Long Island VF

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Cla, Jan 20, 2007.

  1. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Alright, so I'm up in Long Island. Selden, to be exact. Anyone else around here or around Sports Plus at least?

    I don't know any decent VF arcade machines around here. Sports Plus has standard VF4 but it's unplaybale because both joysticks are unresponsive and they refuse to fix them. I don't think Dave N Busters has any VF machines. I haven't been to the arcade in South Shore Mall so I don't know what's in there.

    I have a PS2 and VF4 and Evo at least. But don't we all?

    People from the TekkenZaibotsu forum occasionally meet at Stony Brook with a PS2 to play Tekken 5 mainly, but some play VF4/Evo. Although now with a PS3 and DR, they'll all be playing that. But I'm sure they'll be playing VF5 when it comes out on PS3.

    Well... anyways... Besides VF4 and Evo, other games I play:

    Tekken: DR (I'm 100% Lili.)
    Soul Calibur 2 (Cassandra FTW)
    Soul Calibur 3 (Cassandra again! Haven't got to play the fixed arcade version yet.)
    Every DOA except 4 and X2. (don't have a 360)
    Everything on Street Fighter Anniversary and Alpha Anthology
    Marvel Vs Capcom 1 and 2
    Capcom Vs SNK 2

    All the MKs
    I might remember how to play Bloody Roar 2 and 3.
    It's been a long time, but I was really good at Ehrgeiz.
    Oh yeah, made a char in Fighter Maker 2.

    And I'm sure there are others I don't remember right now.

    Anyways, speak up if you're around here.

    By the way, I live right next to the Dunkin' Donuts marked "A".
  2. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Listen up: Many of us at Zaibatsu will be gathering at FYE in South Shore Mall on Feb 18th for a Tekken: DR tourney. (there is the arcade machine and then there will also be a PS3 with DR) But if there's enough interest, there can be some Evo play on a PS2 as well. (a tourney or just casuals, whatever)

    If there's enough interest for an Evo tourney, I'll gladly run it and post the Event in the proper section here.

    Blood Hawk over on Zaibatsu is the current VF King of LI. And morningstar says he'll take any of us on. Then there are 6 other people there would also most likely be in.

    Anyways, let me know if you're actually interested.
  3. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Just read your posts from the NYC thread. I'd like to make the gathering at South Shore Mall but I don't have a ride. None of the NYC VF'ers do. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  4. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Hmmm... Rides are available, but those coming for the DR will probably get priority. (unless you ask someone who is coming mainly for VF) Or maybe if you join Zaibatsu and ask, you might get lucky. Bronx is too far from me and my main crew, but some of the other participants may be from around there. If you offer to bring a PS3 and/or TV, that can get someone's attention too.

    How about the train that Spero mentions?
  5. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Ah, that's good news. Do you know how far the Bay Shore stop is from the mall?
  6. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    It can't be that far cause Bay Shore is right next to it.

    South Shore Mall

    Anyways, don't worry about it cause there won't be any VF. It seems there'll be space for only 1 TV, which is of course already being used for PS3+DR.

    However, when the tourney is over (it starts at 1), maybe you can go to Moringstar's house (I'm gonna see if I can) and we'll be playing VF for sure. VF5 should out by then too and he'll definately have it.
  7. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Oy. If you're wondering, it is cool for you to come to Morningstar's after the tourney with us. But if you're going to need a ride to the train station after that, speak up in either the tourney thread or the LI thread.


    These are some people who I'm pretty should be going to morningstar's after the tourney for Evo and VF5. There will also be Morningstar's usual friends who aren't on Zaibatsu. I know crumple and tekken2 has their own car. (can't guarentee they can help, however) Don't know about Morningstar or friends. I don't, if you're wondering.
  8. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info. I can't guarantee I'll show up at this time but I am piqued.
  9. Jinmaster

    Jinmaster Well-Known Member

  10. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    It's very unlikely I'll make it to this month's, but maybe next month's.
  11. ReBorN

    ReBorN Well-Known Member

    Whats up everyone here. I am here living on LI and I really want to try n get some kind of community for VF5 on the island. I am sure there will be a scene in the city but I would like to be able to get some good games in and still being close to home. Around here everyone pretty much just likes to play tekken which makes total sense cause people will get the most comp by playing tekken. I just hope that this installment of VF brings some new things to the table for everyone out here. I already orderd it and my order is no wbeing shipped so I should have it in a couple of days. I really just dont want this game to go to waste and just sit and play by myself, maybe with one other person at times. This game does not deserve to sit on a shelf. If we can get this thread going a little bit, I would not mind trying to have tournamnets, nice long VF sessions etc.
  12. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Oy, ReBorN! So far, I'm the person on this board who actually lives on LI.

    But I know a couple of people on the TekkenZaibatsu board in LI who play VF as well.

    My account there
    Blood Hawk
    Serpha (not sure if he actually lives in LI though)

    This is the Long Island thread there. Talk about VF doesn't occur much until around like page 16. Speak up there if you want.

    Well, let's figure out how close you are. How far are you from these common session areas? (For DR. They have little support for VF)

    Stony Brook University (They bring a PS3 and play DR)
    South Shore Mall (Not sure, but I don't think there are any VF machines)
    Sports Plus (1 broken and unplayable VF4 machine)
    Dave N Busters (No VF machines.)

    Yeah, I don't know any good arcades with legitimate VF support.

    Anyways... Me? I live right next to the Dunkin' Donuts marked "A". Hmm, I think I'll edit this info into my 1st post.

    What you should do is come out to this Tekken: DR tourney at South Shore Mall on Feb 18th and come to morningstar's afterwards where we will be playing VF. (he has a PS3 and will have 5, but I of course want to get some Evo in too)
  13. ReBorN

    ReBorN Well-Known Member

    Cla im not sure who you are but you may actually know me. Its joe AKA iloveu. Hang out with morningstar daily, used to be good with 5.0 raven, dont really pay tekken anymore. Im a little white guy?
  14. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Ah, I see. I have never actually hung out with morningstar before, so I don't think you and I have met either.

    Well, just be at morningsar's after the tourney (or come to the tourney if you want) and you all will have at least one new person to play. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  15. ReBorN

    ReBorN Well-Known Member

    Im almost positive most people on the zaibatsu LI boards would know who you were talking about if you said joe (iloveu) Anyway, I also posted on a couple of other forums and got a few more people who may be interested in playing too.
  16. crumplestunskin

    crumplestunskin Active Member

    hey guys, this is russ. im really excited about vf5 (sucks that i dont have a ps3 yet, im waiting for the price to drop) i'd definately be down for some sessions and a LI vf5 community. let me know when you guys are playing.
  17. caliagent3

    caliagent3 Member

    Jillians in Westbury used to have a VF4 cab.....not sure about it now since i moved from LI last yr.
  18. ReBorN

    ReBorN Well-Known Member

    Russle crow!!!!! its joe (iloveu) My shipment is now in lousville US AND A!! As soon as i get it i well deff have a session for whoever is down
  19. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Cool. So we have a little something going now. If only the other VF-playin' TZ peeps would listen when I suggested coming here. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif Well, where do you live anyway? Or were you going to bring your PS3 somewhere else for sessions?
  20. ReBorN

    ReBorN Well-Known Member

    I live kinda far. Morningstar from the zaibatsu boards has a decent set up n a ps3. He is always cool about having people over too. I am not speaking for him, but im sure he would be the first to have people over for a session. He is in the bayshore area.

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