Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Guest, Mar 16, 2000.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    welp, i picked up an ob vf3 on ebay to add to my tb and vf2..what can i say, pcb collecting is an addiction. hard to stop once you've started. 'sides, there's potential for a kick ass tournament here..but i want to wait till i get a VF1 (and maybe 2.1, if i'm that sick. i am, however, not sick enough to get all five versions of VF3..but that would be interesting anyways).

    about the VF3 boards: each model three "board" is a three level stack of PCB's. the bottom level is the video processing board. the middle level is the main CPU board, and the top board (3/4's the size of the other boards) is the board which holds the game ROMS. there's about 41 sockets for 40 pin microcontrollers, 39 are used. 34 of them are video and sound memory chips. five of them are the actual program for vf3. the only difference between all the versions of VF3, tb included, are these five chips. the ob plainly says "REV.C" on each of these chips. tb is simply a five chip replacement - tb shares the same chips as all the other versions.

    anyway some thoughts...

    anyone (i'm one of them) who ever said that they made kage more powerful in tb must play some tb and ob (ARCADE, NOT DC) back to back. then they will recant. f+P+G neutered; d+K+G neutered; no more low kick-throw. and the TFT more powerful in tb? bullshit. it's easier to do all of his big TFT combos in ob by a mile. the fact that his knee floats the opponent slightly higher in tb means nothing. P,b+P,K,swat; PPK, slide; P,PK,slide; P,b+K+G,DP..all of them...are as easy or easier to do.

    figured out the deal with the OB you have some leeway in which you can buffer the slide into the last move; in TB you can't. this makes timing the slide incredibly difficult. and this is in part why on the DC it's so easy to nail slide combos: the OB buffering window remains. and you have the best of both worlds on the DC - easy slide buffering and a higher floating knee. what more could you ask for?

    it's funny how much you can forget about a game after playing it for so long and spending so much money on it. also completely forgotten, and random thoughts:

    -how much bullshit akira's DLC in tb was. gross. sick. disgusting. but did anyone ever notice that his equally sick tb combo of ST, SJK, deepBC works almost as well in OB? (even on jeff!)

    -how brutal taka was. imo you have to use your brain a whole lot more in tb with him. in ob he was just -insanely- powerful. yeeesss he did have some nasty disadvantages against certain characters, but i think he more than made up for it in most other areas. also i don't think taka's f+P,f,b+P+G hit throw is any less difficult (or easy) in's just a shitload more worthwhile to bother with (some had said it was easier). i also miss his low kick OTB hits in ob. but i do like being able to follow up b,f+P+G,d+P+G with a b+K..that was always nice.

    why can't i get my baseball pitch to come out with jeff? and did anyone ever notice that it got much, much harder to escape jeff's headbutt throw options? in ob you could just whack f+P+G over like a spazzing monkey and get out of it, but i've noticed in tb you must time it very carefully, otherwise you won't get out of it. i also miss knee,P,knee,pounce in tb. you can get out of the pounce in tb fairly easily, and in any case it does less damage.

    ugh, jacky and sarah's stages.."infinitesimal" doesn't come close to describing both. man.

    some other absurdly pedantic observations: you can cancel the ending credits in tb, but not in ob.

    in ob the winning character usually went into his taunt at whatever location in the ring he was when he won. in tb, oddly, you'll almost always end up in the exact middle of the ring when the taunt starts. i don't know what the idea was behind this. the DC version isn't like this; it's just like ob on the DC.

    lighting...they changed the light sourcing for some stages in tb (aside from the obvious color, sprite backdrop and color table changes which any idiot can notice). akira's and wolf's stages are most noticeable. in akira's ob stage the lighting comes from the windows; in tb from the lights above. but in tb, when you select the ob stage the lighting comes from above still...interesting that it can't be changed. same with wolf's stage. you can see this in the DC version, too.
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    how much bullshit akira's DLC in tb was. gross. sick. disgusting. but did anyone ever notice that his equally sick tb combo of ST, SJK, deepBC works almost as well in OB? (even on jeff!)

    Akira's DLC in TB was gross? Don't you mean his DLC in OB? Didn't the bodycheck in the DLC only do a fixed amount of damage in TB, whereas in OB, it was variable, often yielding sickening results?

    how brutal taka was. imo you have to use your brain a whole lot more in tb with him. in ob he was just -insanely- powerful. yeeesss he did have some nasty disadvantages against certain characters, but i think he more than made up for it in most other areas. also i don't think taka's f+P,f,b+P+G hit throw is any less difficult (or easy) in's just a shitload more worthwhile to bother with (some had said it was easier).

    Definitely agree with you on how powerful Taka was in OB.

    i also miss his low kick OTB hits in ob. but i do like being able to follow up b,f+P+G,d+P+G with a b+K..that was always nice.

    Low kick OTB in OB? Don't you mean TB?

    I have vivid memories of Kurita killing me with that brutal set: b,f+P+G,d+P+G followup with b+K. Damn, did it hurt!

    m y k e
    how ya gonna win when ya ain't right within?
  3. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Anyone want to nominate Rich for "Most Interesting Post by far, in the year 2000?"/images/icons/cool.gif

    Thanks for the post Rich, was a really good read for me/images/icons/smile.gif

  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    oop. just mixed up my o's and t's in some places. dlc was sick in ob. taka's low kick otb in tb. etc...
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    one small tidbit..taka is referred to as "debu" in the vs. diagram info on the ob vf3 board (on the tb board he's referred to as taka). no idea..cancelled orginal name? cancelled character? who knows...
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    >I have vivid memories of Kurita killing me with that brutal >set: b,f+P+G,d+P+G followup with b+K. Damn, did it hurt!

    ancient history, but i remember you asking how to get the b+K to connect after the "butt flop" catch throw..pretty simple: enter it as b,b+K. just takes the tiniest bit of movement for it to be able to connect.
  7. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah - Debu.

    When Yupa came up for the second Oakville tourney (the only one who came) we checked the stats windows on the ob machine and noticed this.

    We wondered of its origin as well...someone once said that Debu meant 'fat' in Japanese - I'm not sure if it was a joke or real...


    <font color=white> Llanfair the prized <font color=green>cabbage</font color=green></font color=white>
  8. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    ancient history, but i remember you asking how to get the b+K to connect after the "butt flop" catch throw..pretty simple: enter it as b,b+K. just takes the tiniest bit of movement for it to be able to connect.

    Ah yeah, I think I was more concerned with how to escape it, and was it in fact guaranteed? Remember, we were playing Version A machine back then.

    m y k e
    how ya gonna win when ya ain't right within?
  9. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    Re: "Debu" means....

    "fatso" in Japanese...a rather derogatory term. Even though SEGA must have lept their sense of their humor, they could have been slaughtered by Sumo wrestler's association in Japan.

    After all, Sumo is the national sport of Japan and follows those ritualistic stuff of Shinto....
  10. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    :When Yupa came up for the second Oakville tourney (the only one who came):

    ...kinda reminds me of another tournament...

  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    i'm honestly not sure if it's % 100 unavoidable..much less sure regarding rev. A. but sure as hell always SEEMED guaranteed, though..
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    some more boring technical blathering for those that bother to read..

    they did more to the sound in tb than what is outright obvious - some moves having some new sfx assigned to them, like akira's DE's, palms, BC; or taka's palm, etc. many, many moves were actually improved, soundwise, but it's hard to notice.

    they also added the option of sound balance between the BGM or the SFX. tb is the only VF that allows this choice.

    the biggest thing is that they simply pumped up the volume. when i switch from ob to tb i nearly blow my speakers, because tb puts out what seems like three times the volume. and it just sounds better, too, as if it were surround sound.

    basically everything in tb just sounds so much better it's not even funny..

    it's really too bad tb never got into many us arcades..
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    except the one you're recalling had many more people say they would make it..even the date of the event was scheduled to accomodate these folks...

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