Ps3 Ver.B A.I?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Eternal, Jul 20, 2011.

  1. Eternal

    Eternal Member

    So I know that Ver.B's AI isn't as good as Ver.C.. What exactly is wrong with Ver b.. I've read that ver b is broken, is this true?..
  2. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Eternal, "Broken" is a relative term especially when it comes to fighting games. If you are new to VF or a VF casual player and you have Ver B for the PS3 you'll be happy with it.

    The "broken" designation is only meaningful for long time veterans of the VF series or really advanced players. New players, casual players will not see the AI as broken. Also it depends on the style of VF play (oh oh, I see flames comin)
    Contrary to the belief of a group of players on this site, there is more than one way to play VF, and for some styles of play the AI on version B is just fine as a computerized sparring partner. For other styles people complain.

    But don't let somebody tell you how its broken. Play it yourself, judge for yourself, make it all the way to conqueror. and then decide if its broken as far as you are concerned.

    I play VF5 PS3 and although I feel the AI could be better, I feel I got my money's worth. When i do play the AI, I play it in the tournaments. For some reason it just feels more challenging in the tournaments.
  3. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Ver B. A.I. even on the hardest setting is really weak. One doesn't have to play long to realize its shortcomings. You can exploit the A.I. into simple patterns to beat it that humans players will not fall for.

    I know for sure they do not use max damage combos. They also do not break low throws.

    Some A.I fighters (maybe all) do not even use new moves introduced into VF5 from VF4:FT.

    Its been over 4 years since I've played; I can't recall anything else to add.
  4. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    The PS3 version (which is based on Version A, not B) has it's AI pretty much just copied and pasted from the console version of VF4: Evo. They use no new VF5 moves, hell, it even tries to do evade attack the old way and gets OM instead.

    Xbox version has updated AI and all characters use VF5 moves.
  5. Eternal

    Eternal Member

    Yeah I noticed this. I've been playing for only 2 weeks now and I see many ways to exploit the AI on hard..

    So far the AI has been fun tho, If I dont try and exploit it, so far its challenging and I do enjoy it and do plan on advancing as much as possible without playing real people until I get an xbox or VFFS comes on console with online(if it does).

    Any more problems with ver b?
  6. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I think version B is still a decent game, so long as you're playing human opposition. The changes between B and C weren't too big gameplay wise. Then again, Eileens PP6P natural combos in version B. Broken game.
  7. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    That natural combo makes version B the most "lol wut?" eileen out of all the versions. My only regret is that I wasn't good enough at the game when ver. B came out to abuse this move to it's fullest.
  8. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Not the worst ai though. The kof 11 ai will make your eyes bleed.
  9. SicilianVizzini

    SicilianVizzini Well-Known Member

    The AI isn't the only difference. There is a small issue going the other way of soft-vsync on the 360 version (that leads to screen tearing and dips below 60fps) which produce small network lag like conditions which can alter hits/combos. And the quite obvious issue of the contrast being visibly narrower, with crushed blacks that changes colour balance because of the (piecewise linear) gamma texture correction from the Xenos being Directx 9c hardware.

    For two player, VF5b on PS3 is arcade perfect, whereas the 360 version (even with newer AI and moves) is still a compromised port of the arcade VF5c unit.

    I've played both to completion in Quest mode with Akira and would recommend either to some one new to the game like I was, and really resent the way the PS3 version always gets unfairly trashed; even though it sold far more copies.
  10. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    over the last two years, ive played a ton of off line matches on the 360 version. I dont know the technical aspects, but i know that its definately unstable. There are many times where i get beaten out of my advantage withought any hesitation. And then there are the whifed combos. Like when i cant jab after connecting Jeffs knee?
  11. pointers

    pointers Member

    hi guys i got ps3 vf5 not long ago, i'm about 800 game in quest mode with sarah, but with the hardest setting, im getting my ass handed to me, it's so depressing, im winning maybe 1 out of 10. am i sucking that much? i don't think my problem is not able to recognize the patterns, or rather i get punished at every move i make. how does your win rate look like?
  12. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Content Manager Pai Bronze Supporter

    Pointers: Are you getting punished because you are using moves in which the computer can do guaranteed damage or are you getting punished because you attempt to attack an opponent in a largely disadvantaged situation (yellow light flash when you get hit?)

    If you are getting punished at every move you make, you may want to take the next step and learn the finer details of each move/situation.

    For example, do you recognized the situation you are in? (I have advantage, I am at a disadvantage, I can do guaranteed damage, the opponent can do guaranteed damage, etc).

    If you have a good understanding of the situation, the next thing you want to think about is:

    In this situation, if I execute move "A," it will win against opponent's action "B"; however, move "A" will lose against opponent's action "C".

    You are not likely to think this way during a match, but it is a good way to understand the game.

    In an actual match, I think a good simple approach to take is:
    If I anticipate my opponent will take action "?", then I will execute move "A" to defeat it.
  13. pointers

    pointers Member

    hi akai, i've never really paid attention to the yellow light flash thing. so maybe i need to read more about it. i guess i'm just playing with free flow all the time without thinking about the advantage and disadvantage situations that you were talking about.
    so my question now is: what do you do to start a match then? do i only execute moves that are the safest? those that gives the least disadvantage upon blocked by opponent or missed? i have particular trouble with lei fei and brad they just keep executing moves after moves, it seems like they don't have any disadvantages. sorry for the mini rant, lol, i'll go dig up some beginner threads.
  14. Wonderful

    Wonderful Active Member

    I'm far from an expert on this game. But something that's helped me improve a great deal is reading the guide on this site. The basic systems guide and especially the frame information on the moves of your character of choice. You don't need to learn all of it by heart, just read through the list, play some, usually you start wondering: "hmm... how about this move ?" And bit by bit you learn.

    Stick with one character. There is nothing final about your choice of character, but you will learn faster if you decide to get good with just one to begin with. Sure, knowledge of all the characters is good as well, as you have to fight them and if you know what they can do you have an advantage. Still, learning one character well and getting comfortable stringing together attacks and defense will let you learn the basic system faster.

    You need to know when you have the advantage or disadvantage. Have you noticed the AI always throws you when it has blocked certain moves and there is nothing you can do ? Try entering throw escapes the moment your move is blocked. Or if you anticipate an attack, try sidestepping, tapping up or down. It's important to not press buttons when evading, otherwise the opponents attack tracks you and you get hit even if you evade. The difference is huge, you either get instant advantage or eat a counter hit. A counter hit gives a yellow flash and always results in greater advantage than a normal one, sometimes floating or a crumple -> combo opportunity.

    This game is really more technical than other fighting games. Just learning the basics of the fighting system, things you can do with all characters will make you a lot better.
  15. pointers

    pointers Member

    you guys are awesome, thanks for the advice! i just wish my ps3 has online mode.
  16. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Content Manager Pai Bronze Supporter

    I'm not sure you will like my answer - I think the best thing you can do is dependent on what you anticipate your opponent to do.

    After guarding against most attacks, it will generally leave opponent at a disadvantage. There are moves for every character that are exceptions to that observation. If you feel that the opponent is attacking non-stop and it is not a failure to execute your move correctly, then it could either be:

    1. Your opponent is using some attacks that after guarding against them, will leave the opponent at a small advantage (easier to identify/remember these then the ones that leave opponent at a disadvantage).


    2. Your opponent is using an attack with special properties such as being a sabaki. If you anticipate opponent will do a sabaki at an disdvantage, then you could choose to attack the opponent with a move that your opponent is unable to sabaki.
  17. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    akai, you do point out the main difference between VF and other 2D games. Most beginners start mashing buttons and assume 2D experience/combo/method should be applied with VF, but it turns out they are wrong.

    If, I mean if, VFDC is going to make a tutorial video or article, this is a must read part.
  18. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I remember Myke wrote a beautifully simple and clear statement along the same lines a while back. I and others suggested it go in the VFDC VF5 guide, but i dunno if it did.

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