my list of questions

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by thaininja, Aug 26, 2003.

  1. thaininja

    thaininja Active Member

    maybe some of these are repeats, this is probably the most vicious forum I ever been a part of. I'm accually afraid to post because i know i'm going to get

    "search for the topic, we dont need threads like this wasting time and space"

    I did search and its still a pain in general so anyway here is my list of questions to save time and space.

    1. does fighting in a high fence arena and regular fenced arena making a difference fighting wise. I dont remember where i heard this but i remember someone saying kage can give you a ring out in a closed fenced arena. Is it true

    2. Suppose I reached champion in VF4 evo will it really make me good enough to play in the arcade? because sometimes the cpu is very hard and sometimes they fall for tricks over and over again.

    3. in training it says to avoid all throws you do [2][P]+[G] and [P]+[G] and [4][P]+[G], all at the same time or something. I find this impossible but suppose someone does a grab move like brad [3][3][P]+[G] will I be safe?

    4. i find sarah and lei fei extremly annoying once their in my face i find it very hard to get out of their barrage of attacks. I can still win by not getting in the situtation or waiting for them to throw so i can throw escape it. Because i cant' evade because their attacks swing and when i do [1][P] that doesn't work to often. Any ideas?

    can someone link to me a thread telling me whats the difference between old and new, i know the difference is probably just graphically but i cant' spot them. Also in the old cage match there was a crowd now there isn't.

    also how do i unlock the ??? in verse mode, i read that i have to beat all the event tourmanets? thats kind of hard....
  2. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Sorry about the whole viciousness... but SRK is worse IMO =) Don't be afraid to ask questions, just use common sense and look one or two pages back for similar topics.

    1. Certain stages have walls that Kage can throw you over with his Ten Foot Toss throw, such as the stage with the water... even though the wall is unbreakable he can still toss you over it. Certain stages have walls that are too high to do this.

    2. You can learn basics and tactics from the AI, and get very good technically by practicing moves over and over again. However to undertand and beat a (good) human opponent, you need to play against them and understand the mind games involved. AI is modeled after humans but they fall for certain traps and are not perfect. My best advice is to find people in your area who play, or get friends into the game. When you play really good VF players you will get a lot better.

    3. You will only avoid throws that have a last input of [2] [4] or [P]+[G]. Basically, when you're doing throw escapes, you're entering directions that correspond to the opponant's throw directions. For example, if someone throws me with a [6][P]+[G], and I do a double throw escape of [2][P]+[G], [6][P]+[G], I'll escape the throw, but if they do a [3][P]+[G] throw, you'll get thrown. In order to escape that, you'll need to enter a [3][P]+[G] throw escape.

    4. Stopping rushers can be difficult. It depends on what character you use, but [2][P] can stop a rush well if you time it. Find your faster attacks and interrupt them. Circular (swinging) attacks are generally slower. Duck under them or block and throw. Find out which ones are guarenteed throws when you block them and punish them. Find out which ones give you enough frames on block and stick out a quick combo and start your own rush...

    Don't be shy to ask questions!! We're here to help =)
    Just don't EVER post about joysticks.
  3. thaininja

    thaininja Active Member

    about the throw escape

    if my oppoent press forward and [P]+[G]
    am i suppose to press back and [P]+[G]

    or forward just like him?

    2. also the replays on the dvd is there a reason none of the characters have any accessories on them?
  4. Mike90210

    Mike90210 Well-Known Member

    Press forward also

    the replays have no items cuz they were played by people who didnt want to waste time putting crap on...especially when they can play it in the arcade with
  5. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    It's the same input... for example if Kage does his TFT, it's [4][P]+[G]. You have to input the same motion. It's not the reverse. If Kage was on the right side, and he did his TFT he'd literally press [6][P]+[G], and to escape it you'd press [4][P]+[G]. Whenever we talk about moves you should always assume it's when you're on the left side.

    About the replays, I don't know, probably because Sega of America took some of the items out and added new ones... it's weird. Doesn't matter though =)
  6. thaininja

    thaininja Active Member

    so i was right the first time i said it, if they press forward p and g

    i have to press back p and g.

    So it is in reverse right because i'm in the opposite position, i have to literally do what he did in reverse since i'm on the opposite side.

    Also i thought in VF net, virtua fighter in the arcade they have prizes? or was htat just for consoles?
  7. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    it sounds like you're clear on it, but just to be sure... when they press the direction that would make them move forward, you press the direction that makes you move forward... maybe we should use MK's "toward" and "away" term ;D

    If 2P is pressing the stick in this direction: [4]
    You, as 1P, should press like this: [6]

    Hope all is clear.
  8. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member has prizes... not sure how it works...

    however, I don't believe you can take your character on and put it on the PS2 version... the uses a thin business card looking thing, like Initial D... (I assume?)

    You can get some prizes in the arcade that you can't get in the PS2 version and vice versa.
  9. Nashi

    Nashi Well-Known Member

    You press the same direction as your opponnent does, but on your side. Just like CreeD said. But don't forget that once you're playing against goh, his tsukami throws are the opposite from normal throws. If you think he's going to throw you like [6],[6]+[P]+[G] in Tsukami (and he's on the 2P side which means his [6] is in your direction) then you'll have to press the opposite "direction":[4], in the same "way" he's going to.

    1P You <--________<--<--P+G(while in Tsukami) 2P(Goh)
    1P You [3]+[P]+[G]______[1][1]+[P]+[G] 2P(Jacky)

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