Russian online (PSN) VF5FS tournament!

Discussion in 'News' started by Plague, Aug 2, 2012.

By Plague on Aug 2, 2012 at 8:00 PM
  1. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    The first Russian online (PSN) VF5FS tournament will be held on the 5th of August, at 13:15 UTC!

    So if you're from Russia, Ukraine, or any CIS country - feel free to join:

    The registration ends at 11:00 UTC, 2 hours before the start of event

    Noobs and masters, pros and scrubs, newcomers and old players - we're all different, but we are all gathered here because we love VF!

    VFDC Tournament Thread

    The stream is provided by FightingOpera.


Discussion in 'News' started by Plague, Aug 2, 2012.

    1. Tha_FeauchA
      Streamed too? I'll be watching this. Kinda cool timing to watch other countries play VF, with the Olympics going on n all.
    2. ZBEP
      The timer has been fixed, the tournament and the stream starts in 3 hours, get hype!
    3. ZBEP
    4. ZBEP
      The event has just started!
    5. Unicorn
      Will be nice if you will have some comments in english as well - not all ofc, but some short commmment about how the tournament is going and some introduction of players before match will be nice.
      I can understand about 1/4 of what you are talking about, but I am still lost about overall tournament situation [​IMG]
    6. Chibiaya
      Some of the matches are cool but I think this should be far more organized in the future. People should be in the room when its their time to play etc.
    7. ZBEP
      Unicorn, you can always ask me in the chat if you don't understand something )

      Chibaya, shit happens [​IMG]
    8. Chibiaya
      Yeah, thats true...
    9. Unicorn
      Zbep, I was justy saying what can be improved according to my judgement. Maybe I am wrokng, maybe it is not possible. Up to your decision only [​IMG]

      BTW I am at work and your stream actually is good entertain in long and boring hours I have here. [​IMG]

      PS: Please say "Hello Unicorn" on the stream [​IMG] Made a bet with friend of my [​IMG]
    10. Unicorn
      Thank you!!!

      Won a bet I will be on the tournament stream regardless the fact I am at work ATM [​IMG]
      Thx [​IMG]
    11. ZBEP
      2.Mars (tekken7531)

      Hanzo x Mars match, the battle of the rivals, was epic

      So, the first tourney as it is ) There were some problems, delays in the stream, we will fix them for the next event, but overall the tournament was good, there were some hype matches. I even managed to reach the third place [​IMG]
      Thank you guys for watching, we will probably do our next tourney at the end of august, so, stay hype!
    12. Unicorn
      actually, can non-russia people (like from my country) particiapte in your tourneys?
      There may be few paople interested here around
    13. steelbaz
      Crap missed it, will have to catch the next one... The the timer was on countdown not in progress [​IMG]
    14. ZBEP
      We'd like europeans to join in, but Russia is a big country, so there might be shitty connection even to Germany [​IMG] So, we'll probably keep it only-russian event.
      Make sure not to miss next time )

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