Online upgrade on PS3

Discussion in 'Console' started by focusflute, Sep 11, 2007.

  1. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member

    Sega hinted that they may/could release an online/ver. C patch for the PS3. The info is here:

    The online petition for them to do so is here:

    There was a petition for them to add online to the 360 version so Sega IS listening! Get on it folks!

    Would also like to point out that the T5:DR online expansion was made for a game that wasn't intended to have online in the first place and its only a 591mb download.
  2. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    Look at it this way,in the article SEGA acknowleges they kind of screwed PS3 owners. At this point, they may look at it like the only way to sell an online patch is to give one that tops EVERYTHING on the Xbox360 version. Thats going to be WAY more than a 591 MB patch. Because of that, they may wait to offer something more substantial than just a patch and sell Ps3 a BD of VF5 EVOlution with 2 new characters if and when that ever gets made. We even might get new stages, better graphics and a final tuned version of the VF5 engine (beyond Version C). And after HOME launches, maybe SONY might start providing online servers for 3RD party developers (maybe,if they're SMART).

    Basically what I'm saying is it's almost inevitable that SEGA is going to try and sell PS3 owners "VF5 Evolution", and the best way to increase probability that we BUY a new Vf5 disc is to offer something VF5 PS3 DOESNT already have: ONLINE PLAY.
  3. GameOver

    GameOver Well-Known Member

    ^^ They can still do that. But they can also toss us a "Version C" bone to chew on while we wait for VF5: Evo.
  4. Krafty Matt

    Krafty Matt Well-Known Member

  5. Trojan X

    Trojan X Well-Known Member

    "It had, I told them. They seemed pleased, then started bugging me for details. Not cool. This is my interview, I reminded them, and I'll be the one asking all the questions..."

    Rude little git - I hope SEGA reads his site so they can see how rude s/he was. S/he got a lot to learn...

    Anyhow, going back on subject. I hope that they would deliver an update but I do not want an update that would make the game online enabled, I want it to upgrade the game to version C. Whether the download would be 2gigs I do not care for I would gladly spend £10-15 just for the update.
  6. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

    I think it's messed up how Sega is more interested in adding rumble to VF5 than they are in ACTUALLY MAKING THE GAME CURRENT.
  7. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Their top priority is making $$$, not appeasing us. As far as they're concerned, we're fanboys, otaku, extremists... Their goal is to sell to the uneducated masses, and frivilous features like rumble and BG commentary are important to the masses as far as Sega is concerned.
  8. ElectricLeo

    ElectricLeo Well-Known Member

    Also don't forget Microsoft directives. It's not like, for instance, anyone could choose to make a game without achievements.
  9. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

    Here is a nice "kick in the nuts" to everyone (including myself) who bought a PS3 to play VF5. Anyone see the newest add for the Xbox 360 version in the latest gaming mags? Under the Playstation 3 logo in the add, it says "No Online." We know SEGA, do they have to rub it in?
  10. SwiftNShit

    SwiftNShit New Member

    What else can go wrong....oh yeah no backwards compatability for ps1 and 2. Thats great. We should organize a call day and all call at the same time for an hour every thursday till they get motivated.
    I even thought about returning my ps3 till they work out all the bugs/compatibility/and vf5 evo comes out. $600 is a lot of money to get abused. They dont even give a charging cord with a $50 remote. 50 bucks thats a cheap date, and more action than vf5 for the ps3 right now.
    ok im done
  11. VicW

    VicW New Member

    I've looked into the game data for the PS3 version. It's the same as every single other game for the PS3, in the sense that there is a rather large, though empty "update" file on the disc that can be copied to the PS3's HDD and filled with any needed updates or patches, if needed.

    It's 100% possible.
  12. Onslaught

    Onslaught Well-Known Member

    I believe it's already been said that the game was rushed too early to even allow future updates. I'm pretty sure if they could lock up some items and charge us the buy keys for them on the PS3 they would have done it by now.^_^
  13. Logos

    Logos Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was possible for them to patch and they just said it wasn't in order to somewhat placate PS3 owners. Probably not very cost-effective for them, so they decided to leave us with a shitty, outdated port.
  14. biggz316

    biggz316 Well-Known Member

    I love VF5 but yea Sega sucks ass....i must admit after seeing some of deez vids wid all dees cool items dat da PS3 doesnt have...yea I really hate Sega now...VF5 is finally gettin some real love from da U.S and how duz Sega respond? online play no updates?...cmon ders no reason y dey cant put some downloadable items or something online....b-leez me..when tekken 6 hits dis year Namco is going to blow VF out of da water...y?..probaly nat wid game play..but tekken's online play plus da amount of downloadable items are going 2 keep players mad BZ n loving do I kno dis?..well jus look at T5DR shyt even dat has downloadable content and online u kno Namco is going 2 go all out esp seeing what a shyty job VF doing...I love VF5 but if dey dnt give us something new b4 tekken 6, Soul Calibur 4 and Street Fighter 4...dey can kiss my ass good bye
  15. DarkVincent

    DarkVincent Well-Known Member

    Yeah I don't know why people keep saying it's not possible. The GAME doesn't have online connectivity, but a patch could be made and downloaded via psn to be installed and give it online connectivity just fine. Here's hoping Sega stops failing and give us online + Ver. C or D this year.
    Sign the petition guys!
  16. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Online upgrade on PS3 is not possible

    They're saying it because, well, it's not possible. A SEGA employee explains why in this post.
  17. scytherage

    scytherage Well-Known Member

    Re: Online upgrade on PS3 is not possible

    If ever they do patch the PS3 version, I hope that they release something substantial for both the 360 and the PS3 version later on. Surely if there's a VF5:Evo that game will be on both platforms simultaneously.

    There was really no point for SEGA to even make VF5 PS3 exclusive before. That was such a wrong move on SEGA's part (in terms of letting them reach the largest installed base). I hope that in the future they just make the game completely multiplatform and satisfy players who prefer either 360 or PS3.
  18. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Re: Online upgrade on PS3 is not possible

    While now dated, keep in mind that the PS3 version did get the game many months before the 360 did. Granted, I know in the long run and looking at it now, it's whack, but thanks to that, we were able to play it that much sooner, and the game even made it as a spot at EVO as a result.
  19. Logos

    Logos Well-Known Member

    Re: Online upgrade on PS3 is not possible

    Yeah, I know we've definitely discussed this at Boulder gatherings before and I agree that it was great to have VF5 so early. The merits of it being in Evo then (given that it might not be back due to low turnout) are debatable, but I enjoyed having it regardless.

    I still want Ver. C (and possibly online) though, damnit! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  20. DarkVincent

    DarkVincent Well-Known Member

    Re: Online upgrade on PS3 is not possible

    So? It's the same SEGA that didn't know about Rumble feature and actually hinted they could update the game to include it. If they can update to include rumble, they can update to include online play.

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