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Richmond is where the playas play!

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by blondbomber, Dec 10, 2003.

  1. blondbomber

    blondbomber New Member

    actually no one plays Evo in richmond as far as i can tell, except for my boy jimmy and i.
    i'm trying to change that!
    anyone close to richmond please contact me to get some games on.
    i play jacky and i am tired of playing the same people. it feels as if i'm not progressing at all.
    it sucks!
    someone contact me please! yakamashi_2000@yahoo.com
  2. Debaser

    Debaser Well-Known Member

    yea i live in roanoke about 3 hours away, and my friend fbt and i are decent at vf4, we did really well at magfest but our only compeition was from III_Demon and his friend mike, but yeah there is a think going on in md later this month if your in, or we can work something out to where i go up there or u can come down here were always looking for some good people to play
  3. fireballtrap

    fireballtrap Active Member

    Well, I live in Roanoke, which is like 3 hours from you, and I'm kinda in the same situation. There isn't much action to be had in VA. Hit up the thread about the gathering in MD, if you could <a href="http://get-certified.net?go=travel" onmouseover="window.status = 'goto: travel';return 1" onmouseout="window.status=''">travel</a> up there you'd be welcome. IM me or something and we'll talk, fireballtrap.
  4. blondbomber

    blondbomber New Member

    yeah, thats whats up!
    i would love to get down and rumble with you va_king.
    i have a few other friends that play and we get together at VCU's game room(my home) and play.
    so anytime you wanna make the trip just hit me up.
    gracias amigo!
  5. Debaser

    Debaser Well-Known Member

    no problem, my friend and i are trying to go up to richmond more often to see some good shows that go on up there, AND more importantly the arcade... so whenever we go up there we'll let you know, and lets try to get something together later on like after christmas because we are both pretty busy right now... i think... but i'll double check
  6. fireballtrap

    fireballtrap Active Member

    Wait, do you guys even have VF4E in the arcade? Cuz that's seems kinda rare these days. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    EDIT: I forgot to talk shit, VA_King, you are a fucking scrub /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  7. Debaser

    Debaser Well-Known Member

    hey fireballtrap who beat you in the tourny... o wait it was me... i forgot exscuse me while i strut around and beat my chest a little cause i fucking kicked you ass... somehow... but thats not the point... i still... what was it called... o yeah... pwned you... lol
  8. blondbomber

    blondbomber New Member

    yeah vcu has evo in the arcade.
    we used to hold tournaments in evo, soulcalibur2, mvc2, cvs2, sf hyperfighting, and ggx every friday night.
    we've slacked off on the tournaments but i would love to start them back up if there is interest.

    oh yeah, console evo sucks if you don't have vf sticks, which i don't /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  9. Debaser

    Debaser Well-Known Member

    yea i dont use a stick, cause i dont have one but the DC stick im borrowing from fireballtrap, but he has one that some dude in cali made for him... that doesn't stay together /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif... but yeah that would be cool to go up there for some tourny's if you guys are holding any
  10. fireballtrap

    fireballtrap Active Member

    wtf noob...you pwned me? you are so 1337

    I mean, if you want to play for money, you know where to find me...oh wait...you are too fucking scared /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  11. III_Demon

    III_Demon Active Member

    get all your richmond asses up to my place next weekend. the 20th or so. check my DC gathering thread. its only 3 hours from you, max, and you can hang out the whole weekend.
  12. Debaser

    Debaser Well-Known Member

    scared huh? dont make me drive down stomp your ass, and collect some petty money from your poor ass... exscuse me while i talk like chris for a second... bitch you ain't got nothin fool, i hitch you to the back of a pickup and drag your ass through the streets ::snaps neck forward and does retarded hand motions:: yea u get the picture HAX0R XD /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  13. fireballtrap

    fireballtrap Active Member

    j00 r t3h gh3y
  14. Debaser

    Debaser Well-Known Member

    dont make me rush your ass down, and low fierce you until your ears bleed... 1337 hax0r style
  15. Iceman

    Iceman Active Member

    WTF is VA_King?
  16. Debaser

    Debaser Well-Known Member

    its me corey... john's friend, im trying to counter his leet talk... which obviously i can't do very well
  17. fireballtrap

    fireballtrap Active Member

    Iceman: Ignore the nooblar.

    Anyways, is there any word of another tourney at Tech again this year? I think now with all the cool VF connections we've made we could have a good turn out.
  18. Debaser

    Debaser Well-Known Member

    thanks ass... i love being called a nooblar, ugh... but yeah that tournament john took me and some dorky fuck was cool, even tho i was just a bystander
  19. Norfolk, Virginia here. Anyone in the Norfolk area?

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