Long Island, NY - July 1st 2007: Day Of Prophecy

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Cla, Jun 12, 2007.

  1. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    <a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=castle+golf+Centereach,+NY&layer=&ie=UTF8&z=13&ll=40.867964,-73.084145&spn=0.101125,0.159645&om=1&iwloc=A" target="_blank">Castle Golf
    1878 Middle Country Rd
    Centereach, NY 11720</a>
    (631) 471-1267

    Train Info: Take the LIRR to Ronkonkoma Station. Directions from Ronkonkoma Station to Castle Golf.

    July 1st @ 1pm. Casuals will be running till close. (could be as early 10pm or as late as after midnight depending on level of activity)

    Fee: $10 venue + $5 for each tourney you enter. Sorry, but you must pay the venue even if you want to play casuals only.

    Bringing TVs and systems cuts off $5 from your tourney fees. Sorry, but no matter how many TVs and systems you bring, you will still have to pay the $10 venue. Basically, bringing equipment gets you 1 free tourney per item you bring. (of course, it counts only if we actually use your TV/system) Please note that Castle Golf does not have a DR machine, so I am relying on people to bring PS3s.

    Prize split: Depends on how big the pot is for a certain game. If it's big enough for the 70/20/10 split, there ya go. If not, winner takes all.

    <ul>[*]Tourneys & casuals include, but not limited to: (feel free to suggest more)

    Virtua Fighter 5
    Tekken: Dark Resurrection
    Soul Calibur
    Soul Calibur II
    Soul Calibur III
    Dead Or Alive 4
    Tekken 4*
    Street Fighter III: Third Strike
    Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
    Marvel vs Capcom 2
    Capcom vs SNK 2
    Melty Blood: Act Cadenza
    Guilty Gear XX: Accent Core
    Hokuto No Ken (Fist Of The North Star)
    Super Smash Bros Melee
    Street Fighter Alpha 2
    Street Fighter Alpha 3
    Vampire Savior
    Killer Instinct
    Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
    Mortal Kombat: Deception
    Mortal Kombat: Armageddon

    Plus: Dance Dance Revolution Extreme

    *Because they actually have the T4 arcade machine. Might as well run a tourney for nostalgia. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif [/list]

    Pics from previous smaller Castle Golf events:


    This is Castle Golf's first major game event, so let's make it a big one. I've already got a good handful of people coming from NYC and even NJ, so let's keep it rolling with more participants. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    Keep up with all the talk regarding this event:

    VirtuaFighter.com - Long Island VF
    VirtuaFighter.com - <<Team XLP (Xiao Long Pao)>> {NYC VF} thread.
    DDRFreak.com - 7/1/07 - Castle Golf DDR EXTREME NFL & FGs Tournament
    DoACentral.com - Long Island, NY - July 1st 2007: Day Of Prophecy
    DOATEC.com - Long Island, NY - July 1st 2007: Day Of Prophecy
    DustLoop.com - Long Island, NY - July 1st 2007: Day Of Prophecy
    KillerInstinctOnline.net - Long Island, NY: Weekly Tourneys & Sessions
    LI3S.org - Long Island, NY - July 1st 2007: Day Of Prophecy
    MeltyBread.com - Long Island, NY - July 1st 2007: Day Of Prophecy
    MySpace.com - Long Island Fighting Game Tournament!!!
    Shadowhaxor.net - Long Island, NY: Weekly Tourneys & Sessions
    Shoryuken.com - Long Island, NY - July 1st 2007: Day Of Prophecy
    SmashBoards.com - Long Island, NY - July 1st 2007: Day Of Prophecy
    SoulCalibur.com - Long Island, NY 07/01/07: Day Of Prophecy
    TekkenZaibatsu - Long Island, NY - July 1st 2007: Day Of Prophecy
    TheSRM.net - Long Island, NY - July 1st 2007: Day Of Prophecy
    UltimateMK.com - Long Island, NY - July 1st 2007: Day Of Prophecy
  2. DarkGift

    DarkGift Well-Known Member

    What's the usual turnout for VF in past events?
  3. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    Can you guess the final turnout for these competitions using the information you have from your previous tournaments? I'm interested in Marvel vs Capcom2, VF5, Accent Core and 3rd strike
  4. DarkGift

    DarkGift Well-Known Member

    I'm looking forward to going to going to this for vf5 if the turnout is good. Sucks for me if Denkai will go though, I was aiming for 1st:p
  5. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Haven't gotten too many of the VF players to show up on the same day before. One day I'll get 4 or 5 players, and then another day I'll get 4 or 5 different players. This is the first time I'm trying a massive planned organized gathering to get everyone on the same day.

    The only game in that list that may lack participation is MvC2. But on this day, I should be able to get a good enough turn out for MvC2. By the way, we will be playing the arcade version.

    Capcom Vs SNK 2, Killer Instinct, and Tekken 4 will also be played on arcade machines.
  6. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Oy, Castle Golf has a Dance Dance Revolution Extreme machine, so I will run a tourney in that too.
  7. DarkGift

    DarkGift Well-Known Member

    Is there a prize for DDR as well?
  8. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Of course. The pricing and prize for DDR is the same as everything else.
  9. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    At what time will each tournament take place?
  10. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Whenever people wanna start them. It's up to the players whether they wanna start now or wait a little longer to see if more people sign-up for a certain game. It's your money, so let me know when you all feel the current pot is enough to start a tourney.
  11. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Long Island, NY - July 1st 2007: Day Of Prophe

    I'm not planning to attend - so don't change anything for me - however, you're basically asking people to show-up, bring equipment, pay money, and wait around to see if anything happens. I wouldn't want to make any kind of travel commitment for something so undefined.

    Also, it sounds like you have experience running tourneys so maybe things happen differently for you - but for me - if I'm running something and leave it up to the participating group to decide things (even when to start), the level of overall annoyance and discontent goes way up really fast for everyone involved.

    Good luck, though. I hope it goes well.
  12. DarkGift

    DarkGift Well-Known Member

    Re: Long Island, NY - July 1st 2007: Day Of Prophe

    Yea.. I think you should set the time for atleast like 2 oclock the latest if the whole thing is supposed to start at 1.
  13. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Re: Long Island, NY - July 1st 2007: Day Of Prophe

    Hmm, I guess I thought this was kinda automatically implied, but I'll explain anyway:

    This is how we've done it in all the previous events: As soon as I show up (which should actually be before anyone else gets there), we set up the TVs and consoles and start playing casuals until whenever people wanna start the tourneys. Which is typically an hour or two after the official start time of the event.

    1pm start-time just means the absolute earliest I would start any tourney and is the time I'm telling people to be there. But because I know not everyone will show up around 1, we will wait to 2 or 3 before starting any tourneys.

    You give me the $10 venue when you want to start playing casuals. You don't have to worry about giving me the $5 for a tourney until we actually start that tourney.
  14. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    Re: Long Island, NY - July 1st 2007: Day Of Prophe

    Fair enough I'm really thinking of showing up for this one I'm guessing I be there around 3ish or a little earlier
  15. DarkGift

    DarkGift Well-Known Member

    Re: Long Island, NY - July 1st 2007: Day Of Prophe

    I'm also most likely going, and my brother just said he'll probably come(Oioron)
  16. Jaxel

    Jaxel Well-Known Member

    Re: Long Island, NY - July 1st 2007: Day Of Prophe

    Well there is always my tournament the day before (Saturday) in New Jersey if you guys also want to go to that one... I'll see what I can do about showing up to this one... but we'll have to see how early I manage to wake up.
  17. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Re: Long Island, NY - July 1st 2007: Day Of Prophe

    I can't go because I have things to stay here for on that day. But I hope it goes well. I didn't find too many VF NJers when I lived there. (Columbus)

    Denkai, I'll wait till like 3 - 4 before starting the VF5 tourney then.

    What games do you guys not care to play so I can try to get those tourneys finished between 1 - 3?
  18. DarkGift

    DarkGift Well-Known Member

    Re: Long Island, NY - July 1st 2007: Day Of Prophe

    I just realized that there was a NJ tourney which I wanted to go to more... I was talking with my bro. And I just realized the prize money will be like nothing. You say there are max 11 LI players, possibly 3 NYC players might come, and that's not even something sure.5$ pot for each player. 70$ total. And for my convenience, since I don't wanna do math right now, let's say it goes up to 100$ 70%, 20%, and 10%, that's 70$ 20$ 10$. Besides the prize money, I believe the only real competition will be Denkai and Oioron who are people I play with almost every week...

    NJ it is! Sorry buddy.
  19. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Re: Long Island, NY - July 1st 2007: Day Of Prophe

    I honestly don't think the NJ tourney will have more players. I've advertised this event on over 10 different sites.

    Then there's quality vs quantity. Even if NJ has more, they still don't have Long Island's legendary Joe C. who is amazing at almost all fighting games and has dominated every tourney of mine up here he has entered. As far as VF goes, has a very very brutal Kage.

    I would seriously personally give like $10 out of my own wallet if somebody actually beats him in the tourney.

    Although I wonder. You really wouldn't spend $25 to just come to both?
  20. DarkGift

    DarkGift Well-Known Member

    Re: Long Island, NY - July 1st 2007: Day Of Prophe

    The guy who beat Joe in Evo East is my brother btw LOLOLOL

    if Joe is your best.. then my assumptions were correct

    I'd go to both if some of the other NYC's go. as of now idk if the rest of NYC is willing to go to NJ. aside from venue and tourney fees. transportation must also be taken into account. but hey, 2 days of VF is better than 1

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