Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by kamen, May 26, 2003.

  1. kamen

    kamen Well-Known Member

    A KITATOUHOKU cup is the convention of 3on3 of the district of the north in Japan. It was made newly.
    The main participation members require an AKITA star, GAITSU (KAKUTOUSHINSEIKI 2, best 8), TETSU (OTENAMIHAIKEN 2, The 2nd place) ero, BAGON, KAGEMARU, etc.
    It is the area where the player of the movie which comes out to an AOMORI area thread exists. If it says simply, it can be said that it is the Tohoku district version of a bay area cup. For the moment, there is only a movie of 1 game. The convention was held on May 17.

    Game center ARASHI vs SARUDERA
  2. kamen

    kamen Well-Known Member

    Six files were added.

    Ero(JA) VS game center ARASHI (GO).
    AGO (JE) VS game center ARASHI (GO).
    TETSU (AO) VS game center ARASHI (GO).
    KAGEMARU (WO) VS game center ARASHI (GO).
    Van G (LI) VS game center ARASHI (GO).
    SARUDERA (JA) VS game center ARASHI (GO)
  3. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Kakoii..... /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif arigato gozaimasu!

    arashi's goh is a beauty to watch since there aren't that many goh players around.

    ima, boku wa toooootemo geeeenki de su /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  4. Ragnafrak

    Ragnafrak Well-Known Member

    seems like they messed up the link to the 2nd new media clip, both 1st and 2nd links go to the 1st new video posted, the other 4 work fine tho ;]
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    What's the trick to downloading these? Save As, Streambox, and Get Right all failed with me. Viewing the html source doesn't reveal anything useful either.
  6. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

  7. Ragnafrak

    Ragnafrak Well-Known Member

    yeah.. i did them that way, indexed, and renamed to the name on the little media download page

    gfr1_bestbout, noji1, etc
  8. kamen

    kamen Well-Known Member

  9. kamen

    kamen Well-Known Member

    A movie has the two same contents. As for one, a spectator's voice is contained. Enter and there is no another.

    The video of a convention was also released for 1000 yen last time. Inclusion time is 130 minutes.
  10. flood

    flood Active Member

    Man i wanna see arashi play...

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