read it before buying a ticket to go to Evofinal!!

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by YOSUKE, Jun 18, 2007.


    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    hey guys!!!

    I don't know if it is ok to write it, but since sin wrote something here, it should be all right.

    I have sent one of my VF teammates in Japan, and he got interested in coming to Evo final.

    the one might got interested in visiting Los as well, and I am absolutey sure that everyone wants to play him because everyone knows him... therefore, I just made you notice this attention thread so that you can visit Los after evo if you have a time.

    he is the one who uses Shun.

    he is the one who won KS3

    he is the one who won Evo final 3years ago.

    just guess

    I am trying to make him visit Los. I am not sure if he can visit there or not. we will see.

    since we will be able to stay at ones' houses such as tails and LA_akira's, he has no worry about hotel fee, and he is more likely to go.

    I guess he wants not only to play VF5, but also visits around Ca bacause as I read his diary, he enjoyed visiting Disneyland as well as he enjoyed Evo.

    I appreciate if you guys can host him and me.

    after we talk about it more, I will write it down more details.

    however, it really depends on his time and money, so I am not really sure if he can visit Los, but he will show up at evo final unless something bad things happen to him. just looks like he is interested in tripping to los.

    thank you~~~.
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Itazan! Nice! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  3. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Yosuke, you must tell Itazan that EVO West is at SAN DIEGO! Not LOS ANGLES, SAN DIEGO!

    Though I am sure he can still find housing from us cause frankly, Itazan at EVO West would own. But yeah he will need to plan around going to San Diego, which is far south of Los Angles. He can still go to Sea World or visit the beautiful beaches there though.

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    wait a second!
    I meant that it is possible that he would visit Los after Evo final... I did not mean he can visit 2 Evo tournaments because the days between Evo west and final is pretty far....he was a student 3 years ago, but he is not a student any more, you know?

    I can say he will definitely not be able to make San Diego one unfortunately. It's still good to see him in the US though.

    myke would meet him a week before Evo final. I mean it is at the Tougeki tournament.
  5. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: read it before buying a ticket to go to Evofin

    Yosuke is right to post this. There will be VF Madness in SoCal after the Evo Final as well as possibly BEFORE. I'm not exactly sure how to make things work or even what to say.

    I'm thinking of a pre-Evo Final SoCal party that includes a team tournament. That last one convinced me that people really get into those things /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif It would be insane (in a good way) to see if we could all do it again with so much enthusiasm. Will the star be Ladon? Or will there be a new, as-yet-undiscovered talent? That's the beauty of it.

    I'm also thinking of a post Evo Final party. A big, relaxing, get-everyone-together-again, event to just kick back and play VF til you can't muster the energy to dash (then crash for a few hours and start up again).

    Yosuke is staying in SoCal from just after Evo Final until September 10th. There's the possibility of high-powered VFers coming to SoCal before Evo Final. What to do? What to do?

    If I were to hold these events the weekend before and the weekend after Evo Final - would you all (that means anyone who cares to do it) want to do it? I could do the usual - have people show-up as early as Thursday and stay at my place through the weekend. If this was before Evo WOrld, there would still be almost a week to go. I'd leave my house available as a place to stay and play - Catherine works from here - however, I'd want to go to work (which is OK with me, I just figured I'd give details about what would happen). We also have a van that holds 7 people to drive to Vegas (which is only about 2.5 hours from my house). Catherine and I would fill two of those spots unless we had enough players around to split the gas costs and take both cars.

    After Evo World is a similar situation. I'd want to go to work from Monday-Thursday and then take Friday off to join the VF madness in full swing.

    So, think about what you all want to do. If you could post your thoughts here - that would be so helpful.

    The basic rundown of VF Vacation possibilities:

    August 17th-26th - SoCal weekend VF5 bash, do things around SoCal or go to Vegas early, compete at Evo World


    August 20th-26th - SoCal VF party Monday through Thursday, compete at Evo World (I'd just take the week off /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif )


    August 24th-September 2nd - Start off at Evo World, hang out in Vegas, relax with VF5 madness in SoCal

    -or- August 24th-30th (or 31st) - Start off at Evo world and immediately head back to SoCal for VF5 party.


    Something else entirely (it is YOUR vacation, after all).

    Yes, there is a dilemma. However, I kinda like dilemmas of this sort. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif

    Still - you want to hang out with maybe Itazan and the as-yet-unannounced special guest before Evo? You want to go to Evo and then hang out with Yosuke? You want to do both?


    Well... post up and let your plans and ideas be known! Responses here will help in the planning of my usual SuperPost (TM) announcement!
  6. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    Re: read it before buying a ticket to go to Evofin

    Plague -

    I'll take a day or two off work to come to any of the above mentioned events. I can promise at least 2 (hopefully 3) San Diegans coming up for it. Sounds great man, keep us updated!

    Also, for those going to Evo West and need a place to crash, I can put 2 up for a night or two. Just shoot me a PM.

    Gonna be fun! :>
  7. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Re: read it before buying a ticket to go to Evofin

    Yosuke, you and itazan are both welcome here again anytime. I'll be happy to take you guys to santa monica and that hamburger place again too. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  8. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: read it before buying a ticket to go to Evofin

    Hmm... I want to go to the burger place, too. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif

    Also, good to see SD support. Nice that the drive is not so bad for you all.
  9. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Re: read it before buying a ticket to go to Evofin

    Sure Talis, everyone is welcome. I just thought i'd mention that to yosuke since he seemed like he really enjoyed it.
  10. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I hope to make it to SoCal, probably after Evo World. But I won't really know until August whether it could work out or not. However, I'm really happy to hear about the event and I really hope it all works out!

  11. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    It became pretty bigger event after I talked to itabashi a little. He has enough time to visit the US, and he really wants to speak English as a training while he is staying after or before Evo.

    I still don't know what he is planning, but he seems like he wants to stay here 1 month to 3 months which is the time limit expires of passport.

    In other word, there is a possibility that he visits anywhere in the US if someone can host him. the only thing his worry is hotel fee because he will need a lot of money if he stays here and takes a hotel.

    I am going to ask him if he wants to stay in one city, or visit some cities.
    I personally recommend that he should go to OH. even though maddy is not there any more, the person who hosted me in OH was awesome. Itabashi would not be able to play VF as much as his expectation, but he would be able to speak English MORE THAN his expectation.

    he is interested in my los plan, and I assume he will go with me.

    hmm.... this time, he Does focus on practicing English much more than VF5..... just I felt it from the discussion.

    if you were Japanese players, would you stay in the US on no purpose? you would be able to play VF5 in Japan. he may go to Evo west, but it would be strange.

    the earlier you buy a plane ticket, the cheaper price you will get. it might be too late to buy a ticket departure in July. he said he is preparing his English, so it may be possible for him to go to another evo, but I am not sure about it. Besides, he will need a place where he can stay a month before Evo final even though some of you guys are not on vacation yet.


    please take us to the hamburger place!! I guess he wants to enjoy more American food and other foods than Japanese food here.

    we are going to discuss it more, and write it down more details.
  12. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    yosuke...did you tell him about the $5,000 prize money for evo world?!??! free money dude! take it!
  13. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    he knew it since he won the last evo.

    I just wrote something about evo on my diary, and he noticed there is VF5. it is still good though. champion Jacky will beat Itabashi lololol
  14. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    If Itazan wants to speak English, he should go to Nova! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    I hope he has a good time in the US though... I wish I could go visit LA Akira. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  15. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    hey myke. as I think, he wants to have a comversation with americans in the us.
  16. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Hey Yosuke, Reno is not Myke. I am Myke.

    He just uses my face for his avatar /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif

    Anyway, see you and Itazan at Evo!
  17. YOSUKE

    YOSUKE Well-Known Member

    I was just kidding haha.

    I am pretty sure you will see him a week before evo on Tougeki tournament.

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