Man From Yard Is Calling it a day on VF 5.....

Discussion in 'General' started by ManFromYard, May 15, 2008.

  1. ManFromYard

    ManFromYard Member

    Hi everyone

    It is with deep sadness that I decided to stop playing VF5 online and on my XBox 360 as this game is probably the worst in the series.

    The mechanics of this game are really unbalanced in regards to characters recovery time of powerful strikes (None with certain characters) ground combos (when people are flat on their backs and still getting a combo from the other player) and most saddening of all the way this version of VF is geared towards the "Hardcore Gamer" leaving the casual gamer in the cold

    If I'm not mistaken the British Game Magazine Edge had an interview with Yu Suzuki in regards to the Virtua Fighter series and Yu Sukuzi stated in this interview that he created the Virtua Fighter series with the purpose of players who are either "Novices" or "experts" to get the same level of enjoyment from the game.

    i'm certainly not a 10th Dan, Hunter or Destroyer (I'm a 3rd dan now due to being demoted twice very quickly)but I really do feel that this game does not cater for anyone who's new to the series or casual gamers as I have played newcommers to this game and I do feel sorry for them when they constantly get beaten to a pulp by someone who's a lot higher than them plus it's a waste of time on both accounts as the experienced player does not get any pleasure (I'm speaking for myself here)from beating Noob's while the Noob's may think "What the hell I just spent five hours in quest mode and all my hard work hasn't even grounded me in the basics to hold my own against experienced players" and said poor Noob either takes alot of soul destroying beatings from Higher ranked players or hopefully Noob bumps into Noob on the Player matches which can be great sometimes when you have someone who about the same skill level or a complete Nightmare if all the players are again high ranked players!

    To cut along story short I think the VF series has lost it's way ever since Yu Suzuki left AM2 to set up his own Studio.

    What do you felow VFDC members think?
  2. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    I think you just need more face time from more advanced players and some training. You mention the game catering to the more "hardcore" rather then casual. I can slightly agree because there is tons of information not provided that was provided in Evo. Such as throw escaping, tech rolls, combos, etc. I believe VF4 was the same before the release of Evo, but don't quote me on that. Also dont forget there is a wonderful strategy guide out there that provides a great deal of information.

    AND there is VFDC dude!

    I wouldn't quit, I would just train more, ask questions, meet people on here and get some one on one with them.
  3. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    word is born...
  4. Vanilla_Tears

    Vanilla_Tears Well-Known Member

    That's too bad, cause this game is too addicting for me. I learned the 'basics' from VF2, but when this game came out with online, I thought I'd be pretty good. But I got my butt whooped. Know what I did? Kept practicing. Now, I still get my butt whooped, but I can put up a fight.
    I might not be elite, but I can hold my own. It think the key is to stick to one character, and master him/her. You gotta play with instinct and reaction.
    If you have to think about what move to do next, you've already lost.
  5. kryptonix

    kryptonix Member

    I am pretty new to the whole VF thing. I played a little on VF4 Evo, but against the advice of friends who play VF a lot I did not do a lot of the training in the Dojo. I consider myself a noob to this game. I am still a Kyu man. I have just recently started getting the hang of side stepping, and currently working on throw escaping and understanding disadvantage and advantage. There arent a lot of kyus when I play online, so I just settle with fighting dans. I have yet to test out my new skills online, but before I acquired knowledge I felt that I held my own against dans. Or at least I didnt resort to all the noob Vanessa gayness ala back up constantly like a douche.

    I enjoy VF5 way more then VF4 evo, because it brought so much more to Vanessa which I personally love. I live with Auvii and have seen some of his matches with Konjou, glory, SMB is me, and Denkai. And all of them give Auvii some really good advice and critique that really upped his game. IMO he still sucks ass, and I am better.
  6. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Which moves are you finding unbalanced?
  7. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Provide some examples.

    Try tech rolling.

    People can easily play the game casually. You don't have to use advanced techniques or have a thorough understanding of the system to have fun with the game. By your logic, you better not take up martial arts or any competitive sport. There are guys out there who have a lot more experience that would own your ass hard! Find other people out there that play the game casually like you do. If you want to get more advanced, play against more advanced players. There are skilled players that you could get together with at this forum that will help you to learn the game better instead of beating you to a pulp (unless they want to be pricks). I don't think that the depth of the game should make any casual gamers feel like there's no point in playing it. You don't have to be good to have fun. And why shouldn't people who want to invest a lot of time in the game be able to reap the rewards? Things shouldn't be dumbed down just because scrubs don't like the idea of not being able to hold their own against more experienced players.

    I think that you should find players with a similar interest in the game as you have and keep playing. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_up.gif
  8. Gmoney

    Gmoney Active Member

    You know what had you asked me this question about 5 months ago I would have agreed only because at that time I kept getting demoted on ranked matches because it seem most fighters used unfair moves like vanessa's dive tackle punch or wolf's side step grab over and over. In vf evo I never had this problem But then again I couldn't play online either. I think that you'll find the problems you see in this game in any fighting game that pits you against human fighters because truthfully every fighter has a different personality and different styles of play. I play almost every fighing game ever created and I'm intermediate in most but I just started tekken and I hate everything about the way the game plays but i know people that loves it. on single player I can come up with a routine to win the game but vs a live opponent that thinks I'm not that good yet but I will keep at it until my skills get to a point I'm satisfied. I think your looking at this game the wrong way. Let the noobs (as you call them) speak for themselves at how they feel and let the more experienced speak for themselves Why give up a game cause you feel it's unfair for others I always hate losing But I feel Great when i win, it's just competition enjoy it. The only gripe I have about this game is the online interface. They should have better ways to find opponents in different skill levels but it's what we got sooo.. oh well. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif and I strongly disagree as to it being unbalanced. YEA your right some characters have certain moves that they can abuse and others don't but that's what I like. you've got to learn your fighter because they all have noticeably different styles unlike other games I.E: DOA WHERE EVERY CHARACTER'S STLYE HAS AN INTERGRATED COUNTER. you have to learn to use YOUR characters advantages. Lastly I wouldn't count the novices out so soon If you pay attention these are the fighters who win most of the matches and give most people problems check out a lot of the post on this site everyone needs help with a cheap playing lei-fei, or a /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif using pai and lau, even that crazy side grab wolf. noobs (as you call them) are the real reason I was going to quit this game I saw too much "CHARACTER DISRESPECTING" and not enough skills that I almost turned away. I don't know your REAL reason for giving up this game but it's your choice dude!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shocked.gif
  9. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Just quit and don't bother us.
  10. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    I'm personally NOT a fan of games that don't have depth and don't take skill. If a game doesn't take skill, what's the point of practicing and "improving" when you're grandma can pick up the controller and mash out a win on you??? Go buy a Wii!

    What game have you ever bought that has the replay value of a VF game??? There isn't one. Depth and skill is what draws me to a game in the first place. I LOVE complexity and cerebral-ness... VF has those qualities in spades.

    Getting beaten by someone else who trains and wants to get better is not a bad thing. You have to remember that the person you're playing trains and thinks about VF just like you so what's the shame in losing to them? Definitely practice and think about VF, think about why you're losing and what you're gonna do to change and then implement your new strategy.
  11. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    UT1999 Wait, is that the fan boy in me? Why yes! YES it's the fanboy in me!

  12. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Look man, if you want to quit then quit, many VF players have at some point. If you truly love this game, you'll be back.

    I don't know what these "soul destroying beatings" are since I don't take this game (or any game) too seriously.
    Maybe I can't sympathize bc of circumstances in my life that have lead me to not take life itself too seriously so maybe I will never know what a "soul destroying beating" feels like BUT if you truly feel that bad when you lose, by all means, leave this game and any other game that you don't always win or come out even in, alone.

    Good luck trying to find a more balanced and unique 3D fighting game out there. VF ain't perfect but it's a hell of a lot better than the rest of the crap that's out there, imo.
    Seriously though, good luck /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_up.gif
  13. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    I can sympathize somewhat. There are crazy tiers in the game - not with characters, but users. People who are better are basically playing a different game than you are. I find it frustrating and kind of boring to play people who have too much knowledge about the game and have spent too much time practicing defensive techniques (when to fuzzy, when to backdash, when to evade-backdash-evade-crouchdash-fuzzywuzzy, etc.). Basically, I like the guessing game at the heart of VF and I find it annoying that in VF5 there seems to be more ways to subvert it if you spend enough time researching frame data and practicing D in the dojo. I guess if I were more committed to being the best I would study and practice in a judicious way, but really, I just wanna punch it up.

    I have a feeling though, that our guy is not even at the level where he knows why he is getting pwned so harshly. It is frustrating. I think he is wrong when he says that the series is now too hardcore compared to the older ones. He should try to play VF3 and see how he fares against someone good.

    I think that VF5 is paradoxically more and less hardcore than previous versions. Less hardcore because there are powerful scrub techniques like DMPK and beefed up ranged attacks and powerful abare spam attacks like Lau's and Pai's /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/db.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif. More hardcore because of the beefed up turtling options available to those who want to put the turtle time in.
  14. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Bye Maddy!



    If you're not willing to put the time and effort to learn the game, and you <u>don't find it fun</u>: why bother?
  15. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Soul destroying beating LOL!!!

    I actually did take a "soul-destroying beating" one day from Fly Gamer's Eileen when I was using Goh... It actually did feel "soul-destroying" cause I just felt hopeless to stop the "soul-sundering" assault of Eileen.

    After a 20 or so game set (now known to me as a death match, named by Ash Kaiser or Tricky??? Can't remember exactly, but basically a not-overly-friendly, long set of matches where you're really trying to pound the other guy... Sure everyone has been there.) His Eileen severely got the better of my Goh and I just felt like the game was straight up broken.

    But I kept playing, eventually switched characters (which may just reinvigorate your game for real. Maybe the dude you're using right now just doesn't suit you psychologically. Maybe you need a different character to approach matches differently so you can play to YOUR strengths.) and practiced my defense more.

    Defense is HUGE in VF5 and it's an aspect of the game you can play very actively even though it may seem so passive. Good players are doing things you may not know how to do.

    Two must-know defensive fundamentals...

    1.) <u>Fuzzy guarding</u>, where you quickly tap down to duck a throw and still stand back up in time to block a mid is paramount. Good players can use this so effectively in VF5, it can literally feel like you can't hit them. You have to learn it and do it too so they feel the same way. Make them work for their damage like they are making you work for yours.

    2.) <u>Evade-Throw Escape-Guard or ETEG</u> will protect you better than just evading when your disadvantage is deeper. This will help you from just getting slammed constantly by their best throw, even if you can only do ONE throw escape! Just do, at least, their best throw and make them uncomfortable. You can mind-fuck a lot of Shuns just by simply breaking their +4 drink-adding P+G throw. Right away they will be struggling a little harder to get drinks and you've already altered their game.

    If you can get even semi-proficient with the above defensive techniques you will drastically cut down on those "soul-destroyers" immediately. Offense and flow charts are just as important but if you've only been focusing on that so far it's time for defense, defense, DEFENSE...
  16. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

  17. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I TheWorstPlayer approve of this message. (Which means you just
    lost all positive credit from VFDC peers.)

    Konjou Akira can pick just about anyone he wants against me and do very well if not beat me out right. Why? Because he just knows that much more about the game. At least I think that's the case, it could be a style conflict in his favor. I can play Denkai and win from time to time and I believe him and Denkai are on the same level-ish.

    Even if that's not the case between I and say Konjou I know
    instantly when there's not a chance in hell for some players
    to beat me if I take them seriously to the point where I can
    do RIDICULOUS stuff for the win.

    Information is the biggest reason for this though. Chances
    are if you're on a video game site like this and TRY to figure
    out the concepts discussed you're already ahead of the curve
    regarding the general populace if you 50% understand it.

    It's been this way ever since the internets got big.
    Frankly I preferred when people found out shit on their
    own but that's just me.
  18. ManFromYard

    ManFromYard Member

    For starters the moves I believe that are really are unbalanced are Kage's Shippuujin Stance into whatever punch that makes your player hit the ground and then bounces them back up for another combo.

    Lei Fei's Ura Ne Han Shik into the Ki Shin Ni Ki
    (Ne Han Shiki, back turned) KK which does stagger if connect and is really hard to either perform a throw from behind (I use Wolf) or use the mid kick counter (For some strange reason it actually works if the timing right or luck LOL) and third of all Jacky's lack of recovery to some of his moves.

    Before I sign off indefinitely Gernburgs you can diss me all you like but leave my dear departed Grandmother (May God Bless Her Loving Soul 15/11/1934 Sunrise to Sunset 11/02/2007)out of it as I find this deeply offensive and it makes you look like a Jerk with no manners... ops sorry you are a Jerk with no manners.

    Rant over and goodbye all at VFDC.
  19. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    If you let Lei Fei go back turned all the time, you're doing something wrong /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif Same for letting Kage into Shinpujin.

    Give VF5 some more time, enough to find the "really broken" moves then quit /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif Some hints include Vanessa db+p, Shun d+k, Lion db+p.

    Hope this helps and good quitting /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  20. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    I may have missed it, but you should tell us who you use, and we may be able to help you a tad atleast.

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