Less political spin and bias than usual (maybe)

Discussion in 'General' started by Plague, Aug 24, 2004.

  1. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Here's a link to spinsanity.

    I've read a few of the articles. It's interesting to me so far.
  2. IamthePope

    IamthePope Well-Known Member

    I wish people would quit talking about this stupid swift boat stuff. we all know John Kerry served honorably in the Vietnam War. This is the conservative equivilent of Micheal Moore's conspiracy theory rantings that come out of his mouth so often. This stuff has little or no basis in fact and purely unfounded conjecture on the part of people who are predisposed to dislike John Kerry. John Kerry and George Bush have served the country honorably in public office and should be given the benefit of the doubt when charges are brought against them. the burden should be on the accuser to proove the guilt of the defendent.

    looks like people like to hate people they already don't like. If you think Farenheit 9/11 had an audience look at this-


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