Rank advancement beyond Kensai in EVO

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by Jui, Apr 21, 2003.

  1. Jui

    Jui Well-Known Member

    I need your help guys. I can't seem to rank up to "emperor saint". Does anyone know what the criterias are?
  2. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    While I don't know for sure, it seems to me that once I was in the "black" ranks, I needed to win against 5 of the same rank IN A ROW, meaning, I couldn't loose to the same rank without having to start the whole process again.

    Hope this helps

  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I asked a friend of mine to clear up some rankings questions I had, which might help you too.

    Tsuwamono = strong man
    Mosa = tough guy, veteran
    Ouja = king
    (these need 5 points to go up, lose 3 points to go down)

    Meishou = great general
    Chishou = resourceful general, general of intelligence
    Toushou = general of battle
    (these need 7 points to go up, lose 3 points to go down)

    Kensei = saint of fist
    Busei = saint of power
    Teisei = imperial saint
    (these need 10 points to go up, lose 3 points to go down)

    Shou-haou = small ruler, small emperor
    (this needs 15 points from Teisei to go up to Haou, lose 1 point to go down)

    Haou = supreme ruler, emperor
    (this rank never changes once you get)

    Alternatively, instead of getting X points to rank up, you can also win X games straight.

    A side note on the Tsuwamono rank. Anyone know where the pronunciation came from? In my Kanji dictionary it appears as Kyousha.
  4. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to correct myself/confirm what Myke wrote that the black ranks I mentioned earlier (Kensei/Busei/TeiSei) do require 10 wins, but again, the big difference seems to be that at this level, 1 loss will take you back to the beginning of the process. I know because I've choked twice now at my rank up to Shou Hao Oh, and I had to fight 10 more TeiSei to get another chance to rank up.

  5. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Which Kanji dictionary do you recommend? I have no idea what my rank is right now (mine has a white background) but of course, I'm curious. I can't seem to find any decent information on the web.
  6. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    If you want a very nice Kanji Dictionary and have the extra cash, then I recommend the "NTC's New Japanese-English Character Dictionary". The NJECD is a very highly regarded book for proper kanji learning and recognition. It should run under $40USD from most online bookstores. A very expensive version, but better version is the "New Japanese-English Character Dictionary" by Kenkyusha. It's a litte harder to find and last I knew ran about $150. They are both excellent resources.
  7. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Thanks alot. I think I'll try that $40 one. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    Edit: I think I just reached Haoh today, since my rank now has a yellow background. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  8. Monk

    Monk Member

    I reached Haoh just now too. Golden clothes for my lei fei now!

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