save file from one profile to another??

Discussion in 'Console' started by FIGHT1NGV1PER, Apr 12, 2008.


    FIGHT1NGV1PER Active Member

    Hi, this is my first post - and just in case you don't read my signature - I am the older brother of LemmyIsTheGame.

    I want to know if there's any way of transferring a save from one 360 profile to another. I have just created a new profile and subscribed to LIVE and would like the items I used on Lemmy's profile copied onto the new one. I have tried copying to and from the profile but it just says that it cannot be moved from a profile.

    Lemmy's save also has all the downloaded item packs - I heard before on here that there is a way of getting the item packs if someone else has already paid for them.

    I don't care about achievements - I just want the items we have both earned in Quest mode.

    I am guessing Microsoft doesn't let us do what we want with our own data and I'll have to start again.

    PS - I have a Memory Unit if that is needed to transfer anything.
  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Man, I got no idea about this but you tried just copying the save file itself to the memory card and then loading it on your 360? That's the only thing I can think of.

    FIGHT1NGV1PER Active Member

    Yes, when I go to load the VF save from the MU it says that there is no data - it must be tied to Lemmy's profile and whenever I try to load it, nothing's there. I have to be signed in to Lemmy's profile to load the data - whether it's on the HD or MU.

    FIGHT1NGV1PER Active Member

    Right, I thought I had the answer today - I loaded Lemmy's file, then signed out and signed in with my profile (with Lemmy's data still loaded). But Microsoft have gone to every length possible to make sure that we cannot do what we want with our game data.

    As soon as you load a different profile - a special message bar comes up saying that LIVE functions and save/load options are disabled and the Game Data under VF5 options is greyed out.

    I thought as much that Microsoft would be this controlling. If my brother says that I can use his game data then why can't I? Whose game data is it exactly? Mine or Microsofts? Why has Microsoft got to go to so much trouble to ruin our games?

    The PlayStation 3 OS is infinitely better. I can choose any wallpaper without paying Microsoft (with what amounts to a pittance for them) every time and I can copy my save data and give it to who the fuck I want.

    Ridiculous oppressive bastards. First I find out I can't use Lemmy's VF gamerpics (on the same HD) and now I can't copy data. Why don't they just put fingerprint scanners on the machine to prove we're allowed to use it? Technically Lemmy bought the VF5 DVD, so it must kill MS because I'm playing it for free...
    If I have to re-earn all the items, buy all the gamerpics again and pay for a 2nd LIVE account - surely there must be a way for MS to make more money by making each game only playable on one profile - wretches!

    Off-topic - Congratulations Microsoft, you charge money for gamerpics and now virtually every single user is using one of the free pictures... A great way of letting user express their individuality. The most popular gamerpic is the Gears of War symbol, does this mean every single player is a huge Gears of War fan? No, it means it's the best free picture available.

    Short sighted grabbing bastards.

    RANT OVER (sorry) /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Anyone got any ideas to trick the Xbox into letting me use his data? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif I doubt it... but help is very much appreciated.

    I definitely heard someone say that you can get the item packs for free using an MU - so there's still hope.
  5. katsudon37

    katsudon37 Well-Known Member

    Mate, you gotta relax:)

    I don't think it has anything to do with Microsoft being controlling or wanting extra profit. Just think about it, if you're allowed to copy across game data across profiles, then you're also copying achievements. Then the achievements/gamer score system breaks, because you can finish a game, send out your save game to 100 people, and each one of send their saved games to you...everyone would have astronomically high, identical gamer scores.
  6. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    stop snitchi... bitching.
  7. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Items are linked to achievements (100% items for one character = achievement).

    Achievements are linked to one profile. They are not transferable or copyable. If they were, achievements and gamerpoints would become largely irrelevant and a huge facet of XBL would be gone.

    A lot of players are proud of their achievements, you want that taken away from them because you can't be bothered to earn your own items?

    And, yes, you can both use downloaded items. I DL'ed them on my XBL Profile and my wife can use them on her non-XBL profile (both are saved to the HDD).
  8. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    On my brothers profile only the game update item is available to him (nose bandage for Akira, stubble for Jackt etc) - the other items aren't there. So how did your wife get the items?

    And about Microsoft - We already knew that the bastard achievements are the most likely reason for all this enforcement. But if they can be bothered to block out save functions when switching profiles - they could also allow users to copy saves but warn you that you will not be able to earn achievements if you go ahead with it. Besides, many people don't give a flying shit about achievements (I bet you could count the people on VFDC on one hand who consider achievements a vital part to a game's enjoyment)

    I'd rather do away with achievements and correct all these restrictions we get in games.
  9. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member


    FIGHT1NGV1PER Active Member

    OK so I must have my profile sign in as player 2 when Lemmy's data is already loaded. I'll try that out - thank for very much for testing it out for me, at least I'll be able to use the extra DL items which we both paid for.

    BTW - it's not that I 'can't be bothered' to earn my own items (and it does become a ridiculous chore when you've already done it once), but we worked on getting this collection together before I had my own LIVE profile - we were both learning the game, whilst getting the items. As we use all 17 characters, the amount you have to play to get a good majority of these items is ridiculous, even for two people.

    Like anyone, I don't appreciate being told what to do. I've already said my piece on this, you didn't have to jump the gun and write this...

    But thanks anyway for your help.
  11. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    hmmm, you guys using two different 360's but the same HD? Your not gonna have much luck that way but it should be possible if your using the same 360 and the same HD.

    FIGHT1NGV1PER Active Member

    No, apart from the separate LIVE account, we're using the same 360, the same HDD, the same arcade stick, the same everything - that's why it pisses me off that we can't do as we please with our data. Anyway, screw it, I've already accepted that this isn't possible long ago.

    Coincidentally, I actually did buy a second 360 just before this. Now I've got two (until I can be arsed to sell my old one). The reason for this was that component cables are frigging useless for high definition. My PS3 VF5 looks AMAZING connected through HDMI so I needed a 360 with an HDMI port to get this online version looking as good. It was definitely worth it - on my 50 Inch HD TV the difference in quality is immense - no more shite Vaseline blur over all 360 games...
  13. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    It's your brothers data, not yours. What the hell is the point of playing single player to unlock items or whatever in any game if you can simply copy game data.

    stop bitching, seriously.

    FIGHT1NGV1PER Active Member

    Why don't you read before flying off the handle. We worked together to get as much done with all 17 characters and the only reason I don't use his profile to play online is because I don't want to ruin his rating/reputation.

    Seriously, it's you who needs to chill out.
  15. Kruldar

    Kruldar New Member


    Me and my brother are having what seems to be the EXACT same problem. I started a thread here but it's unlikely I'll get any help from anybody on that mostly-dead board.

    To the people saying "stop complaining"'s a friggin "Console" board on a Virtua Fighter website. We're seeing if anybody has a resolution to a pesky console problem. Where's the problem? He ranted once. So sue him. I've been ranting about this same exact thing because it's absolutely BS.

    I'll keep looking around, but I'm 95% sure we'll have to spend another day or two re-grinding through the arcades in Quest Mode to get the items/costumes we unlocked (NOT the items we downloaded) on that second profile.
  16. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    can one of you then explain to me the purpose of unlocking items (or guns or whatever in other games) by playing single player games when you can simply copy save games.
  17. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Fulaani - it doesn't work that way. If I sent you my game save, you would not be able to open it without also opening my profile. You can't put the data under your own profile. That's what the thread is about - trying to find a way to do it.
  18. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    I know, thats why i asked them what the point even was of unlocking items if you can simply copy them.

    if it was possible to do that they coulda just gave everyone their items at the start of the game as what they're suggesting destroys the concept of unlocking whatever through single player in whatever game.
  19. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Oh, I see what you mean now. Thanks.
  20. Kruldar

    Kruldar New Member

    What we're suggesting is something that has historically been a very, very, very trivial feature of games with unlockables. This isn't some sneaky new trick we're concocting, but rather an exploration into doing something that we've been able to do with many other, older games.

    If this were an older game/system, I could probably just unlock everything for EVERYBODY who plays on MY game because the game data wouldn't be partitioned amongst different profiles, but rather just saved to the cartridge (buh-bye) or storage device.

    If I had the PS3 version of this game, I could just download the save game data or perform a character data copy.

    I doubt this problem has as much to do with an oversight on Sega's part as much as it does with XBL's ill-conceived profile and achievements system, and Sega trying to hastily compromise between their original game and what M$ allows them to do with that game.

    EDIT: On another note, I'm going to try everything my pea-brain can think of when I get home today to see if I can force the game into submission. I'll even look into the feasibility of hacking game profiles/data/saves to see if there's an elegant solution to be found there. I'll let you guys know if I can come up with anything.

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