SEGA Cup Europe New Trailer and Registration Deadline extended to July 31st

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jul 22, 2013.

By akai on Jul 22, 2013 at 8:46 AM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    SEGA Cup Europe will be upon us very soon (August 3rd, 2013)! For those that miss the original registration deadline, sign-ups has been extended to July 31st, 2013. Check out the new trailer for SEGA Cup Europe! Prize pot of £6000 (~ €7000) to top 8, side events, goodie bags plus raffles, and lots of fun VF competition! Don't let this chance to meet up with fellow VFers pass by! Information provided by ZeroEx

    EvenPit, H_Magnus, Myke and 2 others like this.


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jul 22, 2013.

    1. Tha_FeauchA
      That was pretty awesome. Makes me wann go there and play, lol. I'll definitely be supporting by watching the stream (If I happen to be home). Get some custom costumes on there yall!!
    2. Mister
      I'm working on the costume :D altought people aren't sending me the outfit they wanna use :(
      Tha_FeauchA likes this.
    3. cobratron
      I haven't forgot. I'm still thinking of which costume to send.
      Mister likes this.
    4. Myke
      Great work on the trailer! Like Tha_FeauchA, it makes me wish I could too! Can't wait to watch this!
    5. WiZzYx
      Any japanese players, attend this tourney?
    6. Manjimaru
      I will, soon.

      Some little bird told me that three Japanese names have registered for the event, one of them living in UK.. I don't know more than that.
    7. cobratron
      I think Shironuko and Chinobrad are both now sponsered by Razer so they could show up in addition to the usual Razer VF cast.
      Dennis0201 likes this.
    8. Tricky
      whoa 7k EU for ONLY top 8. THat's a hell've a lot more money for 5th place. Congrats to those that make it up there. I wish all the eileen and pai players a good bracket! Oh and Kingo too
    9. MarlyJay
      Nah man, bun both Pai and Kingo. Eileen all the way!! :D (unless Kingo uses Eileen in the tournament. In that case he's cool)
    10. Tricky
      lmfao. True
    11. IvorB
      I'm a little bit confused about this event. Can I just rock up and play some casuals and watch the tournament without actually entering the tournament. Is this possible?
    12. Krye
      Why wouldn't you want to enter the tournament...?
    13. kingo
      Yes but you need to pay for the Spectators/Casuals: £5 pass.
    14. IvorB
      I don't feel tournament ready. :(
    15. IvorB
      Thanks for the info!
    16. Plague
      Register today! Then go play!

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