Portland, Oregon

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Chanchai, Feb 24, 2007.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Any Portland area (or even Vancouver, WA) players here on VFDC?

    I guess it's that time again to rally the regulars, bring back the old vets, and meet some of the new guys.

    I know that Rayblade X and Shinryujin have been playing some VF5 lately. I have been playing some VF at friend's houses as well as the Versis Game Center in Lake Oswego.

    If anyone would like to meet up sometime for some fun rounds, I'm sure we could get something going.

    Personally, I really like the Versis Game Center. They have nice HD setups, the rates aren't bad at all (if we get a gathering going, the rates are even better), the furniture is quite comfortable, the place often stays open until 3am, and the owner is fairly accomodating. You can also reserve gaming areas with a group. I wish the PS3 was setup in the DLP rooms though (they are practically the Gears of War rooms though).

    The only disadvantage is that Lake Oswego isn't the most accessible place to anyone that doesn't drive and if you come in at busy hours you'll sort of have the X-Box Live experience in an otherwise casual living room environment. But it's really close to the "bus station" in Lake Oswego.

    A Gresham Versis will be opening up in a few months I hear at Gresham Station. That might be more accessible to public transporation.

    And if for whatever reason someone wants to play VF4 version B arcade, I guess we could meet up at Lloyd Center Tilt :p I still enjoy playing it.
  2. nou

    nou Well-Known Member

    Washington testing,testing

    OH SHIT I CAN POST (at least on the library comp)!!!

    So yeah moved up to WA last year then lost feeling in both hands and came down with inflamed nerves so I pretty much stopped playing vg altogether. BUT my health is getting better and I REALLY want to get some games in. Oregon is pretty far but hopefully during the summer we can some games in.

    There's gotta be more players in the PNW tho' who play this game. Post up people!
  3. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Hey Femto,

    I'm really sorry to hear about the inflamed nerves. I really hope you get completely well soon.

    It's funny that you posted here, I was about to create a Northwest VF thread.

    Portland actually has a VF scene now that Rayblade and I have been trying to help nurture. Some of the people that play here do read VFDC, but never post. Some of them just post on SRK...

    That said, I am also trying to help stimulate a scene in Seattle. On SRK, I saw some Seattle players interested in playing VF. More will be interested when the 360 version comes out too.

    The best news I can give you is that if you've got a PS3, the game, and a couple of arcade sticks--you've got one of the best players in the country up in Lynnwood. He's also a great guy. However, he doesn't have a PS3, the game, or PS3 sticks.

    I was actually going to visit Seattle tomorrow to kidnap Yosuke and bring him to Portland for a weekend, but I'll have to postpone those plans.

    Anyways, let's make Northwest VF happen /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif


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