a merger, although Sammy's press department will do everything in their power to deny this I suppose. Wouldn't surprise me if there's some staff walk-out in the near future from this.

    And Zero nobody is saying Sammy is an evil company, just a shit one who make some of the worst games in the industry. Their revenues come mainly from their pachinko business, not games.
  10. agios_katastrof

    agios_katastrof Well-Known Member


    .28 Sega- that's a take over by any definition.

    Contrary to what many gamers think, it's not the Japanese market that matters, it's the overseas. Chibita et al do not support the industry- rather it's The ButtonMashers of America. Sega failed in this regard. I'm obviously taking it to the extremes here, but you know what I mean.

    And quality does not necessarily save a product. Anybody remember OS/2 vs Windows 3.x? By all accounts, OS/2 was superior. Uh, OS what?
  11. agios_katastrof

    agios_katastrof Well-Known Member


    .28 Sega- that's a take over by any definition.

    Contrary to what many gamers think, it's not the Japanese market that matters, it's the overseas. Chibita et al do not support the industry- rather it's The ButtonMashers of America. Sega failed in this regard. I'm obviously taking it to the extremes here, but you know what I mean.
  12. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    sammy needs to aquire the rights to vf and put kage in sammy vs capcom
  13. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    One can wonder what effect this will have on VF5 and / or even FT. That is; if Sammy (the old company) decides what's worth to put out - will FT then make it to the west considering GGX2 Reloaded (which is there own 2dfighter flagship) didn't? The arcade industry is to profitable to touch probably but things like conversions?

    These are big news nomatter what if this "merger" is really gonna happen - nomatter who you ask. Please try not to bring hate and "fanboy" shit to the discussion and keep it on a somewhat reasonable level.

  14. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    I heard reloaded is coming out for x-box and will be x-box live compatible... that seems to imply that sammy cares a lot about the western audience. Hopefully all will go well, but its silly to worry about something is going to get "ruined"
  15. agios_katastrof

    agios_katastrof Well-Known Member

    Sammy appears to be making the right moves. They've have GGXX, the top 2d fighter, knowing that it's not exactly a success in the US (by success, I mean casuals play it, casuals meaning, non-SRK people). And now they are introducing to X box live? It's one hell of a strategy to get a foothold in the US market. And it looks like the Sega takeover is part of the same strategy.

    Btw, I'm pretty sure that FT will come out, especially now that Sega is owned by Sammy. I mean GGXX#R, honestly, I'm not a heavy GGXX player, but I think the GGXX scene could have gone fine w/o the #R. #R was just a relatively eash cash flow for minimal effort kind of a deal. FT is the same.

    And actually, I think the chances of a VF online, is stronger, with Sammy in the driver's seat, than the non-too-brights at Sega. And I think VF will prob also be flashier.. and have TKD char... perhaps a bit dumbed down.. to draw the crowds.

    Sega made good games- but they sure hell lacked any business sense. Good products don't make the business. Anybody remember OS/2 vs Windows 3.x? By all accounts OS/2 was superior. Where's OS/2 now?
  16. Onny

    Onny Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    MAXIMUM said:
    And Zero nobody is saying Sammy is an evil company, just a shit one who make some of the worst games in the industry

    [/ QUOTE ]
    why is Sammy a shit company, exactly? seems to me that in GGXX they made the greatest 2D fighting game of the last 5 years at least, maybe even the best since ST. folks complain about #Reload being a cashcow, but how come? it added a new character, added new moves, and fixed some balance issues. and they even released two versions of it, with the second version being a free upgrade. remind you of anyone?

    [ QUOTE ]
    agios_katastrof said:
    And I think VF will prob also be flashier.. and have TKD char... perhaps a bit dumbed down.. to draw the crowds.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    and why is this? i don't quite understand your reasoning behind the takeover causing VF to get worse.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Sega made good games- but they sure hell lacked any business sense. Good products don't make the business. Anybody remember OS/2 vs Windows 3.x? By all accounts OS/2 was superior. Where's OS/2 now?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yes i am sure that IBM, the creators of OS/2, don't have a firm grip on "business sense".
  17. agios_katastrof

    agios_katastrof Well-Known Member

    Not saying that VF would get worse..

    can't hurt

    can't hurt

    -a bit dumber
    ok, I should have said "easier" or "more beginner friendly". Either way, I don't think VF would get worse, if it got slightly easier on the noobies. In fact, I think it'd improve VF.

    IBM, OS/2

    OS/2 vs Win 3.x is like the classic case. Hell, you find this case in buisness textbooks. IBM did err. They had a superior product, but they blew it. Otherwise, we'd have a choice between IBM and MS right now, or may be we'd all be using IBM. Big corps aren't immune to making business mistakes.
  18. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Onny said:[ QUOTE ]
    Sega made good games- but they sure hell lacked any business sense. Good products don't make the business. Anybody remember OS/2 vs Windows 3.x? By all accounts OS/2 was superior. Where's OS/2 now?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes i am sure that IBM, the creators of OS/2, don't have a firm grip on "business sense".

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, they didn't have very good sense with regards to software, at the time. They've changed a bit, and until the last few years pretty much stayed out of the software market entirely.
  19. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    agios_katastrof, You need to stop talking before you make an even bigger fool of yourself.

    You sound like every other ignorant people who looks at thing based purely on their limited and uninformed experiences. In a few words, you don't know anything. Just stop it before you get crushed when people make you realize that.
  20. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    Chill Homies

    I'm not gonna pretend to be a buisness major but it seems like Agios, Max, and Sixtwo make good points. A quarter of a share for every share that sammy gets seems pretty fucked up.

    But as long as Sega's companies (AM2 most of all) Continue to make quality games, "Sega" can be as "dead" as a doornail. Its their developers I don't want to see get squashed.

    Only time will tell what direction these companies take together, and really there aint no use in aeguing about it. I mean Sammy is gonna have to try real hard to run a lot of these popular sega games into the ground.

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