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My Opinion About the game Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown

Discussion in 'General' started by petelecofederal, Aug 30, 2013.

  1. petelecofederal

    petelecofederal Active Member

    To be honest in my opinion and these poser no use trying to defend or try to find some excuse but truth be told ....
    Sarah, Pai Chan, Shun Di, Lei fei are fired best characters in the game both to play online or offline.
    What i dont understand is this obvious imbalance between the characters.
    Besides the imbalance in difficulty performing movements right characters and not others.
    It's a shame the developers of the game to put such simple movements pressing only p + k ... diagonally up and back k ... forward or backward and p + k .... or above and p + k ....
    As the movements of Sara, Fei Lei, Jack, Leon Rafale, Lau, Pai Chan, simple movements.
    And put the difficult moves like Gho, Eileen, Kage, Akira.
    Sara is ridiculously unbalanced this is the truth.
    The flaws of the game makes it like Law Fei, Pai Chan and Leon Rafale, the best characters in the game.

    Graphically ridiculous with weak soundtrack, the apparent mismatch between the characters ...
    The mismatch to the difficulty of the movements of the characters.
    Some characters with difficult moves with little damage against characters of simple movements with huge damage.
    We also have to live with the exaggerated punishments.
    As the ghosts of Sarah kicks that hit long distance.
    Also live with the disgrace of the buggy flying Lau and Leon hit that even with the opponent lying on the ground.
    I play with Eileen and seek to know the tutorials and videos on it, all your moves, combos and mix, their punishments.
    To spammer unable limited to running only three movements, the first a certain character combos ex "Sarah, Lei Fei, Chun di, Leon, Pai Chan, Lau ''
    Repeat the same movements excessively and beat me.
    Where is the technique that all precinct in the game Virtua Fighter?
    Really this is the most technical fighting game?
    I am not obliged to choose a character I do not like just to get along.
    If I did it would certainly have a rank higher.
    But I'm no poser
    I am in favor of fair play and coach.
    But want to know the truth and because of this?
    Because the Japanese SEGA
    are only concerned with profit.
    Are not concerned with quality of the game.
    So were nearly bankrupt and failing to produce their consoles to make only games and still not make it right
    A ridiculous game graphically with weak soundtrack, without a story mode
    At least should be balanced with great gameplay.
    So may say
    "But because it was for virtua fighter arcade to console was not!"
    I will answer with pleasure ...
    So what? If you are unwilling to make game too lazy ....
    better to do and put a ridiculous version on consoles.
    The question is
    Worth or not worth playing VF with so many flaws that interfere with the results of the matches?
    So we want to see how bad players BlackBeltSpartan.
    And other bad to rank high as wandsmyiitlegre, SLK320Silver, lowly_assassin-7, eman2, Tairy_y_11, mistercomplexz, ANPNMNToOTMDT, L-Olonois.
    And if you tell me ...
    So because you play Virtua Fighter? You are not required to play, My answer is ....
    Even with all the flaws I like the game ....
    And as a consumer have the right to demand a quality product lol.
    I can say I'm bad and whiny but this needs to be changed.
    Those people who want to hide these flaws is because they benefit from them
    then you play virtua fighter 5 final showndown to death.
    We must demand the full harvest rebalancing of the game characters.
    Rebalancing the overall difficulty of execution and damage certain movements of the following characters that I hate .... Sarah, Jack, Lei fei, Chun Di, Lau, Pai Chan, Leon, Jean.
    SEGA if you create a new Virtua Fighter for the new platforms for the love of God
    Do not make these flaws, I'm tired of spending rage with spammer lol
    And you is that spammer ... people like you should not even have been born, come into the world to make people angry is slutty.
    And as Brazil and one of the largest consumer electronics games in the world today.
    I demand that our beloved SEGA if you make a new Virtua Fighter create a character who fights Brazilian Capoeira.
    Because I'm tired of having to choose characters only Japanese, American and Chinese.A character who has legal moves, like Eileen.
    Happy_Friend likes this.
  2. Dior

    Dior Member

    Ok here we go....

    I already told you, you don't know how the game works, you're not into 'competitive world', you can't even describe moves that are in the game (3P+K, 1H+K and etc.)

    No one will care about what you think about the game, you don't have proof about nothing, you don't have enough knowledge to elaborate ideas like that.

    Ask yourself "Why I'm losing?" if you are losing, it's YOUR fault, its not Sarah's 'unbalanced' kicks or anything else, to be a better player you'll need to be honest to yourself, try to understand the game, how the things works, basics things... stop being Lazy...

    Take a look at this:
    (It's in portuguese, guys, but he can read...lol)

    You have lost too many time complaing about the game, it's time to use your time wisely, you know I trust in your potential, but I cant hold your hand and agree with you.
    IcKY99 likes this.
  3. Guyjin

    Guyjin Member

    That is the worst VF poem I've ever read.
    R_Panda, IcKY99, oneida and 4 others like this.
  4. no_w_h_ere

    no_w_h_ere Well-Known Member

    This is gold ^^, I especially like :
    Come on, making some people angry is at least half the fun ^^ !
    MakiLeSushi likes this.
  5. Daydream

    Daydream Well-Known Member

    Daydream CE
    You're welcome to the Eileen character forum with your problems and ideas. Peeps over there always help out when you're in need.

    You're in luck then, because now you know exactly what to work on. Good luck, and ask around if you encounter problems. It does not follow that the game is unbalanced because you eat the same moves over and over.
  6. WiZzYx

    WiZzYx Well-Known Member

    No, just no.
  7. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    Goodness gracious me. I sure hope none of you posers mock the OP.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    I can see why the OP might feel a certain way about the game, but alot of of his (or her) concern is plainly due to lack of understanding of how VF works, let alone FS. Everyone has a right to an opinion, but it doesnt automatically mean yours is accurate or valid.

    And really, its absolutely pointless to talk about balance unless you are a very good player. And then this is VF, so balance is even less of an issue.

    Id say to the OP, try to find a good player online or offline. They will give you good matches and solid information that will dispel most of your issues with FS.
    Cozby likes this.
  9. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Another scrub masher bites the dust.
  10. IvorB

    IvorB Well-Known Member

    OP, if you think Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown is a shit fighting game then you don't know what a good fighting game is. Sorry to say this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    I also reitterrate my statement that Sarah in FS is the Ultimate n00b-killer. If you are new, or dont know the VF system very well, she will make your life miserable. But she is beatable when you learn how.
    ToyDingo likes this.
  12. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    This is the best post I've ever read. Sometimes it takes a non-native English speaker to say some very meaningful shit. This is not just a bitchfest; it is the existential lament of Virtua Sisyphus. It is a paean to the eternal torment of every fighter who ever fought.
  13. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

  14. petelecofederal

    petelecofederal Active Member

    It's normal you defend Sarah
    you play with it.
    you say I have no knowledge about the game to form opinions.
    says you have theory but in practice is totally clueless.
    Any idiot knows that Sarah is unbalanced.
    As the Law Fei, Leon,Pai Chan, Lau.
    While players who think as you play Virtua Fighter.
    Virtua Fighter will remain full of flaws that interfere with the results of the matches.
    If indeed this forum that told me it was good
    And if this forum was really so good you would have learned to play ..
    If in fact not helped you because you help me?
    I admire you as a person and as a friend of psn but I never admired you as a player.
    Honestly the one who needs to worry about learning the basics are you.
    I have so much material character Eileen, I evolve playing with her
    While you do not evolved one iota and still playing the same way based P + K playing with Sarah.
    This forum You should not have posted is from another site, as this is a site about VF
    Also you were very unhappy.
    I do not understand why you're giving opinions on Virtua Fighter.
    You do not like Virtua Fighter.
    You do not understand anything about Virtua Fighter.
    What do you need to understand is that Virtua Fighter is not DOA5 you rank up by simply pressing punch with Kokoro.
    Should be for this reason you chose Sarah to stay only pressing p + k and k.
    Nonetheless poser.
    I do not know why because you registered on VFDC.
    You only plays VF when I invite to play.
    you spend all your time playing Tekken and Soul Calibur.
    A Poser 3d game virtual wanting to talk about my performance and understand Virtua Fighter is the drop of water.
    Dior I love to play with you, but ...
    Do not interfere in my opinions about a new VirtuaFighter.
    Because you do not like the game and honestly here is not your place.
    Sorry if I'm being ignorant, but I can not bear with the faults of the game Virtua Fighter.
    And noob want to defend because they benefit them
    Want proof that Virtua Fighter is unbalanced ...
    VF plays for 1 year as I'm playing, not playing one time or another.
    Only stupid to not notice it.
  15. petelecofederal

    petelecofederal Active Member

    no poem ... poem are smaller and
    too big to be poetry.
    That's my thoughts on the game that I decided to post the VF5FS VFDC.
    Back to school illiterate.
    If the intention was to offend ....
    you failed, trains a little more of his poor spirit.
  16. WiZzYx

    WiZzYx Well-Known Member

    We can play sometime if you want. I promise that I'm not a spammer :). I play with Shun...
  17. Dior

    Dior Member

    I highly recommend you to read the link I posted, it has valuable information you don't know yet, if you read, you'll learn a lot of things, you'll start to understand how the things works.

    I do not want to teach you anything, you already said before I'm not capable to teach you, it's ok, since you're in the right place to learn VF try to use it in YOUR favor, like I said, read the link I posted before, you need to start from the beginning.

    You said you're playing VF5FS since the release...ok, I guess it means you 'love' this game, if so, you need to dedicate some time to it, I mean the game in general, doesn't matter if you can pull combos with Eileen, you can't drive a Ferrari without fuel, its basically the same thing you're doing right now, you'll only evolve, when you know what are you doing wrong or right.

    You don't even know about Terminology, it's not a shame (if you're willing to learn), but it turns against you when you try to give opinions about balance, and the game in general, one year playing the game means nothing, really, here you are among competitive players, it's time to you to STOP being a casual scrub and learn to climb to the top.

    And playing others games most of the time, doesn't mean I don't like VF5FS '.'
  18. BlueLink

    BlueLink Well-Known Member


    Anyway, if you thing the game is that bad to the point that you complain about it all day every day, why do you still keep playing? wouldn't be wiser for you to go do something else that gives you more satisfaction?

    That aside, you are putting too much of your ego on this, there is absolutely nothing wrong in being a bad player or not being the best player out there, and there is nothing wrong on being wrong on discussions. There is, however, something wrong in not wanting to learn how stuff works and saying shit to everyone you come by, even people who are willing to help you become a better player. If you lose in VF, it's YOUR fault, not the character's fault or the game's fault, and it's OK to lose, because the most important thing for someone at your (or mine) level is to learn how to play, and when you lose you collect valuable information on what you should do to improve.

    Seriously, just calm down man, and please do so before you become another snake boss.
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  19. Seminasuke

    Seminasuke Well-Known Member

    So, does this make us all unique idiots? Thanks for the compliment.

    And to close this with your beautiful language: KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK~
    BlackGeneral likes this.
  20. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    I'm just surprised that you didn't put Jacky in your list hahaha

    Anyway, I think most people have pointed out that you are losing because of the lack of something. When I play someone, if I find that they have difficulty in dealing with something, I will keep doing it.

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