Mute Evo Clips

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by GaijinPunch, Aug 11, 2002.

  1. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I got a hold of a tape of Yesterday's IVENT at Shibuya Gigo, but they botched the setup -- no sound. Anyone still want to see these things? I'm sure I'll rip a few just for the hell of it.
  2. Hamme

    Hamme Well-Known Member

    Go for it. i'm sure there's good battles in there. Give us 3 to 5 so we can see a variety of characters, like goh, brad, vanessa, and etc. Also it's good practice for you right? /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  3. Ellinas

    Ellinas Well-Known Member

    -Hell- yes. Anything anything! Seeing goh in action would be really nice though.
  4. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Well, they're not the most exciting battles, unfortuantely. I've put 5 of them at my site:

    I ripped them at 2000 kbps DiVX, but w/o sound, so some of them are big, but I figured everyone would want to see.
    I captured at least one of each player in the tournament, which was limited to:

    Vanessa, Kage, Sarah, Lau, Akira, Lei Fei, Wolf and Jacky (although I've not posted the latter two yet). No Brad, Goh, Lion, Shun, Aoi, Pai, or Jeffry unfortunately.
  5. Hamme

    Hamme Well-Known Member

    Help. I got a message of "the connection was refused when attempting to contact"
    If you can, please put up an url for ease access, thanks.
  6. Ellinas

    Ellinas Well-Known Member

    Whoa, thx for putting them up but those are really big. If you're going to leave them at such a large filesize, not many people will be able to get them unless they go up on a really fast server. Most vf4 vids are between 300 - 700 Kbps from what I've seen. Maybe you should make lower quality ones until they get on a fast server? I dunno anything about video encoding tho so *shrug*.
  7. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    As soon as I have 'em, I'll re-encode.. .dling now...
    If nobody minds wmv I can prolly get a 50 megger to 25-30 megs.
  8. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    I dont mind
  9. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    A minor bit that people should keep in mind about GP's server:
    If you have an ftp program and set it to hammer the site with frequent retries (like less than 60 seconds) it bans you for a couple of hours.

    So set retry attempts to a minute and try again later... that's your best bet.
  10. Hamme

    Hamme Well-Known Member

    Thanx, I'll try later. But, i might need to get them from you if I failed again.

    Edited: I got in, but files go slowly. Just have to wait now.
  11. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    D'oh. You're right, there's not a lot of new stuff shown... not in the clips I DLed anyways. I was looking forward to seeing some new Vanessa techniques but was sorely disappointed. I did notice in that clip that the characters' breath is now visible in the snow stage... or is that just color distortion from compression? If it's there, it's a nice touch.

    The Sarah vs. Sarah clip is a bit more interesting, showing some more of the new Flamingo lead ins. Far too short, though, as it only goes three rounds.
  12. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    The Sarah Vs Sarah match was poor in my opinion. Seeing [1][K]+[G][K] and the new animation for her [6][K] (Beautiful), [2][K][K] and [3][P] was worth a lot but the calibre of the two players was poor. The player who won used very basic tactics (Relying on [6][P][3][P] and not following through with a throw or [8][K]+[G]) and the guy who lost, while appearing to have a better understanding of Sarah (Using [9][K] on a rising opponent) just froze a lot.

    One massive shock to me is that [6][P][K] no longer knocks down. The player on the receiving end didn't punish the player who did it but because of the overall quality I can't tell if that's due to speed of recovery or lack of insight.

    Still, I'm eternally grateful for this opportunity GaijinPunch. I just wish my PC was up to scratch play the clip smoothly. Your efforts will also be appreciated to I'm sure CreeD.
  13. Trojan X

    Trojan X Well-Known Member

    I tried to go into your site but been having nothing but server time out. The site address that you have given was the following: ""

    Is this a true site or are you using FTP, or is there simply a spelling mistake somewhere?
  14. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Hey man, long time no see .
    Hows yer job goin ?

    Annyways its an FTP .
  15. Trojan X

    Trojan X Well-Known Member

    My job is going great thanks, I'm glad that I am still remembered.

    It's an FTP huh? Do I need a username and password or I can just simply put the host address in my FTP Agent? What exactly are the method to go in and retrieve the goods?
  16. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    No password protection so just get in there
  17. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Urm I mean no password necesary to download from there
  18. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member


    I tried to change that banning thing... I don't know how to make new settings effective though. I Changed it to a 2 minute ban, and changd max # of users to 10, which would allow a decent 2.5 to 3.0kb/s downloads, but it's still stuck on 5 for some reason. /versus/images/icons/frown.gif
  19. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Well, I was trying to fulfill CreeD's quest of having ultra clear EVO vids. In another thread, his exact words were "don't be afraid to use ridiculous resolutions". I would crunch them down, but literally didn't have the time. I had to rebuild my machine *THREE* times yesterday to get this shit to work, as my capture card only captures worth a crap in WinME, and you know how that is.

    I finished these huge rips at about midnight, and had to crash.

    If I get all of the next tournament which happens in a couple of weeks, I'll do them at about 1000 kbs w/ MP3 sound, which will keep them at a decent size.
  20. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    We appreciate youre efforts, youre results however leave much to be desired

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