PS2 Evo Wallpapers

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by Myke, Jul 25, 2005.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Myke623 (4.40 MB)

    All the PS2 Evo Wallpapers in this one zip file. The number refers to the page and frame you can find the wallpaper on within the game, and there are 12 frames per page. The requirement to acquire the wallpaper is listed as well. Most are got by defeating opponents in certain arcades (arcade X), some by completing the tutorial or challenge, and a few from certain opponents (names shown in italics).

    1-1 default1
    1-2 default2
    1-3 default3
    1-4 default4
    1-5 default5
    1-6 another1 (arcade D)
    1-7 another2 (arcade D)
    1-8 another3 (arcade D)
    1-9 another4 (arcade D)
    1-10 another5 (arcade D)
    1-11 another6 (arcade C)
    1-12 another7 (arcade D)

    2-1 another8 (arcade C)
    2-2 another9 (arcade C)
    2-3 another10 (arcade F)
    2-4 another11 (arcade G)
    2-5 another12 (arcade D)
    2-6 another13 (arcade C)
    2-7 another14 (arcade D)
    2-8 akira1 (arcade H)
    2-9 akira2 (arcade G)
    2-10 akira3 (arcade F)
    2-11 akira4 (arcade C)
    2-12 akira5 (challenge)

    3-1 kage1 (arcade H)
    3-2 kage2 (tutorial)
    3-3 kage3 (challenge)
    3-4 kage4 (arcade F)
    3-5 kage5 (arcade E)
    3-6 jacky1 (arcade H)
    3-7 jacky2 (challenge)
    3-8 jacky3 (arcade H)
    3-9 sarah1 (challenge)
    3-10 sarah2 (arcade H)
    3-11 sarah3 (arcade H)
    3-12 sarah4 (arcade H)

    4-1 sarah5 (arcade H)
    4-2 lau1 (arcade E)
    4-3 lau2 (arcade G or H)
    4-4 lau3 (challenge)
    4-5 pai1 (challenge or arcade H)
    4-6 pai2 (arcade E)
    4-7 pai3 (challenge)
    4-8 pai4 (arcade B)
    4-9 wolf1 (challenge)
    4-10 wolf2 (arcade H)
    4-11 wolf3 (bunbun-maru)
    4-12 jeffry1 (arcade H)

    5-1 jeffry2 (challenge)
    5-2 jeffry3 (arcade F)
    5-3 jeffry4 (arcade D)
    5-4 lion1 (arcade E)
    5-5 lion2 (chibita)
    5-6 lion3 (arcade D)
    5-7 shun1 (arcade C)
    5-8 shun2 (arcade H)
    5-9 shun3 (challenge)
    5-10 shun4 (arcade H)
    5-11 aoi1 (arcade B)
    5-12 aoi2 (arcade E)

    6-1 aoi3 (arcade G)
    6-2 aoi4 (challenge)
    6-3 aoi5 (the gorilla)
    6-4 leifei1 (arcade C)
    6-5 leifei2 (arcade F)
    6-6 leifei3 (challenge)
    6-7 leifei4 (arcade H)
    6-8 vanessa1 (challenge)
    6-9 vanessa2 (arcade H)
    6-10 vanessa3 (arcade F)
    6-11 goh1 (arcade H)
    6-12 goh2 (tutorial)

    7-1 goh3 (challenge)
    7-2 goh4 (arcade F)
    7-3 brad1 (arcade D)
    7-4 brad2 (arcade H)
    7-5 brad3 (challenge)
    7-6 tenpo1 (arcade B)
    7-7 tenpo2 (arcade C)
    7-8 tenpo3 (arcade D)
    7-9 tenpo4 (arcade E)
    7-10 tenpo5 (arcade F)
    7-11 tenpo6 (arcade G)
    7-12 tenpo7 (arcade H)
  2. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    Awesome work there mate.
  3. Cephiros_VII

    Cephiros_VII Well-Known Member

    BIG thanks goes to <font color="green">Myke</font> /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  4. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

    Thx myke
  5. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Myke, next time you are in the states the Outback's on me. It's bonzer!
  6. Sliced

    Sliced Member

    Thanks Myke!
  7. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    nice i could use these, not to gripe but wallpaper 4-1 got some problems.
  8. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Thanks very much Myke.

    I'm guessing you ripped these from the original Japanese version. The US version has a different 2-2. It features Shun's warbler bird sitting on top of Lion's bulldog.
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Looking forward to it! /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    oops, I'll get that one fixed tonight. Was kinda rushing through the vid capture there.

    Yeah, these are from the Japanese version. I was under the impression that the wallpapers were the same between versions, so thanks for pointing that out. I wonder that one was changed though... maybe because you can see Vanessa's cleavage?
  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

  11. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Wallpaper 3-9 isnt the same in the EU version either.
    Wallpaper 3-9 is a picture of Sarah's face only (Christian Symbolizism in org?). Wallpaper 2-2 is a dog in Eu.

  12. ngcheechong

    ngcheechong Active Member

    Sweet! Thanks a lot /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  13. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Dusted off my never-before-used US version and unlocked the two wallpapers that are different in the English version of Evo.


    Original .zip download updated as well.
  14. gracjanski

    gracjanski Member

    thx aat mike and oll the others /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  15. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    nice work!
  16. thebradSHow

    thebradSHow Well-Known Member

    I would like to thank myke for providing me with stuff cause I love stuff yo
  17. FatalRose

    FatalRose Well-Known Member

    Thanks Myke. Wish there was more Final Tuned official art out there. :-(
  18. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

    Awesome Myke!! 4-9 (the one with Wolf/Jeffry) came out really dark; is there any way to fix it!? I want to use that as my desktop wallpaper, but I can barely see it. Thanks in advance!!
  19. PurpGuy

    PurpGuy Well-Known Member

    Does anybody still have any of these? Particularly the Sarah ones. I'm scrounging around the internet trying to find a good picture for a custom stick I'm about to order but so far none of the ones I've found have satisfied the stick dude.
  20. Terra

    Terra Well-Known Member

    Op, your link is dead. Restore please.

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