SBO Arcadia Pamphlet Tiers

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by sixtwo, May 4, 2004.

  1. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution:

    A Class:

    B Class:
    Lei Fei

    C Class:

    A friend of mine pointed this out to me over at Shoryuken. Apparently these tiers come from the booklet thingie that they give out at SBO (I've seen the one from last year, and it talks primarily about individuals entering the various tournaments - Daigo, Chibita, etc.). I don't know how these tiers were created, but I thought you all might find them interesting. Enjoy.
  2. GKaizerZero

    GKaizerZero Well-Known Member

    dammit all to hell... why are Van, Goh, Jeff and Wolf rated so low?!? that just injures my heart...
  3. DanniBoySmith

    DanniBoySmith Well-Known Member

    its probably best to just drop the discussion of tiers at this point since FT is merely a few months away. sure it might take a little longer to get here before it hits japanese arcades but the moment it does come out, it'll be all the rage and the 'tier and balance' discussions will more or less only be about FT thereon.
  4. martialfanatic

    martialfanatic Well-Known Member

    You shouldn't let it hurt your heart. Of course, the tiers will exist, but it's not even half as bad as most of the other games. Evo is one of the few games that has only 3 classes; A, B, and C (unlike most of the others...Samurai Showdown Zero with 6 classes...ouch) . It doesn't mean that your characters ranked C can't beat the ones ranked A, it's just easier for the A's to mix you up.

    I agree with the rankings, but I personally would have ranked Wolf under B, and put Vanessa in C. Wonder how their rankings for SC2 would've turned out...
  5. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Vanessa in C

    [/ QUOTE ]

    IF there are discernable tiers in VF, Vanessa sure as hell ain't third class. She's got a wicked throw game, nasty damage potential with her auto-inashi hand-hold, diabolical string variety, a full circular mid kick, a 10 frame punch, some nasty evasive combo starters et cetera et cetera. Vanessa is a beast.
  6. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Vanessa is made top teir by players, not her stats...her 10 frame punch has the reach of a midgets arm, he strings will never be eaten fully unless the opponent is sleeping, her throw game is top teir. Not a lot of people are ever gunna eat the max damage from her punch catching ability. Her reversals are nice for regular kicks and punches....
  7. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    I just noticed something about the list... A Class are all original characters from the first incarnation... funny how the bottom two are the newest.
  8. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Catch22 said:

    I just noticed something about the list... A Class are all original characters from the first incarnation... funny how the bottom two are the newest.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    nice observation...

    seems like the 'top tier' has all had time to develop and get lots of new stuff, "hey lets give akira a new sabaki, hey lets give lau some more punches, hey lets give sarah some more kicks" etc
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    Catch22 said:

    I just noticed something about the list... A Class are all original characters from the first incarnation... funny how the bottom two are the newest.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But half of the C class tier are original characters too.

    I think someone (maybe ice-9) mentioned this befofe, a long time ago, but the longer a character has been around, the more time people (and the developers!) get a chance to improve strategies and tactics, refine certain matchups, etc. This is why the original cast are typically, but not always, the most popular chosen characters especially in a highly competitive environment.

    Again, we all know the tiers don't really amount to much in the real world, and certainly not in ours.
  10. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member


    I never said Vanessa was top tier, and even questioned the existence of tiers in VF. I said she was "a beast" & "sure as hell ain't third class". Most of this is based on daily match experience vs Icecold who uses Vanessa as his main & generally does pretty well in gathering play when we travel. Remember too that Nelson took Vanessa to the top in Boston not too terribly long ago. You might think this means something, you might not.

    Her cut upper lacks reach, sure...I'll be sure to tell William this next time he interrupts my elbow at +2.

    It isn't necessary to eat strings fully to appreciate their variety. Please.

    Max damage from the hand hold is something along the lines of 2/3 lifebar. Two kicks and the left hand hold [P]+[G] that turns you around. Generally only someone without experience is going to eat all this, sure. She still gets 1/2 a bar though if you guess wrong & [G] or [2][G] when she [P]+[G]'s you. Good players guess wrong. If you eliminate the possibility of guessing wrong on the [P]+[G] & just take the kicks, damage is, what?, about 70. Also, when you escape [P]+[G], the movelist here & hiro's system memorandum indicate Vanessa is +10. I was surprised to read this and William was surprised when I told him. It doesn't feel like that much. Still. Ouch.

    And yeah. I feel like player > their character too.

    Check it out. I'm not trying to be a bonesmoker here. It just looks like the few things I said in my post were ignored in favor of things you thought you read . No biggie. For the record, Shun with 16 drinks or more is peerless. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  11. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Myke said:
    But half of the C class tier are original characters too.

    I think someone (maybe ice-9) mentioned this befofe, a long time ago, but the longer a character has been around, the more time people (and the developers!) get a chance to improve strategies and tactics, refine certain matchups, etc. This is why the original cast are typically, but not always, the most popular chosen characters especially in a highly competitive environment.

    Again, we all know the tiers don't really amount to much in the real world, and certainly not in ours.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, and that half of the C Class tier are the two original grapplers.

    Its just funny how things are logically grouped.

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