Real martial artists

Discussion in 'General' started by Banshee, Oct 21, 2003.

  1. Banshee

    Banshee Well-Known Member

    This question entertained me /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif , so I thought I would ask and take a poll. I myself practice Tae Kwon Doe and Ishan Ru. How many of you guys out there also practice martial arts, and which styles? Do you practice the same style as the character (s) you play in VF4 and VF4 Evo?
  2. b4k4

    b4k4 Well-Known Member Content Manager Shun

    I practice Muay Thai, and BJJ. Have for many years now.

    I played Brad for a while, but it's just not the same feel in a character, as it is when you're actually doing it. He's still a backup for me, but not somebody I rely on. He is, I have to say, a fairly accurate portrayal of the MT fighting style (except he doesn't win as much as he should /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif).
  3. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Just to get teh obligatory martial arts thead stupidity out in the open immediately, you are all GHEY and INSECURETY and your DICKS ARE SMALL THAN MINE and MY MARITAL ARTS IS BETTER HTAN YUORS. I think that about covers the bases. If i forgot something, please don't post it.

    Oh, yeah, I practice aikido. Aoi doesn't have much to do with what I think of as aikido, barring her kotegaeshi backturned punch reversal and a few of her throws.
  4. Oni-Kage

    Oni-Kage Well-Known Member

    Lol, woah... someone send KoD a 12pack of beer, or a hooker... whatever works.

    :p /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif :p

    As for me, I USED to take a Korean style martial arts not represented in any fighting game (its too generic anyways), but I did also take Bujinkan Ninjitsu for awhile too. I will say that I draw a number of similarities between Kage and the small amount of Ninjitsu experience I have.

    What Kage has that is realistic ninjitsu:
    1) The P+G b,f+P+G, and d/f+P+G throws, possibly side throw too.
    2) Kick attacks utilizing the heel, not the ball of the foot (his down attack, side kick, and standing spin kicks)
    3) Most of the chopping strikes
    4) Ground roll f/b
    5) The falling sweep (d/b+k) as well as the drop shin kick (b+k,k,k)
    6) Punch reversals and Jumonji stance

    What Kage has that is obviously hollywood improv:
    1) All the arial shit... u/f or d/f or u/b k+g, TFT, flying pounce, dragon punch, cartwheels/flips etc
    2) Knee and elbows... both too risky with little reward... not ninjitsu thinking

    What Kage lacks:
    1) More tackling/takedowns and reverals (ninjitsu is more defensive than most expect)
    2) More stun/disabling moves, esp attacks to vital areas like joints, internal organ targets, etc

    I'm sure I'm missing a lot more, but thats just what I know.

    KoD's AOI is closeted tomboy lezzie!!
  5. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    "What Kage has that is realistic ninjitsu:
    5) The drop shin kick (b+k,k,k)"

    haha...what does b+K sabaki in real life?
  6. Oni-Kage

    Oni-Kage Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, I think works against mid kicks and elbows, but not circular moves. And, in the first few frames you can be hit by highs.

    Throw counterable if you do all three kicks. In real life though.

  7. ETPharaoh

    ETPharaoh Well-Known Member

    Ahh Praying Mantis... I've used Lion in VF since the onset of VF2 (so I'm actually unlike the hordes of people who started picking him because of Chibita) and also was taking praying mantis from a local master for a while. I'd love to go back to taking it again once I am able but for the time that I was going I was duely impressed.

    I actually read somewhere on these boards that someone questioned whether or not mantis is a legitimate martial art. It is. Ancient and deadly. I was actually taking classes from one of the few remaining genuine masters. You know, one of the ones who actually trained in the Chinese monastaries before the Commies put a damper on things (he's a fifth gen teacher). My teacher also actually taught Bruce Lee at one point. Regarding Bruce Lee, "...he was so impressed with the effectiveness of Praying Mantis in combat, that he adopted many of its principles in creating Jeet Kune Do."
    (that may explain Jacky's [4][6][P]+[K] in Evo /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif )

    Here is the website for his school:

    And here's another bio that I found somewhere:

    Read up on his schooling. Very impressive imho. He teaches Southern mantis (Jook Lum) which is somewhat different than what Lion uses (Northern style,- Seven Stars mantis if I'm not mistaken) but also similar in many ways. Fun stuff. Also fatally effective in the right hands. /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif Although much of Lion's moves arent actually moves that you would use in combat. Much of them are parts of various forms.
  8. b4k4

    b4k4 Well-Known Member Content Manager Shun

    [ QUOTE ]
    KoD said:

    Just to get teh obligatory martial arts thead stupidity out in the open immediately, you are all GHEY and INSECURETY and your DICKS ARE SMALL THAN MINE and MY MARITAL ARTS IS BETTER HTAN YUORS. I think that about covers the bases. If i forgot something, please don't post it.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Not everyone is like that. Only the ones who are really new to their martial art, or are taking it so they can feel big about themselves. I hope you don't think that of all martial artists.

    My Gym
  9. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Hey b4k4, I'll gave you a VF cookie to kick ShadowDean's Ass. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  10. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member


    Shoto Karate, Shinsei Kai Kempo and trying to improve my Boxing right now.

    Cheers (Cro Cop by [3][K][6_][P][P][P] round 1 after failed takedown attempt by Noggie).
  11. Two_Bit_Mage

    Two_Bit_Mage Well-Known Member

    Kendo here..

    theres a mantis place not too far away that im considering joining (taiji mantis, Chuk kai lineage) and I DO play lion /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  12. SenoB

    SenoB Well-Known Member

    Some aikido, mostly kenpo and wing chun (wing tsun). I would like to take tae kwon do and some form of more traditional karate than kenpo. Oh... and for like half a year I took some obscure tai chi art that teaches you mainly weapons instead of hand to hand fighting (mostly simple two bladed swords, short and long staffs, and finally a long staff with a huge blade on one end... kobatoh I think its called).

    Oh, and no. But I would like too. A good traditional karate or wing tsun member would be great in Evo. That, or if they bring back Taka I'll do sumo /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif. Yeah! The only sumo under 200 pounds!!! Man.... Cartman makes the best sumo wrestler ever. By the way, if that isn't immature enough, I don't know what is, whoever the idiot who is being flamed is.
  13. Banshee

    Banshee Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    KoD said:

    Just to get teh obligatory martial arts thead stupidity out in the open immediately, you are all GHEY and INSECURETY and your DICKS ARE SMALL THAN MINE and MY MARITAL ARTS IS BETTER HTAN YUORS. I think that about covers the bases. If i forgot something, please don't post it.

    Oh, yeah, I practice aikido. Aoi doesn't have much to do with what I think of as aikido, barring her kotegaeshi backturned punch reversal and a few of her throws.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think you forgot your riddlin today KoD. I think you are an insecure, disgusting punk who needs to be disciplined more by the 800 lb. Russian beast that gave birth to you (male or female I can't tell, and neither can anyone else) and is currently boarding your scrawny disease ridden carcas at the age of 36. I posted this because I thought it would be interesting to find others out there who enjoy such an activity, and how they related to the game. I didn't post it to hear your incohesive adolescant ramblings and juvenile attempt to swear in order to sound "cool". I hope you lose all ability to reproduce so that the world doesn't have to deal with your "kind" anymore, and that whatever dares call you human is gutted and hung. 'Nuff said.
  14. martialfanatic

    martialfanatic Well-Known Member

    Me, about 3.5 years of Su Bahk Do (Korean Style), but that was soooo long ago.

    Right now, good 'ol Boxing. Right now, currently looking for a Muay Thai gym.
  15. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member


    I'm sorry Banshee but you kinda just made an Ass out of yourself /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
    The reason KoD said what he did is due to those things being brought up in earlier Martial Arts Discussion threads that ended up being broken (or threads that just went bad cause of it) like this one Future Styles and this one Styles you wouldn't want to see amongst others (VFDC should have a 'classic threads' forum with locked threads imo)...
    I understand you're new to the board though but believe me, you took KoD's words all wrong. He's not the type to post shit like Elite or Shang (which the dick reference was to).

    Peace Out.
  16. DarkSparda

    DarkSparda Well-Known Member

    Re: Hmmmm

    I WAS taking judo but I quit because the guy was an idiot and didn't know what to do half the time. So now im looking for another master which is hard cause here in miami there's a ton of crappy teachers and only a few good judo masters.
  17. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    You just got OWNED UP THE ASS!~
  18. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Banshee said:
    I think you are an insecure . . . [further misspellings / misunderstandings deleted]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shang said:

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmm, what did I tell you about martial arts threads.
    Claims of insecurity? Check.
    Claims of homosexuality? Check.
    Now all we need is "dude, if someone attacks you with a knife, just let them stick it in your arm and then kick their ass."

    Oh, one more kind of funny thing - do an image search on Google for "Shang".
  19. DarkSparda

    DarkSparda Well-Known Member

  20. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    My eyes my eyes. Wait a second I'm already legally blind but still damn my eyes. /versus/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

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