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North Carolina ... Stand up and be counted.

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by replicant, Apr 4, 2003.

  1. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    I'm trying to see how many people we have in NC playing VF. That way we can try to set up some gatherings over the summer or just hang and play some VF whenever the chance appears.

    I'm near Greensboro/High Point, NC.
  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    why not try to make it to the tournament at Virginia. It will be good times.
  3. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    Sorry for not replying sooner, but I've been busy with school...

    Ice-9 used to be in NC a while ago before he went back home. So the players I know of in my immediate area are:


    I thought I would mention him since he isn't keeping up with VFDC. Other members that seem to be/were in NC are:

    [*] High_Voltage (Are you still around? /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif )
    [*] dark_goh
    [*] replicant

    Sorry if I missed anyone. I don't think I can manage any time for games before the semester ends. But after that, I'll be glad to play. Sometime around the middle of May may be good.
  4. krayzeejl

    krayzeejl Well-Known Member

    hey whats up! I've been trying to get in touch with you guys! I'm from Greenville, SC which is pretty close to Charlotte.... man I wanna come and play! I have absolutely NO VF competition here in Greenville!!! anyways lets get this thread going!!!
  5. Iceman

    Iceman Active Member

    Replicant: You're only 3 hours from Va Tech (Blackburg, VA). Well, Yahoo maps is usually a little slow so probably less than 3 hrs /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif If you're free this weekend check out the Va Tech tourney thread. Hit me up on aim if you have questions, SweetIce444 is my screenname
  6. ryucross

    ryucross New Member

    Alright, you've got another NC player. Lets see what we can do.
  7. TechnoKid

    TechnoKid New Member

    Raleigh/Garner area reprazent. I'm a new VF player, and I'm pretty tops at Tekken in my area when I'm in practice. That is to say, I'm not very good at all and would probably get wiped out in the qualifiers for any sort of regional tournament. But I like it when people cheer for the multithrows ^_^

    VF4 is so damn hard to learn, but I'm going to stick to it because it looks incredible when two people who have an idea what they're doing are going at it. I'd love to hook up for some fighting game action with anybody in the area.

    Does anyone even know where a VF4 Evo machine is at in NC?
  8. Drift

    Drift Well-Known Member

    'Nother NC player here. Apex/Cary, to be exact. I know this thread is a little old, but NCVFer's gotta get the word spread.
  9. HungOver

    HungOver Active Member

    Heya. I hail from Winston-Salem. There should definitely be some organized events for our area. Anybody got a good space? Summer break is coming up (for those of us still in school) so there's tons of free time. I can open my house up for a day of playing, like a little tournament or something, but it's not huge and I've only got one TV.
    Anyway, let's plan something for the summer. Keep up with the post, guys. Peace.


    P.S. - I have a few friends in the area, one experienced and two newbies, who might also be interested.
  10. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Hey I'll be in NC, Morrisville to be more precise. Now if anyone lives close to this and would like to bring on a few matches, I'll be there from the 9th to the 16th probably.

  11. Drift

    Drift Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Cuz said:

    Hey I'll be in NC, Morrisville to be more precise. Now if anyone lives close to this and would like to bring on a few matches, I'll be there from the 9th to the 16th probably.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Uber-sweetness. I can't wait to get slaughtered. I live in Cary/Apex, which is minutes from Morrisville. Hit me up in PM to set something into stone. (guess I'll hafta leave Vana'diel for a while and practice)
  12. HungOver

    HungOver Active Member

    Wow. Disappointingly low turnout, huh? /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
    Ah well . . . Someone seriously needs to organize an event. Anybody got a decent space? I mean really, it's summertime, and I've got itchy fingers.
    Well, later people.

    Your friendly neighborhood Solopsist,
  13. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    Considering I will be pretty busy packing my stuff and preparing to leave the country for good soon, I don't know if I can host a gathering ('^_^). I may be able to make it to one if someone hosts and it's not too far from Charlotte....

    So did you guys meet already (mini-mini-gathering)?
  14. HungOver

    HungOver Active Member

    Alright. I can do it. How's next week look for you guys?
  15. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    Well I will most likely go to DC and spend a night or two there this week. Planning on heading on Tuesday morning and coming back either Wednesday night or Thursday... So for me Friday and up are good days (I cannot make it if it's after the 10th of June or so though, since I will most likely leave around the 14th).

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