Quest tournament requirements....

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by FilthyHands, Aug 24, 2003.

  1. FilthyHands

    FilthyHands Active Member

    Do you get anything special if you win a tournament in 1st place as opposed to second or third?I finished in second in the Sega championchip.Also,how many arcades are there total?

    Any awnser would be nice.
  2. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

    from first and second place
    you will get some money, I think they are same much money when you finish as 1ste and 2nd.
    not sure about trd.(never get 3rd place)

    there are 8 in totaal.
  3. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    Wrong. For example, to win a white orb in the second arcade (it's the second I think, or maybe the first, doesn't matter) you need to place first. You also win more money. And besides that, I'm almost sure that the money worth for placing 1st place is much more than 2nd place. One more thing: once you get one of the 3 top places, for example 3rd place, you won't get anything for placing in 2nd or 1st place in the same tournament.
  4. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

    Sorry, Don't know that.
    Because, I always got first place, only once in 2nd.
  5. FilthyHands

    FilthyHands Active Member

    Thanks for the help guys!!

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