Katagiri and Haneda on VF5FS, VF6, and Pro Players

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jun 28, 2012.

By akai on Jun 28, 2012 at 12:40 PM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    [​IMG] A long interview (written by Hameko, photographs by Ohsu Akira) was posted at 4 Gamer Website (Japanese) that highlights Dead or Alive (Page 1), the collaboration between Tecmo Koei and Sega (Page 2), and Virtua Fighter (Page 3).

    Members of the Virtua Fighter AM2 arcade team - Daichi Katagiri and Takeyuki Haneda (aka Shinjuku Jacky) - represented the Sega portion of the interview. While a complete translation will likely take a while (any volunteers?), interesting portions from the interview--which includes VF5FS sales, the 30 second room match wait, the future outlook of Virtua Fighter, and professional players are posted in the second post of this news topic!

    Update: Full Translation by Reno of Page 2 and Page 3


Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jun 28, 2012.

    1. akai
      Quick and Rough Summary (Page 3 of the article/interview)
      - VF5FS for console was well received in Japan and they were surprised at the number of sales for both the game and the item packs.

      - While exact overseas sale numbers are not known (the article was written before Sega's tweet of 300K), Katagiri had heard good news about it.

      - The interviewers asked about the 30s room wait, and Katagiri described it as the "frame-gate." Basically the 30 seconds was to help mediate and stabilize the connection between the two players fighting a match. In addition, people joining the lobby at other times may possibly cause lag to the match being played. The VF team first priority is to try to make the per-frame basis of VF offense and defense as intact as possible for online gaming. In order to do this with the room match mode, the 30 seconds (and according to Frank - it was originally longer, tipped by Zero-chan) was necessary for how their online code worked.

      - Related to Virtua Fighter 6, at this point in time they cannot talk about it. However, they have thought about it since the end of production of Virtua Fighter 5. If they are to make a 6th iteration of the game, they want to make the game worthy of having a new number. For Virtua Fighter 6, various conditions need to be met first and Katagiri mention at the end "to have hope."

      - Interviewer asked questions related to Professional Players (mostly the outside of Japan version). The Sega representatives mentioned Sega's Star Players system; however, Haneda would like to take the Star Player system "up another step."

      - Interviewer asked about the arcade and home audience to both the DOA representatives and VF representatives. Katagiri stated that the production of Virtua Fighter was always targeted to the arcade first. When they make a console port of the game, it is to convince players to go play in the arcade. The VF series and the arcade experience are "inseparable."

      Note: These are rough translations. There also may be lots of other interesting material from the 3 pages. If anyone want to volunteer and give a proper translation, many people would be grateful [​IMG]
    2. Reno
      I'll see about translating it sometime on Friday or Saturday.
    3. Tricky
      I would be grateful for a full translation. Please.
    4. DS91
      You guys are legends.

      Glad to hear someone have a crack at justifying the 30 sec room wait. It sounds like a noble explanation!
    5. Dennis0201
      There is an additional 5 secs to wait before the match, and it should be the real time they need to stabilize the connection between the two players, isn't it?
    6. Mister
      Thanks Akai and Reno for your great work. Can't sait to see the complete interview.
    7. sibarraz
      I don't mind the 30 seconds at all, considering that you can change your character or custome while the timer runs, plus if this makes the netcode better, is justified

      In other games you still had to wait for that time everytime that you select a character
    8. Ry4n4t0r
      Are these guys saying they'll be making a Virtua Fighter vs. Dead or Alive collaboration?
    9. Nippon1v1
      Technically that's what DOA 5 is right now in a way.
    10. Alstein
      I don't know if it really makes the netcode better. Maybe in multi-person rooms it would, but it didn't in a 1v1 room match.

      I really wish you could invite /have private player room matches.
    11. Myke
      I disagree. I think the netcode has greatly improved even for 1v1.
    12. GodEater
      so ... would there be a difference in quality of connection between the same two people playing in a player match versus a room match?
    13. Myke
      Good question. But I was referring to the netcode in general, in case that wasn't clear.
    14. LostCloud
      Thanks for the summary, akai! Can't wait to read the whole translation, so thanks in advance, Reno!

      That's very interesting regarding the 30sec wait, I never would've thought that it had anything to do with stabilizing the connection; Cool to know. So glad to hear something about VF6 as well. Hopefully the sales numbers for FS will encourage Sega to give them what they need to make VF6 a reality and to make it the true step forward for the VF series that they want it to be.
    15. Aion
      When they make a console port of the game, it is to convince players to go play in the arcade. The VF series and the arcade experience are "inseparable."

      Yes, but like...you didn't really give us an arcade version Sega =[
    16. nou
      Better translation would be, fuck everything that isn't Japan.
    17. GodEater
      you were clear, I was just expressing my all encompassing thought.
      This is very cool guys, thanks for the translations. Looking forward to the full article translation.

      I'm very pleased with VF5FS netcode overall. I would say it's arguably BETTER than SCV's.

      However, I DO WISH there were options to make the online experience even MORE enjoyable

      - by being allowed to disable mics in lobby rooms, or in general (mics can add to latency)

      - by being able to remove players from lobby with poor connection

      These are kind of standard options, that I was surprised to see didn't make it in this game. [​IMG]

      But beggars can't be choosers, so I'm ultimately happy with my online experience.

      THANKS SEGA!!!

      *oh and please patch in an option to select specific BMG with each stage. for example: give shun's stage vf3 music, and give pai's stage vf4 music. ^__^
    19. Reno

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