personal matchs videos

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by kimheng, Sep 6, 2003.

  1. kimheng

    kimheng Well-Known Member

    Hello everybody

    I need some help to improve my game,so i posted here some videos in which you can see how i play
    every comments,advices,remarks or suggestions are welcome,thank you very much
    i hope thes videos are not too bad for you...... /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif

  2. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Ermmm okay before i commit myself with an opinion of what you play like, which character are you playing?Lei Fei or Aoi? I use both of them so if you want any little pointers just let me know and I'll tell you what I think.
  3. kimheng

    kimheng Well-Known Member

    I play Aoi!
    sorry,i forget to note it... /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
    my brother plays with lei fei
    thank you for your answer /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  4. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

  5. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Okay maybe just a few pointers on how I use Aoi:

    Take advantage of her strong throwing game. Your throw escapes were good in the clips but Aoi has so many useful throws as well as her two low throws. Try to force your opponent into some throw escapes or at least some guessing games revolving around throws.

    The YY stance is particularly useful after you've just made an attacking series of moves as the first thing your opponent will want to do is counter attack however you have to be careful of throws as well. When you successfully inashi someone with it keep following up like you did in some of the clips.

    Aoi has many useful sabakis as well and its important to know which moves you can deflect with these and how best to follow up. After [6][K]+[G][P] say I always like to follow up with [6_][P][G]>[6_][P][G]>[P][P][P][K] ( sometimes just one punch depending on weight etc... ) rather than just [6][K][K]. Heres a link to all her sabaki moves:

    This section will tell you what they are and what moves they can deflect. Also now in evo Aoi can reverse a huge amount of moves so its good to try and use them every now and again to stop your opponent getting too predictable. I saw you whiffing some every now and again so it may take some practise to get the timing of these down.

    One excellent way of improving your game is to watch good players play it. Heres a link to loads of Aoi media:

    All the Aoi stuff is half way down. The more you watch good players play the more you'll pick up tips and ideas. Hope this is useful to you.
  6. kimheng

    kimheng Well-Known Member

  7. jetleejoe

    jetleejoe Member

    yo jte connais toi !
    well try to master dodge+throw dodging, it's very useful. In the videos you seem to eat always the same throws so it's a trick that will save you many times ! Come and talk about it on console-league !
  8. kimheng

    kimheng Well-Known Member

    Yes,I will practice it for the next time! /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  9. kimheng

    kimheng Well-Known Member

  10. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

  11. Ryadus

    Ryadus Well-Known Member

    I must say that in your videos there're many failed throw escapes. I mean that situation when your opponent has guarantee throw situation and they don't use it so you or your opponent does a failed throw and gets a hit instead of throw. Better use evading throw escape-guard, you know?
  12. kimheng

    kimheng Well-Known Member

    yes,I keep practicing doubleTEG and DTEG! /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  13. kimheng

    kimheng Well-Known Member

  14. Aoi_Mei

    Aoi_Mei Well-Known Member

    You should reverse more often, that Lei player uses so much midattacks.

    Why am I only Aoi player who uses [K]?
  15. kimheng

    kimheng Well-Known Member

    I have uploaded some new matchs
    All is Aoi vs Lei-Fei

    Thank you to Creed who have comments my videos,I put his PM here,I think it is useful /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif:

    [ QUOTE ]

    You are the aoi player right?

    The skills at attack guessing games and throwing are fine, but there is very little dodging. In the first movie I see only one dodge -_- ... in the second there is some dodging, but you are doing it in the open, when the opponent is not attacking. This can be bad, a failed dodge can be hit with any attack or throw in the game and takes a long time to recover from, so you only should dodge when the opponent is close enough and likely to attack.

    Other reasons to dodge (in close) -

    The difference between dodging an attack and guarding the attack is that with a dodge you will almost always have 100 percent free damage against the enemy. Sometimes you get just a weak side throw, sometimes a powerful back throw or float combo. If you block the same attack instead of dodging, there usually is no guaranteed punishment.

    Japanese players dodge a lot because dodging is part of the EDTEG technique, which allows you to get out of 50/50 guessing games when your attack fails. If you guard, you not only get less advantage vs. the enemy's attack, you might be thrown. If you dodge + throw escape, you avoid both attacks and most strong throws.

    Some other stuff to use against your friend's lei fei:

    Certain stances should not be attacked certain ways.

    Independent stance (when lei stands on one leg) - do not use any punches, only quick kicks like aoi's standing K.

    Defensive stance/Bokutai stance - (when lei is very low and can slap the floor) - do not use any high attacks, and be careful even of using short range mid attacks like aoi's f+P. Lei can duck under these and smack you.

    Tiger stance (back turned and lei can dash close to you) - his hammer punch here can sabaki all kinds of attacks, almost any high and mid attack will be crushed. You can choose to dodge instead, or use certain moves it cannot hit (like jacky or sarah can do [7]+[K].

    Remember to throw in guaranteed throw situations. Your lei fei friend likes his [9]+ [K]+[G]- the two legged hopkick. It is a guaranteed throw if you block it. You usually do [2]+[P].

    The same is true of lei fei's [6]+[P],[P] - the two slow mid chops (the first one can stagger). Also watch for when you block his from crouch [6]+[P], the single palm strike that crumples. You can throw him or try[ P] -throw, the recovery is very bad. Don't waste the chance to do lots of damage by just doing [2]+[P].

    Also don't backdash if you stagger someone with [6]+[P] or the standing [K]. When the opponent is staggered you can always inflict a painful 50/50 guessing game - your best throw or the [4][3]+[P]+[K] chop. You usually back dash a bit and sweep, and it hits, but you are only doing 20-30 points of damage, you could be doing 60-80.

    When you low punch, remember to mix up low punch --> attack with low punch --> throw. The first time someone starts using d+P --> throw a lot against you, you will realize how strong it is. Your opponent often guards after d+P, so instead of doing f+P or FC,DF+P ... do a throw.

    Be careful falling into patterns. At the end of round 2 in the second clip, you do sweep --> P+K+G --> u --> P. Lei fei does d+P, f+P which crumples you. At the beginning of round 3, the same thing happened. When you sweep, using P+K+G is a very good habit. What you should practice for hours every day is
    [2]+ [K][G]
    [4]+[P]+[G] (or [6]+[P]+[G])

    That's a sweep into YY stance, the dodge, then you can enter side throw escapes (always f+P+G or b+P+G, depending on which side of the screen you are on). This technique almost completely eliminates lei fei's ability to counter after your sweep, you will dodge all attacks and escape a throw, then at the end you can guard or do the chop or try for a 270 throw if your enemy freezes.

    one more thing about the 270 throw, practice it until you can do it as well as the other throw you like, the one you follow with a ground throw every time. Someday your opponent will learn to escape the ground throw. The damage from the throw + ground throw is about 70 points, you can do just as much damage without a ground throw if you do either of aoi's 270 throws.

    Remember to never tech roll after lei fei crumples you and does a combo followup. Your friend almost hit you with an arrow punch in the back. That can lead to a 150 point combo for him, so just stay down.
    On the other hand, you are very good at seeing when your opponent stays down and punishing him with a ground throw.

    So far this has been all criticism, but there are some things you do very well -

    Your throw escaping is strong. Combine it with dodging more and you'll be very hard to hit.

    Nice backstagger combo in the second movie!

    Also very nice was when you knocked lei fei down, then did b,b+P --> G --> d+P+K to reverse his rising sweep. Train yourself to follow this reversal with the damaging b,b+P+K crumple combo. I think b,f+P or b,f+P+K may work too.

    Your reversals and reflexes are also very good, I liked when you had very little life and reversed lei fei's arrow punch. That takes balls.

    Overall, I think you play pretty well and have already started using the most important movements like --> attack. Your friend shouldn't beat you much I think, but you need to learn all of lei fei's sleazy tricks

    Your next major task should be to Work on EDTEG and always punishing throw counterable moves (do the trial training mode where you block different attacks and then counter with either d+P or throw... you can choose your opponent. Choose lei fei until you know which attacks are safe and which are guaranteed throws).

    I hope that helps.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  16. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

  17. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    first off, let me say that's really good stuff.

    Now for the stuff you want to hear. In all honesty, I think everyone is developing very well. The only problems I notice is everyone tends to hesitate just a bit. It seems as though they can't decide on what to do. Against high level players, you don't get that much time. You need a battle plan and you just go with it as fast as possible making adjustments along the way to accomodate for any mistakes. Also everyone needs to do some combo drills. The combos you use are fine, but I didn't see anyone, but the vanessa player attempt a GUARANTEED combo. Learn the guaranteed stuff first, expierement second. To the vanessa player no offense, but you do know that vanessa has another stance, and in defense stance she has more moves than just [P][P][P] or [P][P][P][K]. You are lucky you were not playing against a high level akira. You would have gotten killed by many things like [4]+[P]+[K]+[G] (sabaki) or akira could have defend and then did [2_][6]+[P]+[K]. So be a little more deceptive, use other strings and learn to fight and switch stance constantly while your fighting. Other than that I think you played extremely well. To the akira player, your command input seems to be really good in my opinion. You just really need to learn the guaranteed stuff. The worst flaw I saw in your game was that when you commit, you tend to commit all the way. For example, when you used [3]+[P]+[K]+[G], [P], you have to learn to watch and see if the first hit connects before you finish the string. Believe me you have enough time to see it hit and still hit [P] to finish the combo. So, if the first attack is a no go then stop and apply defensive techniques, or a simple [2]+[P]. You also over commited with [K]+[G], [P]. Work on those things! Like I said before your command input is great, so you have already accomplished the hard part if you want to be an akira player. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif To the goh player, I really have no complaints other than you just need to not hesitate. Go Go Go! Oh also get your combos down, and going for ground throw is great. But, remember doing so puts you and your opponent in a 50/50 situation. You want your opponent in a worse situation than 50/50. So sometimes go the guaranteed stuff, like a pounce where you can get it or a down attack. I am sure you have lost some matches where you should have used down attack or something else, and instead you went for that and they broke out and then came back for the win. Well guys that's it. I hope I didn't hurt and feelings. This is what you asked for! Keep practicing and be confident in your battle plan. Oh and eerrr keep posting vids too! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  18. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    We actually enjoyed you assesment. It was quite funny tho' because there are reasons for all of it. Although I must say that Bo swings way too fuckin much. But here goes.
    Im Jake , aka BigBoyyoass,, KS, Stone Cold and The Big Show
    Einoree aka, 1BeastyMthr and Flash Gordon.
    And Lil Bo as DarthVannessa or RamBoNita.
    OK, Bo says that he keeps swing because If he hesitates Ill crush him. but If he keeps me busy Ill still devastate him, so hell just keep me busy. Whats really funny though is that 1Beasty and I hesitate alot because of his abilty to dodge . A hesitation, crouch dash, or a move with [6_] will cause a failed evade. We are very aware of this . Thats usually how I catch him. Hes very good at getting away. Otherwise Id have to use the [2][P] [P] [2][P][P] mistery mix to get him to commit to something. Somtime tommorrow Ill have 2 new video's . There gonna be clips of our good matches. Also Im the only one commited to using a stick. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  19. DShadow

    DShadow Member

    I can only download these new uploaded videos. Download of previous ones cannot start
  20. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    I deleted them. I always change them after a few days to make room

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