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Model 2 Emulation

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Jerky, Dec 2, 2002.

  1. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    It's been in the works for quite some time and the roms have been available for download at some sites as well. Soon enough those with hella powerful computers will be able to enjoy games like VF2, Virtua Cop (pixel perfect conversions) Virtual On, etc. Just don't kid yourself if you're sitting at home with a P1 133 with 64MB. (those of you know who you are!!)

    Come to think of it, its gonna take near super specs to run VF2 smoothly at 60fps
  2. Ellinas

    Ellinas Well-Known Member

    How soon? got any links?
    bwahahahahahahah. my shiny new radeon 9700 pro should put the smackdown on vf2 if the programming is halfassed decent.

    And hell, i wouldn't mind netplay either. Laggy online vf is better than no vf at all for me.
  3. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    No hard release date yet.

    I'm going to refrain from posting links here on VFDC unfortunately. I was posting for anyone who was just wondering thats all. You should try a google search.
  4. hiro

    hiro Well-Known Member

    Ha ha. Mine is only P1 133 and 40MB (32+8), not even 64...


    P.S. It was fun meeting Shota (from Chicago) and NY members the weekend before Thanksgiving. We played Some Evo and some ver C. (I must say that he is the best Lau in US although he does not play much... Of course, not comparable to Laus in Japan. Ha ha. It's just no one play Lau here.) If you have some time in the winter, it could be fun going down to NY for Evo with Shang. Well, I will be in Japan for a month, so I won't be there.
  5. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Shota is indeed awesome.
    Next time im in Chicago I should meet up with him to kick his ass again.
  6. Ura_Bahn

    Ura_Bahn Well-Known Member

    I posted the same topic about a year ago, Model 2 emulator has been discontinued because of the amount of time spent debugging and stuff so unless you get the source code off the programmer and finish the work there gonna be no pixel perfect conversions.

    P.s. I got the only model 2 ROM which is VF2, cant play it yet, also ROMs such as Daytonna and Virtua Cop are Bullshit they dont excist unless they are poor dumps of the original
  7. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    FYI you are talking about the "Virtua" model 2 emu which was cancelled, however there is a working emu called "Nebula". At this point it is still buggy and they just got the textures to work

    *ahem tell me what you see below:


    P.S Maybe you should have checked into this a year later?

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