My refurbish 360 cracked my VF5 Disc.

Discussion in 'Console' started by ShinobiFist, Apr 20, 2008.

  1. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    I've been very patient with MicroSoft since the 360 been out, but this is just ridiculous. I was playing this mourning with, VF5395. We had some great El Blaze VS Lei Fei matches(Double KO!). We were at it for a hour and a half.
    During the beginning of round 5, the match starts lagging for a bit, then it goes back to normal. A few more seconds into the round it starts lagging REAL BAD. Then we get booted to the fake lobby. I go to character select to pick Wolf, send invite to VF5395, he joins, match starts to load, then it freezes, and my 360 starts doing a blender noise.
    I look at disc to see if it's dirty, and I notice this line, I'm thinking it must be my Dog's hair, try to wipe it of, nothing. Then I notice the hologram had a line too, on opposite ends. And when I went to touch it, it moved /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
    I'm going to get another disc from Gamestop(Going to swipe it) But, I can't handle this bullshit from MicroSoft anymore. This is absurd. My 360 Elite got back on Wed's, and now it kill my copy VF5 /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  2. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    You just have terrible luck. heh heh
  3. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    man those morning matches were great double knockout u were usin blaze lowdropkick and i used koko shiki down kick= draw. sorry about ur vf5 disk i never heard of the 360 chewing the disk like that. my CnC tiberium wars disk got the rings of saturn.damn u microsoft and ur stupid defective console
  4. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    This happened to my copy of Devil May Cry 4 recently too, just as I was going through it on Dante Must Die mode /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif
  5. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    the guy at gamestop told me not to leave the system standing vertical which cause the rings of saturn
  6. Necro76

    Necro76 Well-Known Member

    A friend that works AT Microsoft tech support, tells me that guy at Gamestop doesn't know anything. They just hire these temporary employees that don't know shit 'bout games except mainstream games like Halo. Ask them about independent game developing or obscure games on PC or on the net and wait for the stupid look on their faces. They know even less about tech related stuff. I've been told so many lies at Gamestop that we've made a top ten list. DONT TRUST Gamestop employees having a tech degree on anything.
  7. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    I've had EB employees tell me how a game I worked on was made and that I had no idea what I was talking about...
  8. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    It did it again, my second copy of VF5 got cracked by my 360 again. But, I've figured the reason why it does it. If your in dojo mode and exit to the dashboard, doing that is going to cracked your disc. I've did it with two VF5 disc, pictures soon. This only happens with VF5 for some reason.
  9. dbGh0s7

    dbGh0s7 Active Member

    Welcome to the Xbox 360 experience...

    Let's hope and pray that MS gets it right with their next console. As for the 360 I've got only two words: Hardware Nightmare
  10. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    thats crazy /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  11. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    hiya guys, new to posting on forum but been checking out forums regularly and i felt i had to post after experiencing the same thing with my VF5 Disc.

    I turnt my xbox back on after couple of hours of playing and all i heard where large crunching noises. and when i opened the tray, i fount that my xbox decided to have a bit of a munch on the VF5 disc, as there where several large cracks eminating from the centre of the disc. so im pretty gutted now, as i cant really afford a replacement right now. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  12. PompousKristina

    PompousKristina Well-Known Member

    I haven't had any problems with my Xbox 360 since I usually took care of it(by the way, my older brother is borrowing it as of now). Maybe you have an earlier model of the Xbox 360? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif
  13. gl0ry

    gl0ry Well-Known Member

    Taking good care of your xbox 360 has nothing to do with the problems that people have with it. Aside from xbox 360 and the first generation ps1 i've never had any other consoles break down on me. There are just defects with some models.
  14. LegendaryHero90

    LegendaryHero90 Well-Known Member

    my disk got scratched.

    i wont be on here nor will i be touching my 360

    WILFACTS Member

    heal it with toothpaste
    xbox made a half circle scratch and I couldn't load it
    after using the toothpaste trick I could load it except wolf and vanessa, I toothpasted it again and could load wolf and now left vanessa
    may not 100% work but at least i don't have to buy another one so urgent
  16. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    Your disk scratch problem is easy to fix. Call the Microsoft Customer Support, and get your Xbox 360 exchanged. The disk scratch malfunction comes from early Xbox 360 having a DVD drive without rubber pads to stop the spinning disk properly. You shouldn't feed this malfunctioning Xbox 360 with other disks, only to see that it scratches it nonetheless. Tell the customer support service that you always had your Xbox 360 in the horizontal position (otherwise they might not replace it this easily). For your future Xbox 360s I'd advise you to always position them horizontally on a steady platform (desk, etc.).

    As well, ask the lady from the Microsoft Support Service whether the disks can be replaced. This is heavily depended on the publisher though. If it's Microsoft themselves, they will be replaced w/o problems. If it's UbiSoft, etc. then you gotta call those guys to get it replaced for some money (10 bucks).
  17. Kidvid711

    Kidvid711 Well-Known Member

    I brought about 4 Virtua fighter. I had the same problems. The first two were scratched. Third got crack and 4 is handle pretty well.

    The trick is. Do not leave your game inside your console after your Finnish playing. Its the heat that comes towards the CD Drive placing a crack on it.

    So each time when your done playing. Take out the game before turning it off. Also being idle, for safety reasons.
  18. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    same. shockingly enough i had a few bad copys of vf4 and evo and they were some of the worse ever, all i have to do really is sit my ps2 on it's side and they played like new XD
    i miss sarah's vf4 p2 outfit. mnn aww well really. anywho
  19. Ser2k2

    Ser2k2 Member

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