More Than 100 Copies of COD;Black Ops Were stolen

Discussion in 'General' started by lydia, Nov 8, 2010.

  1. lydia

    lydia Member

    Call of Duty:Black Ops is set to release worldwide November 9th which means tomorrow there will be a great number of call of duty to reach game fans’ hands. All the game fans are so crazy about the game, so there is big money in Call of Duty: Black Ops,therefore, it rise that more and more bad people begin to rob game retailers for money.

    Today, I read a news say that "Handgun-wielding robbers held up a GameStop store in Harford County, USA this weekend, taking not only cash, but also over 100 copies of Call of Duty: Black Ops, as well as game systems. According to the Harford County Sheriff’s Office, at least two men were involved in the robbery and were armed with semi-automatic guns."

    How is your feeling about this news.
  2. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    100 copies? For the risk of holding a place up with semi-automatic weapons, shouldn't they have stolen something more, errrr, profitable?

    I hope they was on their way home from some sort of bank/jewel heist. They probably held up a store 20 minutes later for some booze and snacks.

    To answer; don't care. 100 copies is nothing. I'd imagine it's a drop in the pond compared to the number going out this week. I've also never heard of Harford County. Is it a small place? If so and it's their only games store then it sucks to be them. [​IMG]
  3. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    Should've just stolen Live Points or XBL subscriptions, as far as I know they cut down on the packaging and you can fit alot more of them in your robbery bag.
  4. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    They took money, consoles, and the games... Not really much else in Gamestop thats worth more than a console, except maybe the rockband equipment, but I don't play that game so I wouldn't know... But yeah I do see what you mean... Maybe they don't have anything else there... It is a county in the US, some counties are barren...

    Those cards still would have to be activated for them to work I believe... But if the cops were on their way, they could've used that to stall them...
  5. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Harford County?

    Was this in Baltimore?
  6. GetSelious

    GetSelious Well-Known Member

    Sucks to be the guy who showed up to work that day
  7. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    If they'd done this 2 weeks ago they could have sold it for loads but theres been an ISO of COD:BO availible for about a week now.
  8. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    I was hoping it was Connecticut, but unfortunately, it was Maryland... To be exact, it was at the Bel Air shopping center...
  9. FaisonI

    FaisonI Well-Known Member

    <span style="font-family: 'Comic Sans MS'">I suppose they could have hit the local bank for a couple of $100,000; however for about a hours worth of planning and about a 20min job, to nab 100+ copies is a nice little take. Even if you sell them for $39 a piece that comes out to be a little over some $4,000. Oh yeah about the ISOs... as many people who know about ISOs you will probably find just as many that don't know about ISOs and most if had the chance to nab this partiucarlar game would want a genuine hard copy (for around $39) if they could get it for cheap</span>
  10. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    It's just that the risk reward of the job isn't great. A gamestop isn't going to be holding that much cash, and the value to weight ratio of games isn't very good. The planning time and the risk probably aren't even that much lower than somewhere where they could have made a lot more.

    Then again, that's me and my large city mindset speaking. It could very well be that it was the prospective target with the highest value. Being in a shopping centre, i've got to believe there was a jewelery store or something around though.
  11. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Bodymore, Murderland
  12. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I'm curious who reported this news, but I'm not surprised all that much.
  13. lydia

    lydia Member

    Maybe just because that there was not much money in shop, so the robbers take the games since games are lighter than consoles even though consoles are more worthy.Anyway,I want to say I am so excited about its release today, maybe three days later I can get it on my hand because I pre-ordered it in an online shopping store.

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